Central Statistic Office mortality figures analysed 2017 to 2022
The Central Statistics Office (CSO) mortality figures reflect deaths REGISTERED in Ireland during a year and are issued quarterly 5 months in arrears.
As such they do not reflect actual mortality occurring in our communities on a daily basis and are useless and out of date for effecting timely action on excess deaths.
However, the CSO figures do provide analysis by age and that is what I want to examine today.
Oh, and for those with a short memory like Taoiseach Varadkar, the excess deaths figure for 2022 per CSO statistics compared to the three pre Covid years is 15%.
That equates to over 4600 EXTRA dead Irish people in 2022 than would have been expected under normal circumstances.
I have heard it suggested, that most excess deaths occurring at the moment are due to our aging population and that while sad, it has to be expected.
Let’s see if this theory is backed up by analysis of CSO figures.
Please keep in mind that life expectancy in Ireland as of 2020 per Eurostat was 84 for women and 81 for men (note only 2 genders !)
This is a summary of death figures per CSO Annual Reports.
YEAR 1: 2020
The ‘Great Pandemic’ year of 2020 shown above had an overall excess death rate of 3%.
Deaths in the 15 - 64 age group fell 4% which is not unexpected considering lockdown nonsense put a stop to normal life.
A 4% increase in both groups > 65 doesn’t look out of synch considering Covid 19 was a greater threat to the aged.
Also you cannot forget what can be termed the ‘organised cull’ of the aged in Irish nursing homes in April and May 2020.
There were very few autopsies as Covid was deemed the cause and the timing means the vast majority of these deaths will be registered in the CSO figures.
This massive death toll was real and the only thing left to do is assign guilt by neglect or design to those responsible.
Even with these extenuating circumstances there was only 4% excess deaths for people aged 65+ with an overall excess rate of 3%.
YEAR 2: 2021
2021 saw the roll out of the Covid mRNA vaccines, initially for over 65’s in January with well over 95% of the 18+ population ‘fully vaxxed’ by August.
mRNA booster number 1 was introduced in September/October of this year.
Overall excess deaths jumped by 2144 (7%) but only 790 of these were in 85+ group which was an increase of 7%.
There was another spike in nursing home deaths in January 2021 coincidental with the mRNA vaccine campaign commencing.
Why would the 65-84 age group show an 8% increase (1167) when age expectancy is 82 on average ?
The 15-64 age group wasn’t immune from whatever was happening, showing a 4% (218) increase.
People in this age group (at least 18 years below life expectancy) do die but why would the rate of death be increasing ?
YEAR 3: 2022
We get to 2022 and the overall excess figure of 15% reflects the carnage of the year but again the excess deaths are spread over all age groups 18+, making a nonsense of any claim that the problem is due to our aging population.
Covid 19 infection was forgotten and presumably not dangerous anymore because the government decided to allow tens of thousands of ‘Ukrainians’ into the country without checking their vaccination status.
This was a kick in the teeth for those of us who stood up to the vilification by Tubridy, Byrne, Duffy, Kenny et al because not long before we had to stand in the rain to eat a burger as we were not ‘protected’ by the Covid vaccine.
Of the 4566 extra deaths only 1786 occurred in the 85+ age group.
This is the age group greater than the average life expectancy (82) but it isn’t carrying the bulk of the deaths although a 16% increase in the excess rate is still shocking.
There were 2288 extra deaths in the 65-84 group, a 16% excess death rate in an age group commencing before what is now our retirement age.
Is 66 the new life expectancy ?
If that wasn’t bad enough, in the 15-64 age group there was a 9% excess death rate.
That is 500 EXTRA people dying in an age group that covers the prime and healthiest years of life.
These figures are shocking in their totality but even more so in their breakdown.
There is an old joke among the elderly about death along the lines of ‘they are fishing in our pool now’.
Well, according to the above they are ‘fishing in EVERY pool now’ at excessive rates.
Okay, not every group.
Under 14’s have actually seen a decrease on the 3 year average but I’m sure the fact that they are the least vaxxed group of all as per details below is only a ‘coincidence’.
Mr. Varadkar says there are no excess deaths, the CSO beg to differ.
Please feel free to share this article with public representatives and anyone you wish especially someone you consider just might be ready to ‘wake up’.
It’s fine to share this info among ‘ourselves’ but my aim is to alert more people to what is going on.
Send it to one person you know went along with the Scamdemic but just might be copping on and risk ‘the ridicule’ of their reaction.
This can be your contribution to the cause.
You might be surprised as a lot of people who fell for it just want someone to ask them about it so they can offload.
Go for it.
Thanks Paddy. The work of itself achieves nothing. It needs to find the right ears and eyes to effect action. I am only of use for the first part….
Just sent it to my TD’s in Waterford who all went along with the genocide👊
Well done on your excellent work🙏