Summary, review and links to Prof. Sherif Sultan’s interview with John Campbell.
As I always say, especially in medical matters, do your own research
Prof. Sherif Sultan of ‘Blackrock Health’, a highly qualified and decorated vascular consultant based in Ireland for many years, recently spoke to John Campbell about his concerns regarding Covid 19 vaccination and its effects on his specialty area.
These videos are well worth a listen for his views on the deceit in the vax roll out, practical measures to be aware of if you are Covid 19 vaccinated, his dealings with the Irish Medicines Board (HPRA), vaccine side effects and more.
I have watched these interviews a few times and to be perfectly honest they are difficult to follow due to Prof. Sultan’s accent, phrasing and speed of delivery but don’t let this put you off.
A couple of times the camera shows Campbell with a confused bemused look on his face during the presentation and one must wonder why these clips were included in the published video?
In my view it serves only to undermine Prof. Sultan.
I recommend using the YouTube ‘Transcript’ facility.
I have taken the time to transcribe extensive direct quotes below under different headings to give you a flavour of the presentation and interview but I recommend watching in full as I don’t cover everything and these videos certainly add up to more that their constituent parts.
Links are at the end of the article.
“ Our government have failed us for open disclosure. They have signed a big contract with the multinational so that they cannot sue a single government (??) for the next 75 years. In order to do that, definitely there was something happening that we were not aware of. However, again I was for vaccination up to this moment.”
“…I am for vaccination but the technology (mRNA) that has been for the Covid is a challenging one..”
“Growing body of evidence indicating serious risk associated with these vaccines, urging caution in their recommendation and administration…we are talking about the mRNA vaccination to be very clear”
“Reluctance to recommend Covid 19 vaccination including boosters to anyone due to perceived uncertainty and potential dangers associated with their use…it’s published everywhere but nobody’s talking about it. Why? Because we don’t have the marketing machine”.
“Cleveland Clinic reported an unexpected trend (re Pfizer) where risk of Covid 19 infection increases with the number of vaccine doses received.”
“Concerns about excess mortality worldwide prompt call for urgent investigation into underlying causes in the context of widespread vaccination.”
“Even when facing the trust paradox, where disclosing negative vaccine information may initially reduce vaccination uptake, just say the truth.”
“Failure of Covid 19 management has led to resignation of numerous chief medical officers, at least in Ireland”
“Authorities in Australia have acknowledged (post vaccine myocarditis from AZ vax) and have taken steps to inform healthcare providers and the public about the potential risk associated with AstraZeneca. Do you think this has happened in the UK or Ireland? No, they said it never happened or it happened 1 in 10 million. It’s just crazy…”
“Auto antibody production, concomitant viral infections and excessive antibody response to anti SARS Covid mRNA vaccine is the cause of post vaccine myocarditis cases…if a government going to go out and say that the booster vaccination doesn’t do that, they are lying.”
“We find that these patients who had more than three boosters having higher instances of shingles and currently there’s a query about the measles outbreak because of the cross link between it and the spike protein.”
There are “studies and data suggesting adverse events associated with mRNA vaccine including sudden cardiac death and pulmonary embolism. I have a lot of patients and I reported that to the Irish Medicine Board” and they said “it is within the acceptable number and we left it at that”.
“Moreover, post vaccination complications including vaccine induced immuno thrombotic tromocytopenia which happened to a lot of my patients…you give the vaccine to the patient, they develop acute thrombosis immediately or they get stroke ….I reported that to the Irish Medical Board also.”
“Discovery of rare but serious side effects like acute disseminated encephalomyelitis and transverse myelitis which was major problem over the last 18 months.”
“..people coming in with something like Guillain Barre Syndrome. They can’t move their hands. They can’t move their legs. They’re just wobbling all over the place…stuff that we never seen before in huge numbers.”
“In Japan, they looked at all the post operative complications. They found the people who had the vaccination and one booster vaccination have six fold increase of complication.”
“Cases of cerebral venous sinus thrombosis (CVST)..have been identified in individuals who received AstraZeneca, particularly among younger age groups, mostly female”.
“..Covid vaccination is a major factor for infection in critically ill patients and he (author of Lancet article) demanded the suspension of any booster vaccination in the whole world.”
“Covid 19 booster vaccination has resulted in adverse effects for some individuals who previously had the original two doses and suffer Covid infection. Leading to complications like stroke, heart attack, limb loss …”
“When somebody has cardiac amyloidosis, it’s untreatable. Life span is about 18 to 24 months and there’s no treatment for it. The problem of chronic amyloidosis in the heart or the arteries is just extensive amount of inflammation which comes in from the Covid or the Covid vaccination or from the booster vaccination…I cannot tell you which one of them but it causes this state of continuous inflammation that’s unstoppable…”
“So if somebody got the two original Covid vaccinations and then develop Covid…you cannot tell him he has to go take a booster vaccination. You need to measure the antibodies and see the spike protein in his blood because if you give him the booster vaccination and he is just post Covid, he will get a cytokine storm* and he will end in a bad place.”
*A cytokine storm is a potentially fatal immune reaction in which the innate immune system causes an uncontrolled and excessive release of pro inflammatory signalling molecules called cytokines.
“We have witnessed that so often in our patients that we know the minute the patient comes in post booster vaccination with a problem we know do not operate because if we operate they never do well…now we call it vax vit, vaccine induced thrombocytopenia and this becomes so often in these patients.”
