Patrick, you are providing us with an invaluable public service and resource. Ireland owes you an enormous debt and we need you to keep going even though it’s largely falling on deaf ears. They just will not accept what has been done to them. It’s not the information, it’s the denial that’s the problem. Although you are doing fantastic work, I absolutely dread getting a notification from you for a new article because I know I will have to read it and I know my heart will shatter into another thousand pieces because it just seems to get worse. This coupled with migration could well spell the end of us. I will never give up but it’s bleak as fuck. On we go. We must keep the faith and keep the fight going in the hope that one day things will change.

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It's beyond the beyond at this stage Patrick. I was at 3 funerals in 4 weeks and although two were of older people, one was a midde aged died suddenly. Yes he did have underlying issues but that doesn't have to mean death in the normal course of life. The only consolation I had recently was when a person I know who was completely for the jabs, said "you were right not to take it Celine" after the witnessed the death of a young healthy man with no health issues in his sleep. I think the biggest stumbling block is that you have to make the leap to - this is intentional, there is a greater plan towards depopulation, this cannot be passed off as some nobel desire to save people. If so, the media would surely be shouting from the rooftops by now having realised this is not the case and more and more people are dying. If only they did their job and held the Govt to accountb rather than getting into bed with them. Will be interested to hear if Newstalk grow a conscience....

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Eithne Branigan Talks About Her Injuries After AstraZeneca— and the Irish Children

"I'm starting to see in the support groups Irish children being hurt. For what risk? I, it's my moral duty to make my way here and to speak out about the harm that has been done to people."

Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/160835.html

Source video:

"Interview with Eithne Branigan 09/2022: In September 2022 at Stephens green Dublin a vaccine injured Irish women talks about how her life has dramatically changed since she took the Astra Zenca Vaccine."


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Bang on the money again Patrick. They can fanny around with the numbers, deceitfully I might add, but those people are still dead. Only last week, a girl I used to work with posted on Facepuke, death notices of 4 of her neighbours in a week. Jaysus there's no end in sight.

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Patrick I was thinking - most actuaries in Ireland work for insurance companies. I wonder if this could be feeding their bias.

More deaths means more payouts on life policies. And also more health claims if more people are getting sick, which could be inferred by the markets/shareholders regarding the general population, if death numbers are very high. More deaths also means less live policies - if you're dead you're not paying car, house, travel, health insurance premiums.

Most senior actuaries will be on RSUs/stock options, often time restricted, so there is personal motivation to keep shareholder value high, and in general the industry will have some influence over the society. So the bias here could come from efforts to maintain general share price and market cap levels, not just here but in the UK too.

With a number of acquisitions recently indications are that some companies are bailing out, I wonder if this is feeding in.

All that said, I have seen it written that increasing deaths somehow benefit insurers, but I'm not sure how. So the above needs more investigation.

I wonder if we could find out who personally are compiling those reports.

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Well done patrick on your statistics telling it like it is always the population cull continues and scummy Rte and the rest of the equally scummy media stay silent it's an absolute disgrace shocking and sickening

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Turns out we’re not the only ones. I linked to one of your previous articles in the comments. It would be interesting to see if there were other Stacks from different countries covering the topic. Thanks for your dedication Patrick.


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I think I could become 'overworked' - more shocking info. Is anyone reading these comments?

Maybe they're 'shadow banned' ? Comment's welcome.

Pfizer VP Blows Whistle: Vaccine Designed To Cause Lucrative Health Problems We Could Monetize

The People's Voice

Incl Ex Pfizer VP, Dr Mike Yeadon.

"These vaccines were deliberately and intensionally designed to harm"

"Vaccines are unavoidably unsafe" {Industry and Gov,}


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We need Truth & Transparency not coverup/whitewash.

When will the traitorous in Politics - Media & the Medical get the courage to face the Truth, the real science about, ConVid, 'the bioWeapon Jabs' and the errors/ treachery of their ways.

