This article/promotional piece, produced in full above, was brought to my attention today.
The Irish Times in service to ‘Official Ireland’, to who they now owe their very existence, endorse without any critical analysis a Big Pharma plan for mass vaccination of the Irish adult population.
One day into Lent and all the swearing that I swore to foreswear for forty days bursts forth and lies in a pile of bile at my feet.
God, why do you keep testing me by provoking my ire with these creeps?
Ronan Glynn, former Deputy Chief Medical Officer of Ireland and member of NPHET (National Public Health Emergency Team) during the ‘pandemic’ has, “like a bad penny turned up again”.
Glynn was a major pusher and persuader for the Covid 19 Vaccine program back in the day, as this headline shows.
One would think that considering the amount of death and illness left in the wake of this policy that Glynn would shut up, but not our Ronan.
He must have a neck on him like A P McCoy’s undercarriage after a hard week of racing at the Cheltenham Festival.
He walked away from the Covid Vaccine promotion role he fronted during the Scamdemic in May 2022 and wait til you see where he has turned up.
Glynn has sauntered from his job as State Deputy CMO straight into a position as ‘health lead’ at EY (Ernst & Young Consultants).
That’s how things roll in ‘Official Ireland’.
You walk with a strut from a taxpayer funded job designed to protect Irish citizens into a role as consultant for the industry that recent history shows they need the most protection from.
From gamekeeper to poacher and vice versa.
No moratorium on moving to a private sector company he would have been in a position of power over and no questions asked by the mainstream media and politicians because they all do the same.
Look at the amount of ‘journalists’ that turn up as government special advisors and then return to MSM when the gig is up.
Now, we know RTE are a bought and paid for government mouthpiece so they were never likely to question this little ‘career change’.
But especially so when Glynn’s wife, ‘journalist’ Carla O’Brien works there in the ‘News’ department since 2005.
I mean, she is a journalist for RTE, but there would be no question of any favouritism shown to a colleague because the ‘truth’ is all that matters.
I am sure all the other ‘journalists’ in RTE nearly fell over themselves chasing the story.
I think it wouldn’t be unreasonable to ask Mr. Glynn and Ms. O’Brien how up to date they and their children are on their Covid 19 Vaccine and boosters ?
The same applies in the case of Miriam O’Callaghan and her Justice Minister brother, Jim.
More from RTE and Miriam later.
In his role on NPHET, Glynn pursued a Covid 19 vaccination policy which was exactly what his future employer would have wanted for their ‘health’ clients.
Vaccines recommended and provided for everyone with the Irish taxpayer picking up the bill and indemnifying Big Pharma against liability.
Would that have had anything to do with EY’s willingness to employ him a year later?
Like, I’m sure he’s a clever boy and all that but the policy he pursued surely can’t have done him any harm in getting a foot in the door.
A meeting of minds, let us say.
I mean it’s not at all possible that he was a Manchurian Candidate as Deputy CMO, so let’s put it down to serendipity and shy looks at each other from under wind swept hair when the Covid vaccine ball was bouncing around the playground.
Anyway, he landed on his feet and in his new role with EY has authored a report recommending that the Irish State, which he used to work for, should set up “a stand alone national adult immunisation strategy”.
What’s that says you ?
Well it’s the vision of Dr. Ronan Glynn and it’s his opinion that it “will save the health service money long term and save lives”.
All good.
Mom and apple pie for the Pharma generation.
Local boy saves Ireland.
“2024-2025: Vision & Strategic Approach to Adult Immunisation in Ireland” according to the Irish Times, recommends “rolling out an adult vaccination programme” while calling “for increased vaccination points nationwide such as in pharmacies, workplaces, hospitals and mobile clinics”.
Glynn also hopes to “ensure communication a bid to combat vaccine hesitancy”.
Good luck with that one Ronan, as 40% of healthcare workers are in fear of the snake oil you are selling.
My quick take is that they propose to jab adults for every possible disease going.
The result being that many will end up immuno compromised, dying younger and in the process saving the State money on old age pensions to pay the public service pensions of ‘Official Ireland’.
Here’s a link to the 45 page report, feel free to knock yourself out if you don’t believe my guess and want to make yourself even angrier.
The report was launched at the ‘Royal College of Physicians of Ireland’ (RCPI) in Dublin on Wednesday night.
Yes, these are the same jokers that awarded Anthony Fauci the ‘Stearne Medal for Outstanding Contribution to Public Health’ less than a year ago.
Just recently, fellow criminal Joe Biden gave Fauci a ‘preemptive pardon’ because of crimes committed during the Scamdemic.
A ‘Get Out of Jail Free Card’ for the real world.
And here’s RTE ‘journalist’ Miriam O’Callaghan, the sister of the Government minister, a prominent Covid 19 vaccine promoter who indulged in further gaslighting of the Irish people by hailing Fauci as a hero in an RTE interview at the time.
Look at his eyes and look at hers.
He knows what’s coming.
Do her face and eyes display a Satanic glee in being in close proximity to one of the major global instigators of the Covid fraud of which she played a major role in Ireland or is that just her ‘selfie face’ ?
As for the sycophants crowding around this pair ….
Evil will never lack company.
Anyway, the choice of the RCPI building for the launch was only a coincidence.
The Irish medical community are not hand in glove with the global pharmaceutical industry that is such a huge contributor to their wealthy livelihoods.
The building was just available on the night and it was a safe and effective place to convene.
The RCPI wouldn’t see GSK and EY short of a room and a boiled kettle.
Big Pharma companies like GSK supplied 39% of Irish exports in 2023 per ‘pharmaphorum’.
‘Official Ireland’ is dependent on Big Pharma trade and jobs.
GSK (Glaxo Smith Kline) the Big Pharma giant, ‘commissioned’ this report from EY.
Glynn works for EY.
Glynn used to work for the State in a health advocacy role for Irish citizens.
The Irish Times promoted this report and are financially supported by the state and Big Pharma advertising.
RTE, the state propaganda machine support mass vaccination, Fauci and the RCPI.
Glynn’s wife is a ‘journalist’ with RTE.
All very cosy and cross dependent if not incestuous.
This report recommends a policy which will transfer Irish taxpayer money to Big Pharma balance sheets and in my opinion impact negatively on the health of Irish adults.
EY and the Irish Times use the word ‘commissioned’ so that you have no doubt that even though GSK asked and paid for the report to be prepared, there is not even the slightest possibility that their bucks influenced or were intended to influence the findings of this report.
Glynn is his own man.
In this case, he who pays the piper most certainly does not call the tune.
Fair play to GSK.
They had no way of knowing when they commissioned the report that Glynn would come down on the side of a major adult vaccination policy for Ireland which might benefit their business interests.
Imagine the embarrassment at the launch on Wednesday night if Glynn in front of EY, GSK and RCPI had issued a one page report which stated :
Recent evidence of illness and excess deaths in Ireland has indicated that vaccines are especially dangerous to the elderly and I recommend scaling back their use.
Many thanks to GSK for commissioning this report’.
Stop laughing.
It just might have happened.
Now where’s that swear jar.
This is the same Ernst & Young that gave a clean bill of health in their annual audit to Anglo Irish Bank back in the day - before its rotting carcase was exposed by real life events 17 years ago. Then, Ernst & Young then morphed in to EY. Funny that.
Funded by the same GSK that used mother and baby homes for 40 years for vaccine trials without the consent of the parent.