OECD say Ireland had ‘negative’ excess mortality in period 2020 to 2022. Is that the scent of an unwashed rodent swirling from ‘Official Ireland’s’ bunker ?
If this is their idea of a cover up, then it is every bit as pathetic as they are themselves. I was listening to "Tipp Today" on Tipp Fm this morning, and the amount of awakened people calling and texting in to that show was truly heartening. If the purpose of this report is to convince the people that the measures the government inflicted on us, in conjunction with the "safe and effective" vaccines, saved lives, then this was not the message received by many of the listeners of Tipp Fm. Instead, many of them were outright calling our government and big pharma liars, and eluding to other, bigger agendas at play. Perhaps the aspect of this report that has grabbed most attention is this: if there were no excess deaths back in that time period, why then were we subjected to all those apocalyptic reports , on a daily basis, back in 2020 and 2021, concerning the numbers hospitalized, in intensive care, on ventilators, or who, we were told, had lost their lives on account of covid 19. Clearly, what they are telling us now does not compute with what they were telling us back then.
"Are they lying to us now, or were they lying to us back then?" the stand in host asked the person who called in, to which she received the reply: "They are lying to us all the time."
I would really encourage everyone to listen in to Tipp Fm on 103.9 fm, on weekday mornings, between 9am and 12, because more than any other show I have heard on the Irish airwaves, this one hits the mark more than most, shall we say.
Anyway, keep up the good work Patrick, the cracks in their damm are becoming structural. They can't stop what is coming. The worst may be yet to come in 2024, but still I am of the firm belief that this will be the year both of our liberation, and our vindication.
Even my aunt was remarking on the amount of deaths to the family on Christmas Day. Then she went onto tell us about a 16 year old she knows who now needs a pacemaker for a heart condition he developed.
We then went on to discuss my other aunt who died of a heart attack 6 hours after her second dose of Moderna and didn’t we find it strange that they refused to perform an autopsy...
We related a few more similar stories to each other...
And I had to conclude to my family... these same stories are probably being recounted amongst families all across our island...
And I asked everyone present... where is the anger? It’s like our society has been lobotomised? Do I blame that on the shots too?
Andrew, totally agree with your point about ‘anger’. It has me driven up the wall. I am going to try write something on it. It’s important to keep detailing the above. Thanks
They clearly think they're untouchable now, they won't be expecting any accountability for falsifying the numbers. Who in the mainstream will challenge? Who in the periphery ? Gript media? I doubt it. But we need to get this to the population, the government will lie and lie and lie...
I have sent it to Gript. I don’t usually but this is one that they can door step Donnelly or Varadkar with. Let’s see what happens. I won’t hold my breath
Why are we not surprised that this out of touch, lying, fascist, totalitarian government would stoop this low. That’s their benchmark and fiddling a report to prove their narrative does not surprise me. I used to work for a government organisation dealing with statistics using one of the agencies to produce the statistics from the data provided and I was in the room once when they were trying to fit the narrative of the government. Why was this, well money is the answer. None of these agencies are independent because they are getting paid for producing figures that suits and they present it in such a way that it’s not lies but a different way of presenting the figures. Unless people like you, who are able to spot the misrepresentation of the figures, they’d get away with it. Fair play Patrick for once again smelling the rat and showing these scum up for what they are, liars and cheats.
Thank you Declan. Yes they treat us with utter contempt. It’s like they know we have won or maybe they know whats coming and the likes of us will be ‘quarantined’ when they pull the next stroke. Take care and Happy New Year
The problem is that still too many people listen to the likes of Fearless Fergal on RTÉ and believe the bs. However, from our stint a few weeks back outside the HSE HQ highlighting excess deaths people have woken to the carnage out there and are seeing it in their local areas. This is damage limitation from these spineless idiots but unfortunately for them the horse has bolted. Keep up the brilliant analysis Patrick and Happy New Year to you.
Yes Mick. Normalise sudden death for young fit athletes and early death for healthy people in their sixties. It seems only some of us can see ‘the spells’ that are cast.
Liars and damned liars and satanic liars. We cannot trust our government or any of it's depts. They think we are gobshites, but do not realise that common sense and truthfulness are rife among the peasants. Believe the opposite of what they tell you.
God Bless you Patrick and remember Keep your chin in and your guard up.
Hi Patrick, don't know if you were tuned in to tipp fm this morning, but they had another fantastic interview, this time with Dr. Billy Ralph. Well worth checking out if you haven't heard it, sometime in the second hour, between minute sixty and one hundred, or thereabouts. Fantastic response from all over the country apparently. Looks like that boulder is really starting to roll. Happy days are here again, or at least on the way, please God.
Thanks Michael I heard it. Billy was in touch with me in advance to set it up. The response overwhelmed them. Fantastic news and yes I am hopeful it’s a major breakthrough.