Trying to brush the truth under the carpet will not work 18,000 plus killed/dead due to their actions and inactions. What might be the expected penalty for murdering/killing one person? At least along prison sentence... so what should the punishment be for those responsible for spreading dis-information - mis-information & mal-information leading to the death/murder of 18,000 plus Irish people and the harming of 4,000,000 Irish men, women and children?

Any apologies forthcoming for this moronic treachery? Not that I've seen.

RTE + other media - largely mute and doubling down.

Politicians - largely mute and doubling down.

Civil Service - largely mute and doubling down.

Army - listen up this is a bioweapon covert military attack - what do you have say about that or more to the point what are you doing about that? Feck all is not enough.

Garda - you were on the front with the unnecessary and probably unlawful Lockdowns - leading to huge harm and loss. Harassing people who travelled a few kilometers beyond the 5 or whatever,

those who chose not to wear unhealthy masks that were not fit for purpose and damaging.

All the above parties are accessories to 18,000 plus unnecessary deaths and counting.

All the above have a vested interest in denial, and covering up the truth.

Those with the moderate amount brain cells necessary to research mRNA and nano tech and the real threat of Sars Covid19 were able to see two things easily.

1- The injections were and remain deadly bioweapons designed from the get go to harm and kill and more.

2- The Sars Civ 19 disease was not lethal to over 99.7% of the population.

What about the elderly locked away from their families in a cruel and sadistic way?

What about lethal 'medical' protocols used to kill/murder many of these unfortunates

to boost the the fake ConVid deaths, by the contra indicated end of life cocktail of Madazolan and Morphine, Ventilators and more so they could roll out deadly 'jabs' - unnecessary lockdowns - not fit for purpose designed to give over 90% false positives. How many cycles were these con machines run at to create guaranteed false positives 30 - 40 -45? We want to know.

The harmful & demeaning , useless/harmful masks, The pointless and useless 'social distancing'.

All these malfeasants are accessories to the death 18,000 + innocent Irish people and the traumatisation of the Nation now suffering from Stockholm syndrome from the abuse & trauma.

Many of jabbed do not want to face the error of believing the lies of there supposed leaders - Government- media - medics etc... they to take a cold shower and face how they were lied to and conned.

Somehow we need to find an antidote to this numbness and fear and galvanise to hold accountable those who have partaken in this monstrous crime against humanity that has and is being done and continues to be done with malice and intent. This needs to happen post haste and not put on the long finger. Onwards to truth and JUSTICE.


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More from the Twilight Zone. We are living through 'insane times'...

Yay - here we go the mRNA ConVid - bioweapon jabs were so 'safe and effective' the US Congress

have just voted to give Moderna ( M-ode-rna) a whpping $176,000,000's of tax payer money!!!!!!

For a new killer, Bird Flu which scientists have been working round the clock to gain of function weaponise, with a grand total of an alleged 3 deaths chalked up to date = a veritable pandemic already !!!

Roll up, roll up, your sleeves for more of our super toxic gene-editing - nano infested kool aid...

This is kinda 'sudden and unexpected'... but what the heck - it's gonna be effective at something.


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It's complex !!!

Another way to depopulate is to reduce fertility & increase sterility, which is being enacted by multiple/many vectors - all stepping stones to what Bill/KillGates refers to as the 'final solution' aka 'carbon reduction' aka murdering 7 Billion plus humans @ Yay we now have lot's of room to import hybrid/ space aliens to replace humans - I get this is 'left field/radical/'far out' .... breath deeply, we live a vast uni/multiverse and we are not the centre of it nor the top of the food chain. Not asking anyone to 'believe' this as it's a deep dive and more, perhaps file under 'could there be something in this?'

Nuf already - more anon....

Right now we have have 3D work to do to save our ass's - onwards...


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It's bloody awful, is the bioweapon/jab loaded with nano-tech... more on the 'hackable' human.2,

GMO Homo, Cyborg genius....