“Before you take any booster, check your antibodies. If your antibodies are very high, please avoid taking any booster because you will do so badly if you are hypertensive, if you are taking any medication for diabetes, if you are taking any medication for hypertension..”
“ me a published paper telling that the above 80 will benefit. That they will not get Bell’s Palsy, that they will not get Guillain Barre, that they will not get a stroke. There’s nothing. So I’m not saying don’t take it but we must have scientific evidence to tell us that it’s good to be given and there will be no harm to the patient. And don’t tell me it’s 1 in 10,000 because we have seen the complications…we need to give them informed consent”.
“Since the huge push for booster vaccination and whenever this huge push happened in 2021, 2022 we had a major surge of acute thrombotic events because of this. Currently this is gone silent because nobody is interested going for Covid (vaccination) because he heard somebody got a Covid booster and had a problem with it. So we haven’t seen it in the past 6 months…things could deteriorate as time goes by because they are starting again another booster vaccination…we’ll have another surge of vasculitis.”
“If I have a guy who has previous stents in the heart, has a previous bypass, diabetic and hypertensive, you have to be extremely careful of taking a booster.”
“If you are a young guy, healthy, no problems, don’t take anything at all because it harm you more than benefit you.”
I have spent hours listening to and transcribing these interviews and I still can’t get my head fully around them.
The Irish angle, in the eye of the vax damage storm, offered by Prof. Sultan is what originally attracted and intrigues me about these videos.
HPRA (Irish Medicines Board), it seems, has dismissed and ignored the warnings of an eminent vascular consultant and as far as I know we are only finding out about this now.
He says “we left it at that” after informing them of his opinions.
I would be interested to know when this rebuff happened and did he go public and start a discussion at the time?
If Prof Sultan’s views had ‘leaked’ to the public, HPRA being forced to deny their importance would have given a lot of food for thought to the Covid 19 vaccine debate in Ireland.
Maybe that’s what he’s doing now but is it not a bit late considering that vaccine take up has fallen off a cliff?
I can’t offer any opinion on medical matters discussed but I find Prof. Sultan honest, believable and genuine in his delivery and yet …..
While all the boxes are ticked about linking adverse effects to vaccination, there is only a fleeting reference to worldwide excess mortality which I find quite bizarre considering they are the ultimate adverse effect.
I accept that linking excess mortality to Covid vaccination causes problems with censorship etc on YouTube.
Six times, John Campbell raised the question of the white ‘embalmer clots’ that are turning up in post-mortems since 2021 and as far as I can hear, Prof. Sultan didn’t address the existence of these clots.
I don’t know if they were at cross purposes, if he was deliberately avoiding the question (I don’t think so) or Prof. Sultan is unaware of public videos of these clots, which would be incredible considering he’s seeing so many clots in live patients.
The last time he was asked, I thought he was going there but I don’t think he did and if he did, he didn’t articulate an obvious opinion clearly enough for me.
Prof. Sultan states that “failure of Covid 19 management has led to resignation of numerous chief medical officers, at least in Ireland”.
Does he know something that we don’t know about the resignations of Holohan and Smyth?
That’s a strange kite to leave floating in the air tempting a bolt of slander litigation lightening.
I am at a loss to make sense of the numerous mentions of AI (Artificial Intelligence).
Was it just poor communication about data analysis or was he hinting his support for some of Musk’s more harebrained and sinister plans?
He suggests that some of the adverse effects are caused by poor vaccination technique which surely is irrelevant if as he says the mRNA vaccines have “potential dangers associated with their use…it’s published everywhere but nobody’s talking about it.”
Followed to its logical conclusion, it would mean that mRNA delivered vaccines are safe and that it’s the human component that’s causing the problem and does that bring us full circle to sorting out ‘the human problem’ with AI ?
Again, this is not explicitly said.
It’s my conspiratorial mindset, but who could blame me at this stage of an extended dystopian Dr. Who episode since March 2020?
A medical professional I spoke to wondered was the reference to vaccinators ‘a premise for blame.’
She wondered was this an attempt ‘to mitigate damage control to the whole industry involved ie save the ass of doctors, nurses, healthcare providers and big pharma’.
The overall timing, tone and content struck her as ‘damage limitation, a controlled narrative release of some truths, not full disclosure.’
She saw it as an attempt to make it easier for those who took the vaccine ‘to follow and find it easier to digest, thus trying to rebuild trust between them and the medical industry’.
She posits the opinion that hearing the Professor’s views on the WHO and the pandemic treaty would make his position clearer on these matters.
I think a lot of reading between the lines might be necessary in listening to Prof. Sultan’s words but for us Irish, I welcome hearing them.
He seems to like the sound of his own voice so I’m sure we haven’t heard or seen the last of him.
That’s a good thing.
The more people inside the ‘Irish Medical Complex’ speaking out, the better.
These are just my opinions, please watch the videos and form your own.
I link the interviews here.
In the first clip (25 mins) Prof. Sultan gives a presentation and in the second (16 mins) John Campbell questions him on various matters.
He's seems to be leveraging Mrna vaccine heart side effects to promote AI nanobot tech. Another massive tech experiment on the human body. An area he has a massive vested interest in promoting. Be interesting to find out the time differential between his findings and his public utterances.
Good stuff patrick I watch john campbell a lot he has habit of making funny faces I think it's his disgust of the truth of the coverup of vaccine deaths and injury he recently done video of an english politician Neil hanvey talking about this subject and he was making same faces in disgust of cover-up of vaccine deaths