Tuned in to Tipp fm this morning Patrick, right in the middle of your interview with Ali, and it was like the Christmas present of all Christmas presents. Fantastic job Patrick. On behalf of your countrymen and women, past, present and future, I thank you for all that you are doing. May God bless you and keep you: how wonderful it was to hear the truth spoken openly on Irish radio once more, almost like we were back in "normal" times again. It is just unfortunate that some people, no matter what amount of evidence is presented in front of them, are just unable to cross that border from the land of make believe in to the land of reality. I don't think they can help it, it's just the way their brains are wired or something. However, there are many more out there who are willing and able to make that journey, with the help of you, and a few others like you. Even now, I suspect that there is consternation in the corridors of power as word reaches them of your breach of their carefully constructed censorship perimeter. Just a few days in to 2024, and already great things are happening. So lets get positive, and remember that "We were born for such a time as this." May God save Ireland, and the West.
Michael thank you so much. I don’t listen back to these things so I wasn’t sure how it went. There’s a fine line between anger and sounding like a nutjob.
I can assure you that you didn't come across as a nutjob Patrick, far from it. We were somewhat unfortunate, perhaps, in that the selection of people they had on for the panel discussion today veered somewhat toward the official narrative, shall we say, whereas other weeks the panel can be made up of people more open to our point of view. However, the important thing is that you got the truth out there, and those with ears and a mind to listen got to hear it. No more than that can you do, and the way we were always going to win this fight was one truth nail at a time hammered in to their coffin of lies and deception. Today was one more nail in that coffin, so be proud of yourself, you absolutely deserve it.
Don’t worry Patrick, everyone I know thinks I’m mental. I will take no solace in any ‘told you so’s’. I’d prefer to be regarded as the village idiot than be right about any of this stuff. But nothing that’s yet come to light has made me question my position.
I find it very hard to have sympathy for anyone in the medical or Pharma industries. They abandoned rational thinking and in doing so have brought untold death and chronic bad health on people by betraying the trust built up by responsible medics over a long history. Thanks Sarah, it’s important to record these glimpses of reality
Wow, how do these doctors nurses and harmacists live with themselves. Order following idiots who are actually “professionally” trained and educated to know better. There is no excuse, they jabbed people clearly under coercion for free travel and access to services and public places. At least that doctor half knows what he’s done but me remorse and makes light of how he poisioned himself and his patients. What a numpty.
If this is their idea of a cover up, then it is every bit as pathetic as they are themselves. I was listening to "Tipp Today" on Tipp Fm this morning, and the amount of awakened people calling and texting in to that show was truly heartening. If the purpose of this report is to convince the people that the measures the government inflicted on us, in conjunction with the "safe and effective" vaccines, saved lives, then this was not the message received by many of the listeners of Tipp Fm. Instead, many of them were outright calling our government and big pharma liars, and eluding to other, bigger agendas at play. Perhaps the aspect of this report that has grabbed most attention is this: if there were no excess deaths back in that time period, why then were we subjected to all those apocalyptic reports , on a daily basis, back in 2020 and 2021, concerning the numbers hospitalized, in intensive care, on ventilators, or who, we were told, had lost their lives on account of covid 19. Clearly, what they are telling us now does not compute with what they were telling us back then.
"Are they lying to us now, or were they lying to us back then?" the stand in host asked the person who called in, to which she received the reply: "They are lying to us all the time."
I would really encourage everyone to listen in to Tipp Fm on 103.9 fm, on weekday mornings, between 9am and 12, because more than any other show I have heard on the Irish airwaves, this one hits the mark more than most, shall we say.
Anyway, keep up the good work Patrick, the cracks in their damm are becoming structural. They can't stop what is coming. The worst may be yet to come in 2024, but still I am of the firm belief that this will be the year both of our liberation, and our vindication.
May God save Ireland, and the West.
Even my aunt was remarking on the amount of deaths to the family on Christmas Day. Then she went onto tell us about a 16 year old she knows who now needs a pacemaker for a heart condition he developed.
We then went on to discuss my other aunt who died of a heart attack 6 hours after her second dose of Moderna and didn’t we find it strange that they refused to perform an autopsy...
We related a few more similar stories to each other...
And I had to conclude to my family... these same stories are probably being recounted amongst families all across our island...
And I asked everyone present... where is the anger? It’s like our society has been lobotomised? Do I blame that on the shots too?
Andrew, totally agree with your point about ‘anger’. It has me driven up the wall. I am going to try write something on it. It’s important to keep detailing the above. Thanks
They clearly think they're untouchable now, they won't be expecting any accountability for falsifying the numbers. Who in the mainstream will challenge? Who in the periphery ? Gript media? I doubt it. But we need to get this to the population, the government will lie and lie and lie...
I have sent it to Gript. I don’t usually but this is one that they can door step Donnelly or Varadkar with. Let’s see what happens. I won’t hold my breath
McGuirk hates this topic for some reason
He’s vaxxed and this must be hard to handle for anyone in this position. Head in the sand attitude but that’s not good enough from a ‘journalist’.
His name is Vadratter.
