Over 5,000 (18%) Irish excess deaths in 2024. Full details below. HEADLINE FIGURES: *
NOVEMBER 2024 : 345 (13.3%) Excess Deaths FOR MONTH
2021 to 2024 : 21,200 Excess Deaths
2024 YTD: 5,146 (18.1%)
2023 YTD: 5,405 (19.1%)
2022 YTD: 4,764 (16.8%)
2021 YTD: 4,278 (15.1%)
* These figures are analysed from which is recognised by the GRO/CSO as a real time measure of mortality in Ireland using the globally recognised 5 year baseline of 2015-2019 for comparison.
Link to site where all data can be found, methodology explained etc.
The analysis of funeral notices below shows the ‘pandemic’ for the scam that it was.
The tragic excess deaths that we have seen since, only commenced in earnest in 2021, after the Covid 19 vaccine was rolled out.
In comparing, we need to start from May 2020 onwards because of the spike of ‘unnecessary’ nursing home deaths in April 2020, which is an anomaly and would skew the comparison.
‘Unnecessary’ in this case, is a euphemism for euthanasia carried out on Simple Simon Harris’ watch as Minister for Health.
Nothing else describes the catastrophic policy of moving the elderly from hospitals to nursing homes to die alone, without appropriate medical treatment.
This Table is a comparison of the May to November 2020 figures with the 5 year average for 2015-2019 and to the years 2021 to 2024 for the same period.
A quick perusal of annual increases says it all.
In this period of 2020 there was an increase in dying of 3.4% on the 5 year average.
The table below shows that compared to the previous year of 2019 there were 289 LESS death notices in 2020 during these 7 months.
As you can see, the ‘Pandemic’ was not based on any immediate out of the ordinary threat to life.
There was no dying in excessive numbers from Covid 19 or anything else but RTE and the mainstream media rolled out the death numbers ‘from’ Covid 19, daily.
Normal deaths of elderly people were categorised as Covid 19 deaths.
Simple as that, nothing else explains it.
The nursing home deaths, over a 1,000 extra in April 2020, gave them the huge jump in mortality numbers they needed to terrify the population into supine submission.
And ‘Official Ireland’ caused them.
It was a calculated lie promoted by government and mainstream media to restrict civil liberties and to scare people into queuing up for the Covid 19 vaccines which were about to be launched to deadly effect in January 2021 on a population eager to be ‘saved’.
That’s when the excessive dying started and continues to this day.
‘Safe and Effective’ quickly morphed into ‘Deadly and Debilitating’.
MAY TO NOVEMBER :- 2020 TO 2024:
Look at the comparison of subsequent years after the Covid vaccine roll out in Jan 2021.
2020 was DOWN on 2019 and only 3.4% up on the 5 yr average.
2021 is 11.3% UP on 2020.
2022 is 16.2% UP on 2020.
2023 is 17% UP on 2020.
2024 is 16.2% UP on 2020.
The sudden acceleration from 2021 is frightening and not explained simply by an ‘aging population’, which does need to be factored in.
Over the four years from 2015-2019 the increase is 2130; 532 on average per year.
2021 jumps 3113 in one year.
Yes, it took 4 years to steadily rise by 2130 and then a massive jump by 3113 in one year that has risen higher and continued since.
What also must be remembered is that major excess deaths over an extended period, as have happened in 2021 and 2022, should lead to deaths below expectation in subsequent years.
This is the ‘pull forward effect’ which is explained by the early death of those statistically expected to die in the following years due to aging.
Obviously, they cannot die again so the expected level of deaths should be lower in the years immediately following.
We have had nearly 4 years of high excess mortality with no sign of a significant dip so the real rate of excess deaths in 2023 and 2024 to my view is essentially higher, although a simultaneously aging population must also be taken into account.
The years 2021 to 2024 are suddenly and dramatically higher than 2020 and our government is totally ignoring it.
They know something is wrong and for them to address it would be a de facto admission of guilt, because they caused it.
This is a democide achieved with lockdown policies of which the Covid 19 jabs would seem to be the most deadly.
NOTE: The analysis by county cannot be exact as if two counties are given for one death notice, the first county is used and the duplicate discarded. Off a small base, this might lead to exaggerated percentages.
Please remember, county borders are just lines on a map. The important figures are the national ones. However, the trends shown are worthwhile and stand up for comparison purposes.
The shaded map highlights clearly that for 2024, the east coast is experiencing the worst of the carnage.
The top 8 counties are in Leinster.
Dublin is one of the lowest in the East at 21.7% and all surrounding counties are shaded significantly higher !!!
‘Official Ireland’ doesn’t want us talking about all the dying and illness.
Don’t be silent in the face of evil.
As God would wish.
* A Hard Rains A Gonna Fall; Bob Dylan
It looks like more of the same on steroids for the next 5 years.
Simple Simon and Mehole will tell us they have a mandate now and with no looming election they have free rein to dance the Globalist jig.
It’s worse than turkeys voting for Christmas.
It’s lambs voting for Easter because they believe the Resurrection didn’t happen.
A self hating ritual without hope or faith.
God help us.
The only bright light for me was the downfall of the House of Donnelly.
In late 2022, my local TD submitted a question to Donnelly about excess deaths in Kilkenny based on my research and prompting.
This response was received from Donnelly’s Private Secretary, detailing CSO figures on KILKENNY deaths which suggest there is ‘nothing to see here’.
The Minister’s Private Secretary quoted the correct figures but when adding them together conveniently under stated the total by 99 (25%) for six months.
A significant discrepancy that suited Donnelly’s needs in throwing people off the scent of a surfacing scandal.
Months after the above question, Donnelly doubled down when he told in this short interview (2 mins) from late 2023, that he wasn’t aware of any excess deaths in Ireland.
This was after Varadkar had spoken of excess mortality in the Dail and requested a report on it from Breda Smyth, the Chief Medical Officer in February 2023.
She resigned later along with Varadkar and the mainstream media never mentioned the whole episode again.
Your taxes are paying their pensions and keeping the same media afloat.
They are playing a game with our lives and we are funding it.
His smirk near the end when dismissing Ben Scallan’s assertion about excess mortality is ‘Duper’s Delight’.
In a functioning democracy he would be in the dock for his part in the democide.
The smirk is on the other side of his face this morning.
Bovaer in the cows feed is getting more attention than the excess deaths see how quickly pushback happened when people voice their health concerns but the jab continues on? is Mr Gates invested in bovaer.
“In our case against FDA, the Court just ordered FDA to produce an additional million pages of Pfizer C19 trial documents that FDA tried to hide from the public. Another giant win for transparency.
FDA wanted 75+ years to produce these documents and we hav worked very hard to get there, this time by hiding a million pages from the Court and the plaintiff.
FDA clearly lacks confidence in the review it conducted to license Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine because it is doing everything possible to prevent independent scientists from conducting an independent review.
In his decision and order today, Judge Pittman quoted Patrick Henry: “The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.” We should all be grateful to Judge Pittman for siding with transparency.”
Aaron Siri (lawyer)