Too true. Managed nursing home spikes in April/May 2020 and Jan 2021 accounted for ‘dry tinder effect’ of probable deaths being brought forward. What’s euthanasia ‘as gaeilge’ ? I doubt there’s a word for it.
The problem KVJ is the journaliars are bought and paid to do the bidding of the traitors in Government. I've been of the belief for ever so long that the Dovid nonsense was a nothing burger made up (although some people did get a serious flu including myself twice). I go with the great Prof Denis Ranncourt who says the deaths didn't begin in earnest until the WHO announced the pandemic and then the lockdown lockstep rolled out and into action, that is what gave them their death spike. It was democide pure and simple. The normies out there seem to have forgotten the pandemic that wasn't. They're kept busy with all the other stuff
I’m not sure if the information is available but it would be interesting to see a comprehensive list of vaccine batch numbers that were used in the state. As has been pointed out in other outlets certain batches are more toxic than others. Did Ireland receive more ‘bad batches’ than other countries. And if so was that down to bad luck or is it intentional?
Is what we’re seeing a land clearance by stealth? Looking at our towns and cities you’d be hard pushed to not think we’re being replaced. It’s happening in a lot of countries but it seems particularly acute here.
If the excess deaths continue and the effects that these shots may have on fertility turn out to be true there may be little we can do in the medium to long term? It’s bleak. In my own circles I’m regarded as a crank but if this continues the penny will drop among whoever is left far too late.
A ‘grand’ experiment in full swing? Let’s hope we’re wrong but hope is in short supply these days.
There’s no doubt but a great replacement is going on. Irish are dying in excess numbers and ‘Irish’ fertility is well down. Non ethnic Irish fertility rate glosses over the fertility stats to some extent. As regards batches there is a site you can check your batch number on. My understanding is ‘batches’ didn’t go to individual countries but all over EU.
Andrew, I've been wondering this since the deaths from fake vaccine began rolling in. I watch RIP every second day just to check for my own town in Kildare (Leixlip). There aren't that many deaths, but all the other towns get lots and lots of young and died suddenlys
A lot of them are saying died at home surrounded by their family. But their faces are young
I could list all the dead and crippled in my extended circle to my friends and family and still be labelled a conspiracy theorist. At this point I’m going to grab a large popcorn and continue to look on in horror. A reckoning may well come too late if at all.
Of my three siblings, one had a stroke, one had heart issues and an op, another's wife had breast surgery. Nothing to do with the fake vaccine though. The popcorn is a good idea and a hope that they're found out in my lifetime, which is getting shorter!
Proceed with caution, all who would compare international excess mortality estimates, for not all excess mortalities are (made) equal ;)
The one-size-fits-all approach of using average (or median) values from preceeding (ie pre-pandemic) years is sub-optimal. It unfortunately takes no account of pre-existing different national trends (were deaths trending up or down?) nor does it consider demographics (e.g. in different populations are there now less/more elderly/young than before, also is the overall population growing/shrinking, etc.).
This renders comparisons between populations tricky if not downright problematic.
For those interested in an accessible treatment of this topic, I can highly recommend this paper addressing German deaths:
Of course you are correct that there is no one size fits all and comparison is risky.The point of this article is to show that Irish & EU Official stats and comparisons (not mine) show our Taoiseach to have lied to the Dail in that the exact measurements his Health Minister supports show him to be incorrect. What’s strange is that I don’t see governments producing stats showing that excess deaths are BELOW baselines that better men than I could analyse to see do they stack up. Excess deaths are up all over the western world, I don’t think there’s any denying that. England & Wales are heading for EXTRA 78000 deaths in 2023 at current rate. Something is up and governments and MSM are like a child with chocolate on their face holding an empty biscuit tin trying to tell us the Jaffa Cakes never existed. Thanks for your comment and I will look at that research when I get a chance.
Very much agreed about UK data, and point taken about Varadkar.
With regard the so-called "deficit" deaths pre-vaccines, again, I would not over-emphasise individual months (I initially made this mistake looking at German deaths in final months of 2022). In theory, deficit deaths being followed by excess deaths is not unexpected - the overall balance (after correcting for the factors mentioned in first comment) should show the "true" trend, so-to-speak. Of course, one has to look at monthly figures when trying to assess impact, for example, of waves/variants/etc..
The related factor I forgot to mention in my initial comment is the use of calendar years (Jan-Dec) vs mortality years, for example, July-June. Because of the seasonal nature of deaths (more in winter, less in summer) it can be better to focus on mortality years because they incorporate full winter seasons which inconveniently get split when using calendar years for countries in the northern hemisphere.
And thanks for your posts, great to read someone covering the Irish data.
I've been covering the phenomena of decreased fertility and increased mortality (primarily in German data) at my substack:
Thanks I will follow up your newsletter to broaden my understanding. What makes me smell a a rat is that it’s mostly ordinary people who are kicking up a fuss and the ‘experts’ have no answers. Take care.
Patrick, thanks for your Trojan work. It's up to us to share, share, share. Can I just ask if you send all these figures to the TDs? It's important they know we know they're liars
The brazen lies and corruption are astounding, Patrick.
How bad does it have to get before the backlash comes?
They need another crisis post haste to get out of this one.
Maybe they have a direct line to the extra-terrestrials.
Also worth noting:
Covid peaks were much higher than they needed to be.
Top-down policies made sure of that.
Also account for the crassly-named 'dry tinder effect'.
This would have reduced vulnerable cohort since those peaks.
So, for all intents and purposes, we're back at Covid levels.
But our media controls the public perception of reality.
This time it is flipped in the other direction.
Back then it was Armageddon.
Now there is nothing to see.