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more & more & more @ we get this is an ongoing war against humanity/us :-(


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Why did the Medics, Gov, Media not inform the people that mRNA was genetic altering bioweapon with nano technology, rather than round the clock lies and industrial gaslighting?

Their "Safe and effective" = 18,000 + dead and 4 million plus harmed - no due diligence, dereliction of duty, no apology and keep jabbing the people = disgusting & criminal.

We need legal due process and soon.

Satanic Frankensteins: Pfizer and Moderna CEOs Reveal Cabal’s True Intention – Destruction of God’s Creation


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Thank you again Patrick, I'm reposting this comment I made on the Globalist Gazette, (a substack) I wish more people would read and commented on). We are at war and our 'leaders' appear to be ok with an enemy/enemies killing us.

The post>

"Thank you TALKnet, ( I just 'lost' a longish and passionate reply, when I opened another tab to check how many bird flu-bioweapons the EU were purchasing and rolling out this week in Finland and when I returned with the info my whole post had vanished :-( Ai perhaps? Speaking truth / facts to 'power' can be a tricky business!

I commented how good it was to have some dialog with others on the Globalist Gazette - and excellent platform for discussion of matters relevant to the Nation and people and how remarkable that in a nation of over 4,000,000 how few people were engaging here in this free and creative space. it's as if Charles FK (whom I don't know nor met) was posting into an almost vacuum. Hence my efforts to respond to his 'invitation' to comment on his posts.

How despicable it is that FF/FG/SF, the 'Gov', the 'Politicians' almost all of, RTE/media and Medical Establishment, Army, Garda were all still mute about ConVid, gene editing - nano tech bioweapon and still seeming ok about continuing to jab 'we the people' despite a conservative calculation of 18,800 deaths from the jab. This reality is beyond belief.... why is this bioweapon not halted/withdrawn. The only plausible reason I can see is they want us dead.

The failure of the above mentioned groups, when the 'jabs' come via Operation Warp speed curtesy of USA's DOD (dept of Defence) is that they were intentionally designed to harm and kill (Yeadon et al) and promoted on the back of wall to wall lies and bogus 'science'. Pushing these experimental killer injections on the population is tantamount to assisting in murder and an act of Treason IMO.

As haven't yet seen any apologies from the above mentioned parties. I can only deduce they are ok with continuing to murder we the people. For their masters? How can they be so evil, incompetent and dumb? It beggars belief. How can these murderous cretins sleep at night? I can hardly bear to look at their stupid and cowardly faces. They NEED to be held accountable for their crimes of assisting the genocide on our people.

We pay them represent our best interests. It was well know for years before 2020 that mRNA and nano tech was very dangerous and not suitable for injecting into humans unless you wish to harm / kill them. Most nano scientists remained mute about this even though they knew the dangers. Many reputable, scientists, doctors, and experts were saying this from before the first 'jab' was slid into an Irish person's arm (M.Yeadon, V.Coleman, D.Cahill, F Boyle, to name a few).

Why the almost deafening silence from culprits and jabbed?

It's as if we're passing through an alternate reality a twilight zone of zombies. Why are jabbed not screaming from the rooftops and demanding the culprits are held accountable for their actions, lies and inactions? Hellllooooo anyone caring about these murderous crimes? VERY few as far as I can see. Not very encouraging to say the least.... STOP the jabs/murder you gombeen gobshites, you've more than enough harm to the people and Nation already. Unnecessary lockdowns (military term) of healthy people, as opposed to normal quarantining of the ill, masking (useless) of the people and the arbitrary 6 foot / 2 meter distancing bs. Resulting in business failures, suicides, increased alcohol consumption, churches closed but wine shops open! This whole attack, for that what it was/is was designed not just harm and kill but to demean and scorn the 'useless eaters' and idiots who were so lacking in critical thinking that sucked up thee kool aid. Ha Ha the planners say to themselves you self selected to participate in our death experiment, sad really - really sad and bad.

