Great work as usual Patrick. I loved the speeches. You're doing great for someone who's not used to speaking out. It lifts my spirits to have someone like you on our side

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Thank you Fionnuala

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Patrick E Walsh

The watchman lay there sleeping

At forty five degrees

He dreamt the Titanic was sinking

Dropping to her knees

Will the patriots be able to save the Titanic?

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David, maybe the Titanic needs sinking before we can raise it up. Like all great Dylan lyrics, we can find what we want in them...

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Hmmm - I'd just let it go. Let's go to Desolation Row. Bob again (my all-time favourite songwriter)

Praise be to Nero's Neptune

The Titanic sails at dawn

And everybody's shouting

"Which Side Are You On?"

And Ezra Pound and T. S. Eliot

Fighting in the captain's tower

While calypso singers laugh at them

And fishermen hold flowers

Between the windows of the sea

Where lovely mermaids flow

And nobody has to think too much

About Desolation Row

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Dec 6, 2023Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Thanks for this Patrick, and all the work you do.

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Good man patrick your doing great work getting the truth out I think they are running scared as more people are waking up finally

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Thanks Tommy, I think you are right. The cockroaches are starting to scuttle now that a few stones have been lifted.

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