Bovaer in the cows feed is getting more attention than the excess deaths see how quickly pushback happened when people voice their health concerns but the jab continues on? is Mr Gates invested in bovaer.


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Yes is the answer, I read a report saying Gate's helped finance the company that makes the ", anti methane food additive". Anything that man is involved in has a very shady reason for why it does what it does.Gates can often be heard waxing lyricle about his dreams of population control.Look at some of the mans activities in Africa,he is willing to experiment with the whole world population, and he was visiting our prime minister, I would like to know exactly what they were talking about.

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“In our case against FDA, the Court just ordered FDA to produce an additional million pages of Pfizer C19 trial documents that FDA tried to hide from the public. Another giant win for transparency.

FDA wanted 75+ years to produce these documents and we hav worked very hard to get there, this time by hiding a million pages from the Court and the plaintiff.

FDA clearly lacks confidence in the review it conducted to license Pfizer’s Covid-19 vaccine because it is doing everything possible to prevent independent scientists from conducting an independent review.

In his decision and order today, Judge Pittman quoted Patrick Henry: “The liberties of a people never were, nor ever will be, secure, when the transactions of their rulers may be concealed from them.” We should all be grateful to Judge Pittman for siding with transparency.”

Aaron Siri (lawyer)

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Thank you for reporting and for your persistence in speaking out.

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Patrick, thank you for all you do. I am so sick of hearing "'My truth'' when there is only The Truth. We are innudated with accepting perversions as if it is true. Those truth tellers called chromosones are not my truth or anyone's else, it is Truth. We are surrounded by so many lies. We accept killing our own flesh and blood and call it choice, but if you question the Death Jabs you are a conspirits, God Help us. If we ever wake up and decide to help ourselves and accept Truth we will see the sunrise.

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Thanyou Patrick.

One question please.

Does Ireland have a functioning opposition party ?

Or is it a one party state ?

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It’s an effective uni party propped up by a number of factors. Demographics play a role… we have an big over 60’s cohort that have been served very well by the establishment and would turn out in large numbers to vote for the status quo (but at the same time would lament the fact all of their grandchildren are in Australia… go figure?).

We lose a lot of our young people to emigration so a lot of the vital energy that may lead to change gets sucked out of the country… (this is also demographically catastrophic).

It’s also quite easy to get citizenship here (I think you only need to be resident 3 years?). This new cohort would more than likely vote for establishment parties as they bend over backwards to cater to them.

Coupled with a captured media, voter lethargy (a high percentage of people don’t vote) and a general sense of learned helplessness (people here seem to terrified of change bar their own replacement in their ancestral homeland… again go figure?).

Historians will look back and be scratching their heads methinks? I myself am baffled by it.

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Does it matter ?. Have you ever thought who you are voting for and I do not mean the party ... but the individual. Who chooses the individual to stand for election ?; THE PARTY.

All the parties and not just in Ireland, but the "West" in general have been infiltrated by the globalist parasites (WEF / UN etc) and work together pushing the same agenda topics in slightly different ways. The parties are just different cheeks of the same *rse.


I am not Irish (apologies but English), yet I still think the numbers for excess deaths is being manipulated downwards, well I know they are.

This is actually on the UK Government web site - https://www.gov.uk/government/news/estimating-excess-deaths-new-methodology

Seen the figures in Japan ? - https://exdeaths-japan.org/en/graph/numberof/


We only need to look close to home to see what is going on ... a couple of weeks ago I was 6-2 (6 serious illnesses, 2 deaths), now I am 11-4 which now includes 2 x 17 year olds.

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The opposition won't be any better. They are all selected, not elected.

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The answers are no and yes

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That’s why we got the election result we did. There is no opposition party of consequence. Unlike in the US.

General elections are about electing a government. Records show people do not use general elections to make a protest. That’s for by-elections.

So the Irish electorate were faced with no alternative but in their view to do their democratic duty & vote for the only show in town.

Those opposing the evil cabal have a job to do to present the Irish electorate with a proper choice by the next election - if this evil is to be defeated by voting. Something I very much doubt.

