Jun 13·edited Jun 13Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Patrick you did well to put the doctor monkey as the one with the money in his mouth. This echoes Bevin who worked to establish the NHS in post-war Britain. In 1948 Bevan boasted that he was able to accomplish his goal “by stuffing the doctors' mouths with gold”. I’ve looked into payments made to GPs during the Plandemic, ie.g. according to Circular Number: NCO-05-2020, GPs were to be paid ‘€30 for remote consultations re Covid, regardless of of eligibility status. A claim is a valid once a call has been completed’. A fee of €25 per consultation was paid to everyone to establish if in-person visit was necessary or not. The IMO document GP Agreement 2023 sets out further additional payments to GPs for what in my opinion are often ailments/problems typically caused by the injection. The C-19 eugenics shot typically attacked female reproductive organs, many returned to injector doctors for treatment. It’s typical for females to be put on pharma contraception as a method to treat some gynaecological problems. In Autumn 2022 the government introduced free contraception for 17 yrs to under 30, with special consultation fees paid to GPs. There are a number of new chronic diseases management payments offered also, diabetes, cerebrovascular disease TIA, etc.

Basically, the government provided special

and extra payments to GPs to promote Corona hysteria, to increase testing and hence so-called case numbers, to inject a quota-damaging shot, and to treat some of the shot-induced medical issues.

I remember reading in Autumn 2020, on the front page of Irish Times, under the heading Business News, that the government was to pay GPs more than €25 per shot (My memory of initial agreement is €30), and alarm bells rang deep inside. Nobody in medicine should be paid for administering a drug during experimental phase, it is against medical ethics. We hardly need to use the term conflict of interest t to see that this would be an unsafe practice. I presumed that the ‘lining their mouths with gold’ was to set these GPs up as sitting ducks for Nuremberg II, but they have continued to inject and still strut their social puissance. It’s almost too difficult to believe that they kept injecting, they were treating the very illnesses that the injection generated. This one is an enormous psychological and moral ulcer that is festering away inside of the collective, but we must face the facts, the truth, otherwise we are worthless cowards who are handing on mass denial of trauma to the next generation, and that never ends well.

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Jun 13Liked by Patrick E Walsh

I agree with you, Deirdre. I am a GP and have been professionally isolated since 2020 due to my stance on this shameless profiteering on misery. I know they don't see it like that but the cold facts are that they coerced many of their patients to take these experimental gene therapies without informed consent. I know that a large cohort of the population were begging for the jabs due to being mesmerised by state propaganda.. Many others however were doubtful , questioning or coerced by employers or state so that they could partake in normal life such as work, concerts, restaurants, golf clubs etc. etc. Now these doctors are faced with the death and misery they wrought on society. They live in denial as most of them took the shots too. There are other GPs who share my views and we are supportive of each other. However we are quite scattered through the country and only meet infrequently or via zoom. It is going to take a generation to process this cataclysm and as huge as it is it is only part of a bigger agenda.

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Thanks for this Pat. The whole madness summed up from the inside looking out. 🙏🏻

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This goes so deep in the Irish psyche. I used to work in admin on an EC-sponsored medical project in a large Milanese hospital, in a country where nobody had to pay for medical service, and where people had an established culture of personal responsibility for health. I was shocked to return here and observe the working style and methods in medicine. I’ve heard awful awful stories these last years. I’ve witnessed awful things. The fact is, doctors who administer a new-technology drug, and also deal with the deaths/injuries that occurred after injection, have a very basic duty to note, record and analyse those effects. If they didn’t do that then they are not doing medicine, their treatment of patients is dangerous, technically it seems to me they are unfit to practice. However, so many people are still in a relationship with the doctor who they know continued to inject way beyond the point where there was even a semblance of medical dignity in any of it. People require sick certs from GPs, routine or other treatments, and are not inclined to call a spade a spade. This is the most festering and pernicious damage to the Irish collective, a sort of social double bind where we are always the big losers. Ordinary people are not publicly telling their experiences, this is the root of psychological dysfunction, of contorted consciences, and compliance with very bad things. I wrote a Substack on one person’s dealing with the whole thing, ‘The Lure of The Other Place in 2021’. My first draft went much harder, but I toned it down because I was afraid of trampling into people experiences of suicide. In summer 2021 I met a friend who told me of another person who was in delicate emotional state, but it was the moral overwhelm of the mass manic injection craze that pushed her towards suicide. When the soul of the collective seems so dead and thwarted, some people are attracted to chose actual death. I have witnessed another similar event. A sensitive and emotionally delicate person who saw that the injection was dangerous, and was powerless to stop their family members taking it and being badly damaged.

