Ireland’s unelected ‘experts’ sure do get around.
Democracy don't rule the world
You'd better get that in your head
This world is ruled by violence
But I guess that's better left unsaid
(Bob Dylan: Union Sundown 1983).
*** This article is a follow on from my previous Substack ‘A Tale of Two Coroners’ and draws on extensive work by Louise Roseingrave on the Bridget Kerr inquest and the obvious contradictions in Aisling Gannon’s Covid 19 related inquest verdicts. Both are referenced in the Substack link here ***
Ireland is not run by our elected representatives on behalf of the Irish people.
Harris, McEntee etc are ‘front of house staff’ who are compromised or beholden to a global elite.
That explains why decisions on immigration, neutrality, hate speech, censorship etc, which are against the wishes and needs of the Irish nation, are being implemented.
McEntee will reappear in our narrative, later on.
While many of these decisions are made by said politicians, these objectives are also achieved indirectly through the decisions and influence of unelected ‘experts’ who are appointed to public roles.
This is insidious, anti republican and anti democratic but probably not unconstitutional.
In modern Ireland, such experts will invariably have displayed their Cultural Marxist plumage to ‘Official Ireland’, advertising their availability to serve.
These appointments are not corruption, because in the normal sense something good or pure must be present for corruption to take place.
‘Official Ireland’ is rotten to the core.
‘Official Ireland’ only appoint and trust people that display the correct woke credentials.
Nothing needs to be said.
Aoife McLysaght is the government’s new ‘science advisor’.
In the time of Covid, Aoife was a prominent member of the ‘Independent Scientific Advisory Group’ (ISAG), a sanctimonious self appointed group of ‘experts’ who demanded a ‘zero Covid’ policy and aggressively pushed vaccination.
Along with this display of compliance with the global Covid narrative, Aoife a geneticist, has an interesting take on biology for a scientist.
“Science doesn’t tell us right and wrong, we have to figure that out ourselves. My rule: above all, be kind. Trans women are women.”
The government’s science advisor believes a man can become a woman.
A1 Cultural Marxist pedigree, I think you would agree.
What could possibly go wrong, I ask you ?
Multiply this by thousands to understand how ‘Official Ireland’ operates on a daily basis.
As an aside, maybe someone should do a doctorate thesis on why so many Covid enforcers and woke ambassadors have emerged from Trinity College Dublin over the last 20 years.
Aisling Gannon is one of those unelected ‘Zelig’s’ of Irish life who have no public mandate but have extraordinary influence and input courtesy of being appointed to State controlled positions.
Let’s take a chronological look at a few significant events Ms Gannon has been involved with in recent years.
Aisling was a high flying lawyer on a global level, having spent “25 years as a medico-legal litigation solicitor and advisor, previously being Partner and Head of Healthcare with a GLOBAL law firm (Eversheds Sutherland)”.
Note the word, ‘global’.
In October 2019 , her ‘championing diversity and inclusion’ credentials bring her onto the radar of the woke ridden Irish government, through her work on ‘the firm’s diversity and inclusion initiatives’.
This immediately and naturally leads to a prime time radio interview with Ray Darcy on RTE in November 2019.
RTE, the bought and paid for government mouthpiece welcomes this ally in promoting dangerous woke nonsense, that puts vulnerable and impressionable children at risk.
RTE exploits this opportunity with scarcely disguised glee.
Look at the head on D’arcy below.
Aisling Gannon proves her worth when she tells Ray Darcy, that her daughter of 11, Steve, is trans and that at two and half years of age she had asked her mother when she “would get the right privates”.
Yes, Aisling actually said that.
It not only happened but happened at age “two and a half”.
I swear I am not making this up.
EARLY 2020:
After this woke coronation in late 2019 by RTE and ‘Eversheds Sutherland’, Aisling is appointed Deputy Dublin Coroner in early 2020 with the onset of the ‘Pandemic’ and government expectation of a massive amount of deaths.
In November 2021, her woke stripes duly earned, Aisling is appointed to the board of ‘Belong To’, nominated by who, I don’t know.
Regardless, she’s there.
As we can see above she has been publicly active in the whole LGBTQ+ area since at least 2019. As to whether she engaged with ‘Belong To’ previous to joining the board, I cannot establish.
‘Belong To’ is one of the myriad of LGBTQ+ government funded NGO’s in Ireland, of which this subsection of the community seems to be totally dependent on, to have a life.
No, it’s nothing like a cult.
This is from their very colourful website, showing their ‘mission’ and ‘vision’.
Take a look.
You might as well, since you are paying for it.
