ARDMORE CLIFFS: Irish culture and history stand on a precipice.
Sovereignty, a ‘backward looking idea’ or the only solution to treason ?
After the inspiration of Stephen Sutton’s, ‘The Majesty of Clare’ yesterday, I decided to load up the camper van and hit the road to take in some of the history and culture that is embedded in this great land.
As things happen, the hamster in my brain couldn’t take the day off and thoughts etc got ruminated and juggled around before I decided to share them with you.
Some more serious than others.
It’s pitch dark in Ardmore in the back of a cold camper van as I try to finalise this.
Excuse any typos, hunger and cold necessitate speed.
I drove from Thomastown through Carrick on Suir, skirting the autumnal coloured slopes of the Comeragh Mountains and on to Ardmore in west Co. Waterford near the Cork border.
On the way, I could have taken a 10 minute detour to visit the magnificent Mahon Falls in the Comeraghs pictured above, but having done so recently, I motored on.
Yes, you can walk to the very spot that picture is taken from.
Don’t settle for tourism by drone, experience it yourself and ‘don’t let other people get your kicks for you’.
I parked at the beach in Ardmore and set off on the hour long walk that starts in the town and returns to the same spot via a magnificent cliff route.
On turning left uphill in the village, this awe inspiring sight knocked me for six.
Just one of thousands of monuments to Irish history that dot our rural landscape.
St. Declan’s Monastery dates from the 5th Century and is the first Christian monastic site in Ireland.
Two more pictures from the same site.
A mile up the road the walk turns on to the cliffs and while I was here, some thoughts on a Lidl advertising picture that is in their current magazine start ‘fire cracking’ in my brain.
No, I can’t explain what set if off.
A quiet cliff walk spoiled by the ‘hamster in my brain’.
So between inspiring pictures from the cliffs, I am going to share these thoughts with you.
Most of you subscribing here do so because like me you know that Irish excess deaths have exploded since January 2021 and believe that the Covid 19 vaccine is for the most part responsible.
While this is true, this is just one of the battlegrounds for our futures that is being played out around us at the moment.
Others are the plantation of our country with ‘fakeugees’, the withdrawal of cash from daily life to facilitate control, the sexualisation of children through the ‘trans’ and ‘woke’ agenda and also the destruction of the family unit as a strong basis for society.
That list is not exhaustive but the ‘family unit’ is what brings me around to the Lidl ad which is shown below.
On the surface what we have depicted here is a ‘happy family’ in their Lidl pyjamas.
Enough to bring a stye to your eye.
‘Daddy is Mediterranean (I think), ‘Mammy’ is African, the little boy is Asian and the little girl (who is scarcely hiding her disgust at the situation her real parents have landed her in for a few shillings) is white European.
I think we can all accept that this isn’t about diversity or inclusion, because under no circumstances would anyone believe that this couple are the natural parents of these children.
This is not about race, it’s about ‘the family’ unit.
This is about making a subliminal statement that ‘children belong to the state’ and that the ‘ideal’ situation where children are brought up by their biological parents, that would be a man and a woman for any ‘wokies’ getting confused, is dismissed.
Dismissed as a ‘backward looking idea’, to misquote one of the great Irish traitors, but more of him below.
‘Everyone’ is ‘entitled’ to have children to raise now, just put your hand up and the State will meet your needs.
Adoption used to be a last resort in the time when the biological family unit was the foundation of society.
Now adoption is a ‘right’.
‘Won’t somebody please think of the children ?’
For once that comic phrase from ‘The Simpsons’ voices a serious concern.
The hour long cliff walk brought me back around to the village where ‘The Cliff House Hotel’ is built into the side of the cliff (the clue is in the name), looking out over Ardmore Bay.
Around 8 years ago we ate a family lunch here that nearly necessitated remortgaging the house to pay the bill.
No, I can’t afford to stay in this beautiful hotel but I can let you check out the view from it below.
Tomorrow the 16th of November, Eurostat will release excess mortality data for September 2023 for EU countries.
I don’t need to be a fortune teller to know that there won’t be much improvement, if any, on the August figure of 21.1%, where Ireland was top of the heap. gives us a sneak preview through
The Irish figures will not be released by the Central Statistics Office (CSO) of Ireland.
No, they will be quietly released by a European body that has been supplied with the figures by the General Register Office of Ireland.
That’s where we are now, Irish people are dying excessively in their thousands and not a peep from ‘Official Ireland’.
This is the payoff to the treacherous comment by Tanaiste Martin in the Dail on 11/5/2017, when he said ‘we want nothing to do with a backward looking idea of sovereignty’.
A sovereign country would question the death of its citizens and be accountable to its people instead of an unelected European elite dictating policy to a quisling government for enforcing.
A sovereign country would return the biological family unit to the centre of society.
A sovereign country is what Irish dreams were made of for centuries.
Back to Ardmore…..
Megalithic is my go to site no matter where I travel in Ireland now and that is why I ended up in Ardmore today but it could have been anywhere in the historical treasure chest that is Ireland.
It details by county and town the thousands of Christian and pre Christian sites scattered like fairy dust all over this great land.
Stone circles, castles, dolmens, abbeys, holy wells…..listen just go to the site, click on wherever you wish, get your arse in gear and move.
Stand in a stone circle in the Wicklow hills or a dolmen in Carlow and try to tell me as an Irish person you don’t feel a connection to the land around you.
You will feel part of something that is thousands of years old and you won’t have a choice in that feeling.
A feeling, that no ‘letter of citizenship’ can confer despite a decision by any Johnny come lately to drop anchor here for economic reasons.
Your ancestors, whether their beliefs were Pagan or Christian, cultivated this land with blood, culture and love and while it’s ours to enjoy and soak up, it’s not ours to parcel up for sale to the highest bidder.
Ireland is not a rock in the Atlantic available for anyone in the world to stake a claim to.
It belongs to the Irish people of this and previous generations and if anyone tries to tell you any different, don’t be shy about telling them so, in whatever language they understand best.
No that is not racist, it’s a Cead Mile Failte with reservations because of late ‘Official Ireland’ has mistaken our kindness for weakness.
That day is over.
It’s 6 o clock in Ardmore and the church bells are ringing ……
That last one is just to prove I was there !
We are a wonderful people, unfortunately the young have lost their minds and have no pride of the sacrifics and depfartations their grans and grandads went through. We are called all kinds of names <I have been the recipent>.Where did we get this small but magnificent island.? At my age I use bad launguage to ans. back. It is amazing to see the faces of useful idiots when an old person tells them where to go and not in polite terms.
Well done Pádraig it's so beautiful this Island I could live nowhere else in the world.