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Jun 13Liked by Patrick E Walsh

my gp was so annoyed at me when i refused to give them my pps number in recent times. they made such a big deal about it but i always pay cash when i visit (am obliged to several times per year due to a medical condition') and i don't see any reason why they should have it, so i have held my ground. they never cared about not having that number in pre-covid years.

i've had to attend my company office numerous times in the past few weeks for the first time since 2020. the amount of grey faces and illness i've observed in my colleagues over the last few weeks is unreal and the stories of how ill many of them have been over the last couple of years.(there was also a sudden death last year)...lots of stories of hospital visiits and referrals to specialists by gps....these are all smart people i work with, or were pre-2020, so am astounded that none of them see what is going on...i tried to gently steer the conversation toward the jabs a few times, but i could quickly tell they still believe that the jab was good and did no harm whatsoever...i'm now back to my normal routine of wfh and am massively relieved not to have to spend any more time amongst the , in my opinion, "walking dead"

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I see this in work also. Unreal amounts of sick days, two young women serious illnesses, one clots on lungs the other cancer. Many are absolutely more ratty, suggesting bad news behind the screens, and many more are making the stupidest decisions from a process or strategic perspective. Brains all turning to mush.

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Deirdre, thanks for that info on payments GPs got. How right you are in that their silence (and souls) were bought….

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Jun 15Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Most won't talk about it. They know you see. Deep down they have already realised that they have had the wool pulled over their eyes and are now suffering a weird mixture of denial and dread.

They want to convince themselves that they couldn't have been so stupid, it's not easy to admit this. They want to forget it ever happened.

It's only a tiny fraction that continue to get jabbed. These are beyond help. Almost everyone else will not touch another jab , no matter what it's called.

Monkey, bird, it makes no difference that ship has sailed.

The reluctance of political parties to go into it is also understandable. There is nothing to gain, not now at any rate. Reminding the foolish that they have been conned is a sure vote loser. Nobody wants to be reminded.

Those amoung us who smelled a rat from the start are the only ones that want this to go further. That's also understandable. We were right you see and we don't mind who knows now.

It will take a change of government with all new faces to open what is or will be a can of worms.

I think that may happen but not here in Ireland. Hopefully we will see it elsewhere and soon to get the ball rolling.

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I think that if the facts and reality are dealt with sensitivity, bypassing the habitual Irish bowing to establishment figures, that we could effect real change in society. There is one cohort that have a particular type of anger, the young people, unsure of their reproductive systems post injection, the ones whose futures were completely compromised. These people will be important now. I know a few with righteous anger seeping from their pores, they are falling apart in the system, they are inspiring in their refusal to function in a rotten system, despite all the bs well-being, aggressive positivity thought reform thrown at them. There is a growing trend towards Christianity, Bible reading, outright disgust at establishment dignity-bashing. It seems more power than the type of rebellion I saw when I was young. I love it.❤️💪

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Jun 14·edited Jun 14Liked by Patrick E Walsh

I have noticed in most Irish alt political circles a reluctance to bring the jabs and deaths up at all. Quite a few of the people in these movements still haven't really countenanced what's going on, they still believe in the Democratic process here, and the thoughts a mass murder was deliberately perpetrated on us (which it was) is still not a solid possibility for them. They don't think it could be THAT bad. I chatted to plenty around the RDS recently.

There's also what I call the captain bring down effect - no one wants to talk about it, and be a downer even everyone's doing something positive, or having a pint, I confess to feeling this way myself, but I do still bring it up from time to time, and become captain bring down.

Both are real issues.

And the plantation is 100% a distraction tactic, with the side benefit of making lots of people lots of money from the AMIF fund.

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Jun 13Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Yep you’ve nailed it, I’m in despair, Ireland is gone

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Jun 13Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Thank you for highlighting the differential in rates between the the former eastern bloc countries and the rest of Europe. I have drawn attention in the past to the especially low death rates in Bulgaria which had a 30% vaccination rate and Romania that had a 40% vaccination rate. Inverse correlation between vaccination and excess mortality. Populations in the former Communist bloc were inoculated to some degree against state propaganda if you pardon the pun. It warrants closer analysis. The harvest is rich but the labourers are few.