JUNE 2022:
Aisling Gannon is appointed by the Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee to the post of full time coroner.
One of only 4 in the Dublin District.
As you already know, Aisling Gannon has a ‘trans young person’ in her family.
What are the odds ?
Aisling Gannon delivers an ‘open verdict’ - cause of death unknown - in the inquest of Bridget Kerr whose family saw her health deteriorate quickly after receiving the Pfizer Covid 19 vaccine in February 2021.
Louise Roseingrave has a detailed report on the inquest as linked above.
Mrs. Kerr died in April 2021.
This verdict was despite Mrs Kerr’s consultant geriatrician and neurologist both saying that they were open to the possibility that the Pfizer vaccine caused her death.
On hearing the neurologist’s opinion that the Pfizer vaccine could have contributed to Mrs. Kerr’s death, Coroner Gannon intervened to say “we have to be careful, we cannot deal solely in respect of possibilities, we must deal in facts.”
Serious questions were raised by the family during the inquest regarding:
only a limited autopsy taking place,
the body being embalmed without family permission,
a life threatening vaccine adverse reaction report to HPRA by a consultant being ignored,
and pathology procedures to follow in Covid 19 vaccine cases, not being in place.
While not responsible for these failures, Ms Gannon made no recommendations on any of these matters and in justifying the open verdict said that ‘we must deal in facts that are definitive and determined.’
Remember those quotes.
All totally legally sound.
This was during November 2022, when the first Covid 19 vaccine boosters were being rolled out with much HSE fanfare.
Coincidentally at this time, ISAG with Aoife McLysaght as a member, we’re promoters of a ‘vaccines +’ policy to achieve ‘zero Covid’.
I am sure ‘Official Ireland’ heaved a huge sigh of relief at an open verdict in this inquest with no recommendations issuing, especially concerning pathologist tests in Covid 19 vaccine adverse reaction cases.
It would have been very embarrassing for ‘Official Ireland’ if in the middle of paying millions on advertising for people to get their booster to ‘keep granny safe’, this granny’s inquest verdict was declared ‘death by medical misadventure’ due to the Pfizer vaccine, as the consultants were amenable to.
9TH. OCTOBER 2024:
Aisling Gannon delivers a verdict in the inquest of Michael Gannon which seems to defy her own legal logic, that was espoused in the Bridget Kerr case.
In that case she spoke of dealing “in facts that are definitive and determined…and that we cannot deal solely in respect of possibilities”.
I will let you decide for yourself if there was any contradiction in logic between the two verdicts.
Michael Laffan:
Michael Laffan, a strong swimmer drowned while swimming off the coast at Seapoint, Co. Dublin in January 2022.
During the post mortem which showed that Michael Laffan did not have a heart attack, he tested positive for Covid 19.
On the basis of this flimsy piece of information, Aisling Gannon ruled that Mr. Laffan, an experienced, healthy sea swimmer “had died from drowning with Covid also a CAUSATIVE factor” even though she says herself according to the Irish Times that :
“it was NOT CLEAR the extent to which having the Covid Virus in a person’s body affects their endurance when undergoing exercise…the virus MAY have affected his ability to swim the distance he did”
The family were unaware of the Covid infection and the man himself obviously had no symptoms and wasn’t ill or he wouldn’t have got into the sea on a cold January morning.
I am sure ‘Official Ireland’ welcomed the below headline which supports their narrative of a ‘deadly’ virus in circulation from 2020 on into 2022, what with the long fingered ‘Covid Inquiry’ on the horizon.
In all of the reporting on this case there is no mention that I can find of anywhere, as to whether Mr. Laffan was Covid 19 vaccinated or not.
At age 66, going by this summary of primary dose vaccination rates, the chances are, that he was vaccinated.
Maybe the Laffan family would come forward and clarify the matter ?
Since Aisling Gannon believes Covid 19 was a causative factor in Mr. Laffan’s death then surely his vaccination status would be an important and relevant question for the coroner to ask and follow up on ?
A ‘NO’ would have given the Coroner the opportunity to make a recommendation that people should consider getting the Covid 19 vaccine to keep themselves save when swimming.
This is in considering she believed Covid 19 was a causative factor in his drowning.
To not do so, if the answer was ‘No’, would surely indicate she believed the vaccine wouldn’t be effective in achieving this end.
A ‘YES’ answer would raise the problem for the State of, how did he have Covid 19 if the vaccine was ‘effective’ ?
A ‘YES’ answer would also raise the question of did a ‘safe’ vaccine contribute to a medical event while he was swimming which caused him to drown?