Too true. Managed nursing home spikes in April/May 2020 and Jan 2021 accounted for ‘dry tinder effect’ of probable deaths being brought forward. What’s euthanasia ‘as gaeilge’ ? I doubt there’s a word for it.
The problem KVJ is the journaliars are bought and paid to do the bidding of the traitors in Government. I've been of the belief for ever so long that the Dovid nonsense was a nothing burger made up (although some people did get a serious flu including myself twice). I go with the great Prof Denis Ranncourt who says the deaths didn't begin in earnest until the WHO announced the pandemic and then the lockdown lockstep rolled out and into action, that is what gave them their death spike. It was democide pure and simple. The normies out there seem to have forgotten the pandemic that wasn't. They're kept busy with all the other stuff
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I’m not sure if the information is available but it would be interesting to see a comprehensive list of vaccine batch numbers that were used in the state. As has been pointed out in other outlets certain batches are more toxic than others. Did Ireland receive more ‘bad batches’ than other countries. And if so was that down to bad luck or is it intentional?
Is what we’re seeing a land clearance by stealth? Looking at our towns and cities you’d be hard pushed to not think we’re being replaced. It’s happening in a lot of countries but it seems particularly acute here.
If the excess deaths continue and the effects that these shots may have on fertility turn out to be true there may be little we can do in the medium to long term? It’s bleak. In my own circles I’m regarded as a crank but if this continues the penny will drop among whoever is left far too late.
A ‘grand’ experiment in full swing? Let’s hope we’re wrong but hope is in short supply these days.
There’s no doubt but a great replacement is going on. Irish are dying in excess numbers and ‘Irish’ fertility is well down. Non ethnic Irish fertility rate glosses over the fertility stats to some extent. As regards batches there is a site you can check your batch number on. My understanding is ‘batches’ didn’t go to individual countries but all over EU.
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Andrew, I've been wondering this since the deaths from fake vaccine began rolling in. I watch RIP every second day just to check for my own town in Kildare (Leixlip). There aren't that many deaths, but all the other towns get lots and lots of young and died suddenlys
A lot of them are saying died at home surrounded by their family. But their faces are young
I could list all the dead and crippled in my extended circle to my friends and family and still be labelled a conspiracy theorist. At this point I’m going to grab a large popcorn and continue to look on in horror. A reckoning may well come too late if at all.
Of my three siblings, one had a stroke, one had heart issues and an op, another's wife had breast surgery. Nothing to do with the fake vaccine though. The popcorn is a good idea and a hope that they're found out in my lifetime, which is getting shorter!
Proceed with caution, all who would compare international excess mortality estimates, for not all excess mortalities are (made) equal ;)
The one-size-fits-all approach of using average (or median) values from preceeding (ie pre-pandemic) years is sub-optimal. It unfortunately takes no account of pre-existing different national trends (were deaths trending up or down?) nor does it consider demographics (e.g. in different populations are there now less/more elderly/young than before, also is the overall population growing/shrinking, etc.).
This renders comparisons between populations tricky if not downright problematic.
For those interested in an accessible treatment of this topic, I can highly recommend this paper addressing German deaths:
Of course you are correct that there is no one size fits all and comparison is risky.The point of this article is to show that Irish & EU Official stats and comparisons (not mine) show our Taoiseach to have lied to the Dail in that the exact measurements his Health Minister supports show him to be incorrect. What’s strange is that I don’t see governments producing stats showing that excess deaths are BELOW baselines that better men than I could analyse to see do they stack up. Excess deaths are up all over the western world, I don’t think there’s any denying that. England & Wales are heading for EXTRA 78000 deaths in 2023 at current rate. Something is up and governments and MSM are like a child with chocolate on their face holding an empty biscuit tin trying to tell us the Jaffa Cakes never existed. Thanks for your comment and I will look at that research when I get a chance.
Very much agreed about UK data, and point taken about Varadkar.
With regard the so-called "deficit" deaths pre-vaccines, again, I would not over-emphasise individual months (I initially made this mistake looking at German deaths in final months of 2022). In theory, deficit deaths being followed by excess deaths is not unexpected - the overall balance (after correcting for the factors mentioned in first comment) should show the "true" trend, so-to-speak. Of course, one has to look at monthly figures when trying to assess impact, for example, of waves/variants/etc..
The related factor I forgot to mention in my initial comment is the use of calendar years (Jan-Dec) vs mortality years, for example, July-June. Because of the seasonal nature of deaths (more in winter, less in summer) it can be better to focus on mortality years because they incorporate full winter seasons which inconveniently get split when using calendar years for countries in the northern hemisphere.
And thanks for your posts, great to read someone covering the Irish data.
I've been covering the phenomena of decreased fertility and increased mortality (primarily in German data) at my substack:
Thanks I will follow up your newsletter to broaden my understanding. What makes me smell a a rat is that it’s mostly ordinary people who are kicking up a fuss and the ‘experts’ have no answers. Take care.
"What makes me smell a a rat is that it’s mostly ordinary people who are kicking up a fuss and the ‘experts’ have no answers."
Agreed, there is definitely something rotten in the state of... take your pick ;)
And it's brilliant that so many of us are following up on it. Keep up the good work!
Hi. I emailed you through your Substack subscription about German study. Just checking did you get it?
Thanks for the reminder. Saw your mail just now.
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Clearly Harris doesn’t agree with the liar Varadkar
Well Done Patrick Walsh ! great work.
Your work has been included in Press Release for Supreme Court case. And your findings will be presented as evidence in the Supreme Court.
Read on
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Patrick, thanks for your Trojan work. It's up to us to share, share, share. Can I just ask if you send all these figures to the TDs? It's important they know we know they're liars
No Fionnuala I don’t specifically except to a couple of ‘pet’ local councillors to annoy them. I leave the sharing to others. I just write them.
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