I had suggested from memory that the Deagal depopulation estimate was 60 something % by 2025 (from 2017 figures)

The figure from pdf above state;

Ireland population 2017 = 4,770,000

Ireland estimated population 2025 estimate 1,318,740

A population reduction of a whopping -72.4%

Let that sink in for a moment. Read it again a 72% depopulation in Ireland over an 8 year period. THEY want you dead and want to profit from death be it slow or swift. Make no mistake this is a Satanic agenda.

Brace yourselves, were not out of the woods yet these bastards have a long way to go to meet their projections!

Remember the Georgia Guidestones reduce the world population to 500,000,000... reflect on that and may others flags of their depopulation agendas, incl the 4 Day tapes

The Deagel information was widely available on the www for years, why did it not raise eyebrows and concern with our leaders?

The likely reason is that those who pull the strings were onboard with UN/Club of Rome, WEF etc mob who were pushing the overpopulation agenda and the need to cull the herd.

BEWARE the new/current psyop to inject you with poison...

EU to secure 40 million avian flu vaccines for 15 countries - officials

By Julia Payne -June 10, 2024


Link to above and more comments on The Globalist Gazette....

https://globalistgazette.substack.com/p/carnage-at-pfizer/comments "

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Deagel had targets but targets are not set in stone. They didn't get as many as they wanted with the jabs, lots were duds or badly injected. Plus the human body has serious powers - they can't have accounted for everything. So it's a case of lots done, more to do for these demonic cnut's.

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Yes but if too many dropped dead too soon the masses would cop on faster.

So the bioweapon jabs are designed to be a slow kill and kill on demand via EMF radiation with weaponised cell towers in every town and village. There target of a world population of 500,000,000 was carved in stone on the Georgia Guidestones which remains their agenda.

Wars, chemtrails, fluoride, vaccines, GMO's and more are all part of their arsenal.

They've been working on this for a very long time, multi generational and their plans are extremely detailed, see their interactive 'wheels' of info with multiple layers, I don't have the link to hand, but they have covered a great deal in great depth.

Yes, we have serious powers and divinity and this why they hate us so and yes demonic is in the mix, so we need to be pro-active or it's bye bye humanity.

Here some starter info for those who may think this an exaggeration.

Some info on our Globalists work... it's deadly altogether.


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Brilliant opinion piece observer it's beyond belief what's going on mass genocide on an unprecedented scale while our bought and paid for leaders and doctors too mostly stay silent and so many people haven't a clue cos the still think that Rte BBC and rest of scummy media tell them lies the truth most are brainwashed while we try to tell the truth we are really been tested mentally but we will prevail ispeaking our truth it really is a battle between good and evil a spiritual battle where faith is essential again this is a brilliant reply from yourself observer very impressive it's really great what patrick is doing with revealing these statistics superb truth telling but Rte won't reveal this they are pure vermin lowest of the low

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Thank you Tommy. Agreed it is a mass genocide and also a spiritual war in which they are working to cull us and harvest our divine spark and also to transhumanise 'mankind'.

Why? I feel because we each have part of the divine essence/spark from God/source and they hate God and consequently us, especially children who are innocent and close to God.

What to do?

First as you say, follow, share and act on Patrick's important work.

Second finds way to highlight the genocide.

Perhaps print A4 or larger photos of those whose lives have been prematurely terminated 'suddenly' & 'unexpectedly' by their 'safe & effective' bioweapon.

On these posters, print the name of the (yes) murdered war victim. Yes this is US DOD military attack on us aided by in effect native traitors to 'we the people' and Nation. People who have lost loved ones could put such posters in their windows with a link to this website. Also put a poster on a stick for marches that the press could not avoid seeing. Also making white cross's with their deceased loved names written with black marker, and plant all over or personal variations of such actions.