It should be noted, according to Sean McCarthaigh in the Irish Examiner in a written statement to the inquest, Dr. Nigel Salter of St Vincent’s University Hospital said:
“he believed that it was some type of cardiac or VASCULAR event that had triggered the fatal incident.”
Vascular disease is a term for conditions that affect the blood vessels and impair blood flow to or from the organs.
It is one of the more serious reported adverse reactions to Covid 19 vaccination.
Could this account for Mr. Laffan swimming “erratically” after he originally stopped, as described by Mrs. Laffan ?
Again, I might be wrong but going by the reporting, it doesn’t seem like this avenue was pursued to any degree at the inquest.
Which is more likely, that Ms Gannon didn’t raise Mr. Laffan’s Covid 19 vaccination status during the inquest or that she did and it wasn’t reported on by the media even though Covid 19 was described as ‘causative’ in Mr Laffan’s death?
I have requested the inquest file from the Dublin Coroners district to try and clarify this matter but have had no response.
This is understandable considering they have such a backlog of inquests to deal with due to the unprecedented levels of unexplained deaths since 2021.
All of these are matters that no self respecting member of ‘Official Ireland’ would have liked to have seen raised in a public forum.
I am reminded of the old legal saying that goes, “never ask a question that you don’t know the answer to”.
If someone could clarify the above for me, I would be grateful and happy to print the explanation in full.
17TH OCTOBER 2024:
Minister for Justice, Helen McEntee’s ‘Hate Speech’ Bill passes through the Seanad without a vote, with Ronan Mullen, Michael McDowell and Sharon Keoghan lashing out at the proposed new wording on gender which is :
defined as “the gender of a person or the gender which a person expresses as the person’s preferred gender or with which the person identifies and includes transgender and a gender other than those of male and female”
A Cultural Marxist word salad, designed to demoralise society by demeaning and diminishing the unique role of natural women in real life and to encourage children to believe they can change gender.
Dangerous nonsense.
Yes, that’s the same Helen McEntee who as Minister for Justice appointed Aisling Gannon a full time coroner in the Dublin district.
‘Belong To’, the LGBTQ+ NGO, made a submission to the government on the ‘Hate Speech’ Bill in August 2021, just before Aisling Gannon was appointed to the board, of which I reproduce a page below. linked here
Do you see a vague similarity between the gender definition that has ended up in the proposed ‘Hate Speech’ legislation and this submission?
It’s effectively the same with a bit of legal fluff attached.
‘Belong To’ is over 44% State funded with the next highest source of funding at 19%, as this extract from their accounts shows.
In other words the NGO, ‘Belong To’ is financially dependent on the State and could not operate without the €800k+ it receives of your taxpayers money.
The link to their accounts is here:
Let me summarise what just happened:
’Official Ireland’ wished to introduce a ‘Hate Speech’ Bill which changes the definition of gender in Irish law to the spurious, dangerous nonsense shown above.
‘Official Ireland’ received a submission requesting such a definition of ‘gender’ from an NGO that is beholden to them for funding.
This submission allows ‘Official Ireland’ to claim it ‘consulted the people’ in proposing the ‘Hate Speech’ Bill wording, comprising this gender definition.
The NGO involved, 3 months after the submission, has a person added to their Board of Directors who was appointed to a full time Coroner position two years earlier by the Minister (McEntee) that is sponsoring the Hate Speech Bill.
That board member concerned also happens to have skin in the game as “the mum of a trans young person”.
That same coroner/board member has made what seem like two irreconcilable inquest rulings in the last two years concerning the Covid narrative.
All coincidental and legal.
Nothing to see here.
‘Official Ireland’ is a small incestuous world that we are not part of but have to live in.
This is not an attack on the honesty of McLysaght and Gannon.
There are thousands of unelected, unaccountable government appointees such as them who make life changing decisions everyday, that affect you and your children.
Cultural Marxist pegs that fit ‘Official Ireland’ designated, Cultural Marxist holes.
Don’t ask, are such individuals qualified for the job?
That misses the point.
Ask why that specific individual got the job and not someone else suitably qualified ?
Yes Patrick it's all smoke and mirrors. Great stuff. We the people can refuse to engage at any moment. One day enough of us will say NO and turn the tables. We're getting there.
All not profits and most charities are to line the pockets of the board members. Charity has become a big business.Why give to charities where these parasites make hundreds of thousands of Euros when you are on an average salary or old age pension. Remember Gerry Ryan's girlfriend?
Can trans surgery doctors change chromosomes and dna? Can I make my male cat a female, inquiring minds want to know.