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Dear Friends

Thankyou for your responses to my question re an opposition party.

I would like to make a suggestion.

You have all indicated, in one way or another, that the present situation isn't working.

What to do ?

To try, or not to try, that is the question.

I believe you can take back your country, and stop your young people fleeing.

But you need to do two things.

One is real easy, and involves no expense, and almost no effort.

The other will almost kill you with fatigue, and rip your heart out.

But nothing worth having, is easy.

First, re-institute Daily Family Worship in Ireland.

5 minutes in the morning.

5 minutes in the evening.

Read the Bible and pray with your family.

Second, realize that the Reasonable Men of Ireland are 60%.

You are the majority.

The only way you CAN lose, is by division.

60% divided by two is 30%, and that is a fail.

But the people, who are destroying your country, are experts at the Age Old English Art of Divide and Rule.

So, you need to find a man.

You need to find a focal point.

You need to find an Irish Nigel Farage.

You need to find a Liam Neeson.

(I am speaking figuratively. Apart from being a brilliant actor, I know nothing about Oscar Schindler.)

All Irishmen must combine their vote for effect.

You all need to vote for the SAME PARTY.

Politics is about, seeing the danger you MUST avoid ...


and putting up with, some things you may not like.

You can win.

But you must






Your enemies will say you are Racist, Bigoted and Selfish.

You must say -

We are none of those things.

But we make no apology for being who we are ...

and liking it.

We make no apology for our ethnicity, our language or our Christianity ...

and our intention to maintain it.

We make no apology for our love of God, family and our fellow man.

We make no apology for our love of life, liberty and property.

We make no apology for demanding that the REPRESENTATIVES, whom WE EMPLOY ...

represent us AS WE ARE ...

and not ...


It is not the job of representatives, to re-make society, in their image.

It is not the job of representatives, to lecture their employers, on idealogy.

It is not the job of representatives, to fix the world.

It is not the job of representatives, to rig the electoral system, by giving the vote to every foreigner, who sets foot on Irish soil.

This is what the Democrats tried to do in America, with an open border. By God's grace it failed.

It is not the job of representatives, to collect taxes, and then send them overseas, to curry favour with their true masters.

The business of representatives, is to carry out OUR WISHES ...

NOT to sell us out to the sick, evil, perverted, fantasies of the billionaire class.

On each side walk the wicked when vile men are high in place - Psalm 12

God Bless

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It’s clear to see what has happened, 💉 ☠️

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Dec 4
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Sorry for your loss andI’ve wondered this myself… none of these guys live in gated communities guarded with machine guns. I pass their residences all the time. A well organised, disgruntled mob wouldn’t really have to put in too much effort. I wouldn’t condone it but I would understand the anger. It pisses me off and I didn’t even take the juice… most people (luckily for our overlords) appear to be walking around in a zombified stupor. That could be a side effect. But as for our politicians I would be wanting to living in something a little better than a suburban pile for my services to my masters… they were obviously procured on the cheap…

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You are so right, where is the outrage over this.Like you I didn't take the poison,nor did I loose any loved ones, but I'm fucking angry, and surrounded by bloody immigrants and sheep.

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It’s hard to know why. The Irish psyche seems completely bet down. Our survival instincts have been totally eroded. We’ll either go ‘gentle into that good night’ or societal breakdown.

But fear not our government has this eventuality covered. They have a raft of people they are training on the sidelines to keep us in line…


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I also lost a parent in 2021 and to see them suffer with such violent headaches after the injection due to turbo cancer in the brain it makes my blood boil.

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Sorry for your loss.

I wrote about my own parents, but then took it out. I just mean to say, may peace be with you.

And may those who committed these crimes against humanity be held accountable before the law. Will it ever happen? I am confident that it will to some degree, with some people, some day. And in part, it depends on what we the survivors do, and what we say.

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If there is a next life, they will be held accountable there

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Biden administration mulling preemptive pardons for Trump enemies Liz Cheney and Dr Fauci https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/us-politics/biden-pardon-liz-cheney-fauci-schiff-trump-b2659378.html

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