Why are we not surprised that this out of touch, lying, fascist, totalitarian government would stoop this low. That’s their benchmark and fiddling a report to prove their narrative does not surprise me. I used to work for a government organisation dealing with statistics using one of the agencies to produce the statistics from the data provided and I was in the room once when they were trying to fit the narrative of the government. Why was this, well money is the answer. None of these agencies are independent because they are getting paid for producing figures that suits and they present it in such a way that it’s not lies but a different way of presenting the figures. Unless people like you, who are able to spot the misrepresentation of the figures, they’d get away with it. Fair play Patrick for once again smelling the rat and showing these scum up for what they are, liars and cheats.
Thank you Declan. Yes they treat us with utter contempt. It’s like they know we have won or maybe they know whats coming and the likes of us will be ‘quarantined’ when they pull the next stroke. Take care and Happy New Year
The problem is that still too many people listen to the likes of Fearless Fergal on RTÉ and believe the bs. However, from our stint a few weeks back outside the HSE HQ highlighting excess deaths people have woken to the carnage out there and are seeing it in their local areas. This is damage limitation from these spineless idiots but unfortunately for them the horse has bolted. Keep up the brilliant analysis Patrick and Happy New Year to you.
Not surprised at all they took this stance. I mean, they are ok with killing their own people so they won't lose much sleep over these lies
Still using 65 when from the start of this year our government say you are fit and healthy enough to work until you are 70.
Yes Mick. Normalise sudden death for young fit athletes and early death for healthy people in their sixties. It seems only some of us can see ‘the spells’ that are cast.
Liars and damned liars and satanic liars. We cannot trust our government or any of it's depts. They think we are gobshites, but do not realise that common sense and truthfulness are rife among the peasants. Believe the opposite of what they tell you.
God Bless you Patrick and remember Keep your chin in and your guard up.
Thank you. I will take care but will not live life in fear.
It never ceases to astound me how much they lie. Even The Lancet came out with excess deaths stats whether they’re fudged or not🤬
Wonderful stuff, thanks for everything you are doing Patrick.
Hi Patrick, don't know if you were tuned in to tipp fm this morning, but they had another fantastic interview, this time with Dr. Billy Ralph. Well worth checking out if you haven't heard it, sometime in the second hour, between minute sixty and one hundred, or thereabouts. Fantastic response from all over the country apparently. Looks like that boulder is really starting to roll. Happy days are here again, or at least on the way, please God.
Thanks Michael I heard it. Billy was in touch with me in advance to set it up. The response overwhelmed them. Fantastic news and yes I am hopeful it’s a major breakthrough.
Tuned in to Tipp fm this morning Patrick, right in the middle of your interview with Ali, and it was like the Christmas present of all Christmas presents. Fantastic job Patrick. On behalf of your countrymen and women, past, present and future, I thank you for all that you are doing. May God bless you and keep you: how wonderful it was to hear the truth spoken openly on Irish radio once more, almost like we were back in "normal" times again. It is just unfortunate that some people, no matter what amount of evidence is presented in front of them, are just unable to cross that border from the land of make believe in to the land of reality. I don't think they can help it, it's just the way their brains are wired or something. However, there are many more out there who are willing and able to make that journey, with the help of you, and a few others like you. Even now, I suspect that there is consternation in the corridors of power as word reaches them of your breach of their carefully constructed censorship perimeter. Just a few days in to 2024, and already great things are happening. So lets get positive, and remember that "We were born for such a time as this." May God save Ireland, and the West.
Michael thank you so much. I don’t listen back to these things so I wasn’t sure how it went. There’s a fine line between anger and sounding like a nutjob.
I can assure you that you didn't come across as a nutjob Patrick, far from it. We were somewhat unfortunate, perhaps, in that the selection of people they had on for the panel discussion today veered somewhat toward the official narrative, shall we say, whereas other weeks the panel can be made up of people more open to our point of view. However, the important thing is that you got the truth out there, and those with ears and a mind to listen got to hear it. No more than that can you do, and the way we were always going to win this fight was one truth nail at a time hammered in to their coffin of lies and deception. Today was one more nail in that coffin, so be proud of yourself, you absolutely deserve it.
Don’t worry Patrick, everyone I know thinks I’m mental. I will take no solace in any ‘told you so’s’. I’d prefer to be regarded as the village idiot than be right about any of this stuff. But nothing that’s yet come to light has made me question my position.
I find it very hard to have sympathy for anyone in the medical or Pharma industries. They abandoned rational thinking and in doing so have brought untold death and chronic bad health on people by betraying the trust built up by responsible medics over a long history. Thanks Sarah, it’s important to record these glimpses of reality
Wow, how do these doctors nurses and harmacists live with themselves. Order following idiots who are actually “professionally” trained and educated to know better. There is no excuse, they jabbed people clearly under coercion for free travel and access to services and public places. At least that doctor half knows what he’s done but me remorse and makes light of how he poisioned himself and his patients. What a numpty.