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Jun 14Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Because people in former communist countries know from experience that authority can and will turn against people. We learned the hard way. In western countries many people have the belief that their government is there to protect and serve them. It's not easy to shed one's beliefs.

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Yes, and decades of immense conditioning in the West also. I think us Irish feel like we're just little people, and nobody would come and hurt us, cos we're Irish. Or something like that.

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Yes, very good point. It's hard to fathom that any government would commit democide. Yet here we are....

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And Irish are particularly naive about right-left politics, we have no real history of living under either, we were controlled by the church. We were also kept neutral during the War, countries that lived the extremes of WW2 still have knowledge of how bad things can get. People who were born into families that experienced constant wartime hunger know things that we do not know. We are very innocent, and seem to have adopted Americanised cultural ‘happiness exhalation’ customs and habits.

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Jun 13Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Great article Patrick. What is going on? Ireland did not have the highest uptake of the vaccine but we do have the worst excess deaths? Did we get the worst batches?

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Thanks Lisa. Over 90% of adults got first two doses with not much less taking first booster. So that is high. My understanding is that there are bad batches but that while the jabs can be immdiately toxic it’s the age and general health of those receiving it that is of importance to damage caused. The more boosters the more immune system is damaged hence the targeting of over 60s. Thats my understanding of what Denis Rancourt says but I am open to correction. Also all excess deaths not attributable to jab and our population is aging but that doesnt explain the rates of death we are seeing.

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Jun 14Liked by Patrick E Walsh

I don't believe those 90% figures Patrick, it's down around 65% 70% I believe. I've done alot of general public asking.

They lie about all numbers, assume they lied about those. 90% bandied about was to help uptake. Also, there was a large-ish scandal after the swine flu jab program and unused jabs and wasted money, so they didn't want to have to deal with that again (they no doubt gave hundreds of millions to big pharma).

No way it was 90% lads.

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You could be right Michael. I am only quoting what they are telling us. In my own circles it was high % for first doses and booster

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They lied about the numbers as in the UK, millions more didn’t take as the number that were advertised were far higher.

They played psychological warfare on the public to coerce them as if they were isolated and the only ones not taking it.

I found a lot of the unvaxxed flew under the radar not saying anything, there were certain things we could recognise in each other even in a brief conversation.

Even now I get customers that only ask for their order if someone else is on the counter serving with me.

On my own there’s certain key words and looks that we use to identify each other, it’s quite bizarre in how random it is.

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not to mention the circa 100 court cases which resulted from the swine flu jabs...they made sure to keep those very quiet

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Personally everyone I speak to took at least one j & j or two pfizer ! Every older person took the whole nine yards first 2 and boosters

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Great research as always patrick sadly as recent elections showed with all the votes those traitorous bastards in fg and other main parties got not many people are aware of the truth most are triple jabbed like zombies going around it's an evil world we live in when the so called newsreader are not telling the real news because there masters don't want the ordinary man knowing the truth thank you patrick for all you are doing your a top man

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Thank you Tommy. The elections haven’t given us as much as I hoped for and have emphasised the zombies of the past have still a control on our present. But we will soldier on. A lot of people have done great work and I wish them well.

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Yes a lot of people have done good work i suppose it takes time the Rte watchers will be hard to reach but many are waking up

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Friendly reminder, Eurostat's estimates and Patrick's figures completely ignore Ireland's growing, aging population structure:

Ireland's elderly population has reportedly grown by ~25% from 2016 to 2022!

So long as Eurostat uses a static baseline of average monthly deaths from 2016-2019 it will consistently give estimates of excess mortality for Ireland which are too high.

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Jun 14Liked by Patrick E Walsh

It's easy to check. As I recall there is a worrying increase in excess mortality among the working age cohort. Moreover, there is a significant increase in cancer cases, autoimmune disorders, myo- and pericarditis. I have a suspicion of a strong positive correlation with a positive Covid Vax status.

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If it is so easy to check age/population adjusted estimates, why is it never done at this substack?

Do you have and links for the significant increases in Ireland? I have my suspicions too, but want to verify them with data.

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You are right, I stand corrected. I have looked into this and CSO data is lagging behind, the ISSDA data is not freely available. One needs to request access. What data I have is from US. It's quite obvious based on the US data that cancer frequency has been increasing since 2021. One can only infer from that sample. I will be looking into this further.

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Well patrick thought you might like becaue you seem to like music and covid 27 min read

Real Left No conspiracies please we're reality theorists

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