Yes it's some effort but what's a life worth? What's are future worth? What's the future of children and Nation worth? Remember these evil beings are not apologising and nor are they finished killing us @ still pushing the bioweapon and gearing up for round 2 with - weaponised/gain of function 'bird flu' jab/bio-weapon

Third, as these evil murders/complicit in murder 'people', have difficulty thinking beyond self and what they can gain from us (the National kitty) and the ConVid scam. As such

they blank out any thought of their guilt in an effort of attaining 'total denial' of wrong doing. How to crack that nut?

Well as their 'god' appears to money (and often ego also) we need to hit them where it

registers ie in pocket and threaten their liberty (law). This I sense is the only/best method to gain their attention and also to deal with them in serious manner. When they are served with summons pointing out their part in this mass genocide they will swiftly wake up to their crimes which would/will be highlight in the summons. Yes law-fare can be expensive, but one summons (with slight variations for individuals) would be cost effective as these would be served first on some hundreds of malfeasants. We are millions so funding such move should not be too onerous on individuals. Yes the law is a tricky wicket but I guarantee when they are served with a serious summons the recipients will take notice and become less arrogant and finally be on the back foot.

IMO actions such as outlined above will stop the ongoing bioweapon murder and start holding those responsible and complicit.

How many failed to exercise due-diligence as was/is their responsibility per their job/contract to the people? How many lied and censored? Bullied and co-ersed.

We all can rattle off dozens without missing a beat.

Of course others will have more ideas and as long as they do not somehow undermine

the initIative / goal - go for it! Remembering to keep things within the law as they will be quick to jump on and deviance to ridicule the operation. Bunch of 'far righters' etc...

Focus, self discipline and determination is needed to pull this off and IMO it is very doable. We have a good advantage being a small country and such a people movement

would soon be noticed internationally and set a template for other counties. This murder must be stood down asap and those responsible held accountable. Onwards.

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There day of reckoning will come I have no doubt about it the good lord will make them all pay they are demonic people all.of them and scummy media will pay too karma is a bitch as they say I find it hard to get the convid scam out of my head my mate who's also very awake says I think to much about it but it's mind-boggling to think what the bastards did aided and abetted by media traitors and sellouts but they will all pay it has to be that way we must keep the faith and pray for justice and that more people will wake up I haven't got the time or patience to explain to people about it all they should be aware by now that something awful is happening and no doubt they have more plans for all of us in future we must resist digital currency people should go back to paying by cash I do most of the time because if they get there way all us rebels will be targets for "special treatment " but i am ready for it my mind is strong my will even stronger

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Sad -I'll opt not to make any blood related comments. May the women of Ireland rise to help end

horrendous horror show ...

DR NAOMI WOLF & Sonia Elijah conduct a stunning interview on how mRNA technology (lipid nano particles platform) & mRNA vaccine devastates Women's Menstrual Cycles.


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Watch out for the 'Birdie' mRNA untested mark2 jabbie.

Watch out for who is supporting and pushing this lethal technology in our country.

We have their record to date and are watching every word and dodge closely

"Regulation using mock-ups: how Finland's 40,000 doses and the EU's 665,000 doses of bird flu vaccine were approved with no human data

With an option for 40 million doses. This is a long post because I was asked for more details yesterday by a doctor in Finland"

MERYL NASS -JUL 14, 2024


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Get Boosted and increase your chances of dying from (with) Turbo Cancer.

Remember your Government loves you and holds your best interests as their top priority.

Or, "I heard a conspiracy theorist say they are working overtime (for free) to maime and kill you with fluoride and ConVid19 bioweapons."

Could you ever believe such nonsense, if that was the case we whould have heard it on the news.

"The best uncontaminated data on the subject to have been published, which I have previously commented on, comes from Japan. After much peer review it was published in the medical journal Cureus. It shows a clear increase in all cancers, with the increase clearly linked to the boosters."

Systematic suppression of the truth – covid vaccines are linked to cancer and death

By Professor Angus Dalgleish

July 11, 2024


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