Yes Patrick it's all smoke and mirrors. Great stuff. We the people can refuse to engage at any moment. One day enough of us will say NO and turn the tables. We're getting there.
The key is reaching enough people, and that's why censorship has been so ferocious lately. The people running everything in their own interest are desperate to stop us from talking to each other.
All not profits and most charities are to line the pockets of the board members. Charity has become a big business.Why give to charities where these parasites make hundreds of thousands of Euros when you are on an average salary or old age pension. Remember Gerry Ryan's girlfriend?
Can trans surgery doctors change chromosomes and dna? Can I make my male cat a female, inquiring minds want to know.
Great work Patrick. A while ago I had the idea to compile a dossier on all these people just to have a single resource for reference, Maynooth university is particularly toxic and where most of the stuff regarding the digital control grid is coming from. Same players are interchangeable. Philip Nolan of NPHET fame is heavily embedded in there and he’s also on posters up at Intel giving seminars. It’s a small enough club, they all jump from board to board so it wouldn’t be too difficult to do research wise, getting the time to put it all together is the tough part.
All Irishmen must vote for the same political party, if you are to have any hope of defeating your enemies, who, rest assured, really do mean you harm.
Me, I wouldn't put the number as high as 99%. There are many beautiful brave souls who will stand for truth and for human dignity. Such people may be a minority, but there's a lot of them.
Great work, though you need to go upstream on Convid. The concept of viruses is 100% fantasy. No virus has ever been genuinely isolated or proven to cause any disease whatsoever. Exposing the virus hoax is fundamental to ending future plandemics. Please check out:
Great post as usual Patrick. A November surprise is very possible for official Ireland. Hopefully we will see a change that no one saw coming, and for the betterment of everyone.
Patrick, I thought that you in Ireland might be interested in this chance to participate in a Zoom and ask questions directly of embalmer Richard Hirschman ( the first to come forward about finding the white clots). I suggested that organizer Laura Kasner perhaps consider offering a second time slot to take time zones outside the US, into consideration. (I don't know what she's decided / able to do about scheduling; right now she's running a poll there asking readers what they'd like to see.) More information here:
(For the sensitive, watch out, there's an especially funky photo of a clump of white clots.)
PS I am not involved with this effort than as a supporter who considers this information very important to share. My transcripts on the topic of the white clots, or fibrinaloid clots, are gathered here:
We'll have no gender when we're dead. We leave our bodies here and the part of us that is eternal lives on. It's a cruelty to bombard developing children's minds with the idea that their bodies are not right instead of encouraging to appreciate and respect themselves and their lives. We get only 25,550 days if we live to 70, 36,500 if we live to 100yrs. It's a shame to spend that time hating your body. The world seems to be obsessed with death and destruction of the human body.
Yes Patrick it's all smoke and mirrors. Great stuff. We the people can refuse to engage at any moment. One day enough of us will say NO and turn the tables. We're getting there.
Thanks Aisling. Much appreciated. I have just realised I have written ‘Aisling’ so many times over the last 3 days that I am sick to death of it 😳
Another excellent article patrick great stuff
Exactly. Vox populi, vox dei.
The key is reaching enough people, and that's why censorship has been so ferocious lately. The people running everything in their own interest are desperate to stop us from talking to each other.
All not profits and most charities are to line the pockets of the board members. Charity has become a big business.Why give to charities where these parasites make hundreds of thousands of Euros when you are on an average salary or old age pension. Remember Gerry Ryan's girlfriend?
Can trans surgery doctors change chromosomes and dna? Can I make my male cat a female, inquiring minds want to know.
Superb, as always. Thank you.
Fantastic work Patrick, thank you so much for the work you have been doing the past few years. God bless you 🙏
Excellent pice of research.
Great work Patrick. A while ago I had the idea to compile a dossier on all these people just to have a single resource for reference, Maynooth university is particularly toxic and where most of the stuff regarding the digital control grid is coming from. Same players are interchangeable. Philip Nolan of NPHET fame is heavily embedded in there and he’s also on posters up at Intel giving seminars. It’s a small enough club, they all jump from board to board so it wouldn’t be too difficult to do research wise, getting the time to put it all together is the tough part.
Thankyou Patrick.
All Irishmen must vote for the same political party, if you are to have any hope of defeating your enemies, who, rest assured, really do mean you harm.
God Bless
99% of humanity disgusts me🤮
Me, I wouldn't put the number as high as 99%. There are many beautiful brave souls who will stand for truth and for human dignity. Such people may be a minority, but there's a lot of them.
I think we should just stop taking any notice of them and all that shit!
Please look and listen to this demon. Death should be her name. Patrick we desperately need people like you. You are the
new 1916 leader.
Great work, though you need to go upstream on Convid. The concept of viruses is 100% fantasy. No virus has ever been genuinely isolated or proven to cause any disease whatsoever. Exposing the virus hoax is fundamental to ending future plandemics. Please check out:
Great post as usual Patrick. A November surprise is very possible for official Ireland. Hopefully we will see a change that no one saw coming, and for the betterment of everyone.
Thank you very much. So far I find Aoife McLysaght is an anagram of
GM soy faecalith
algae comfy shit
Faecalith is fossilised shit. There is a lot of it in her. :)
Patrick, I thought that you in Ireland might be interested in this chance to participate in a Zoom and ask questions directly of embalmer Richard Hirschman ( the first to come forward about finding the white clots). I suggested that organizer Laura Kasner perhaps consider offering a second time slot to take time zones outside the US, into consideration. (I don't know what she's decided / able to do about scheduling; right now she's running a poll there asking readers what they'd like to see.) More information here:
(For the sensitive, watch out, there's an especially funky photo of a clump of white clots.)
PS I am not involved with this effort than as a supporter who considers this information very important to share. My transcripts on the topic of the white clots, or fibrinaloid clots, are gathered here:
(My focus is 2021-2023, so some important recent material is not included. Laura Kasner's Substack is informative.)
Hope your ok Patrick .i know banging your head off a wall at this stage,
We'll have no gender when we're dead. We leave our bodies here and the part of us that is eternal lives on. It's a cruelty to bombard developing children's minds with the idea that their bodies are not right instead of encouraging to appreciate and respect themselves and their lives. We get only 25,550 days if we live to 70, 36,500 if we live to 100yrs. It's a shame to spend that time hating your body. The world seems to be obsessed with death and destruction of the human body.