I am not Irish .. but this effects us all now and we have to be united. Therefore I want to add my bit to this.
1. Thanks for the link and useful site.
2. The killings just go on, in Ireland, the UK, the US, Eu and and ... it really is truly shocking that many still can not see it, when their close and loved ones are falling like ruddy flies.
3. If you sign up to the UK Government "Covid-19 update" ... you will get the "excess count" for England and Wales combined PLUS an extra email for the N. Ireland excess deaths .. gee Scotland separate; WHY ???? ... but I think you can find them via the PHE.
Now this is where I may come across as a prat or something, but on one of your recent posts it states: -
"The figures for Kilkenny as per rip.ie (excl. duplications) for January to May are 463 deaths which is 82 (22%) higher than 2019. ...... Nearly 4 extra deaths a week in a small Irish county in 2023 so far this year.
To brain dead morons like my sister and others ...they just laugh, yes seriously because 4 extra dead (does not matter if it is per week) is such a small figure; their tiny, stupid brains do not understand the bigger picture nor the consequences ... ESPECIALLY NOT THE OVERALL PICTURE.
Heat bomb has hit us with 86 degrees, people are dying !. ...... even though in Farenheight...
Heat bomb has hit us with 30 degrees C, people are dying as normal and no excess deaths reported due to the heat.!. ......
Hope this makes sense and apologies for the waffle.
‘Official U.K. statistics also showed that in the week ending April 21, 2023, the number of deaths exceeded the five-year average by 22.1% (2,540 excess deaths), while in the week ending April 28, the excess figure was 12.9% (1,569 excess deaths). Only 3.8% of deaths during this period mentioned COVID-19 in the death certificates….’
Bob thank for your comment and I totally get your anger and frustration.
I keep my data as local as possible because it has strong effect in Ireland in that most of us live in small rural counties that we strongly identify with and that News, good or bad, to do with that county hits home.
My Kilkenny data has had a strong effect in Ireland because people say ‘my county must be the same’. I could never have done the research on sudden deaths other than by keeping it local and people then extrapolating out for Ireland.
You are correct. We are on the same side and must stick together and fight using the best means at our disposal.
If ‘brain dead morons like your sister’ aren’t convinced by the astonishing UK ONS statistics quoted at the start of my reply then I am sorry to say they are a lost cause.
At least Uk is publishing these figures in real time unlike Irish CSO figures which are diluted, disowned and 6 months out of date.
Keep up the good fight Bob and please keep contributing your opinion.
I don’t have all the answers but if I am to keep asking the awkward questions then I must be prepared to take them as well.
Cheers. I meant no criticism at all, by the way and keep up the good work and on getting the info out.
I am over in the NL, where a similar thing is happening to Ireland (taking scale, population into account) where people in my small "semi-rural" town are literally just dropping... which first started with heart failures, but now seems to concentrate on "Turbo" cancers... fast, aggressive and pretty much unknown cancers (before the jab).
You and we must continue to not only ask the questions; so keep up the good work please and thank you again. Cheers.
Thanks for this Patrick. Did you take part in the development of this new site? It will be wonderful to have all the counties showing the same trend. As far as I can see there's no place for sudden and unexpected deaths (or maybe I missed it)
The thing that stands out for me about all the counties is there were no excess deaths in 2020 the year of the AWEFUL PANDEMIC (that wasn't). It was just the same as all the previous years
There was no pandemic, the WHO said there was one and the Tyrants and medics and media rolled it out. Democide as you said Patrick. Genocide by your own Government
Hi Fionnuala, no my only contribution was the original idea and some research I had done to back up the rationale. A few great patriots have devoted a lot of time and energy to this. As we now know there was no ‘pandemic’ of deaths in 2020. All that happened is that a spike in deaths occurred in April/May in nursing homes of people who ‘statistically’ probably would have died over the rest of the year. These people died alone and medicated to the nth degree giving the lie that they died from Covid. Those involved in that orgainsed ‘kill off’ will pay even those that have since converted their nursing homes into fakeugee housing.
They brought forward the deaths that would've happened later in the year. That was why the spike went down so sharply in April May 2020. I followed the story in the beginning through the eyes of John Waters and Dave Cullen. I've been researching since then. It's an amazing time to be living through. Terriffic work from the patriots
Well Done Patrick and everyone involved , I'll share it out .
Thanks Richard. Everyone sharing far and wide is what we are hoping for. Enjoy your weekend.
I am not Irish .. but this effects us all now and we have to be united. Therefore I want to add my bit to this.
1. Thanks for the link and useful site.
2. The killings just go on, in Ireland, the UK, the US, Eu and and ... it really is truly shocking that many still can not see it, when their close and loved ones are falling like ruddy flies.
3. If you sign up to the UK Government "Covid-19 update" ... you will get the "excess count" for England and Wales combined PLUS an extra email for the N. Ireland excess deaths .. gee Scotland separate; WHY ???? ... but I think you can find them via the PHE.
Now this is where I may come across as a prat or something, but on one of your recent posts it states: -
"The figures for Kilkenny as per rip.ie (excl. duplications) for January to May are 463 deaths which is 82 (22%) higher than 2019. ...... Nearly 4 extra deaths a week in a small Irish county in 2023 so far this year.
To brain dead morons like my sister and others ...they just laugh, yes seriously because 4 extra dead (does not matter if it is per week) is such a small figure; their tiny, stupid brains do not understand the bigger picture nor the consequences ... ESPECIALLY NOT THE OVERALL PICTURE.
Heat bomb has hit us with 86 degrees, people are dying !. ...... even though in Farenheight...
Heat bomb has hit us with 30 degrees C, people are dying as normal and no excess deaths reported due to the heat.!. ......
Hope this makes sense and apologies for the waffle.
‘Official U.K. statistics also showed that in the week ending April 21, 2023, the number of deaths exceeded the five-year average by 22.1% (2,540 excess deaths), while in the week ending April 28, the excess figure was 12.9% (1,569 excess deaths). Only 3.8% of deaths during this period mentioned COVID-19 in the death certificates….’
Bob thank for your comment and I totally get your anger and frustration.
I keep my data as local as possible because it has strong effect in Ireland in that most of us live in small rural counties that we strongly identify with and that News, good or bad, to do with that county hits home.
My Kilkenny data has had a strong effect in Ireland because people say ‘my county must be the same’. I could never have done the research on sudden deaths other than by keeping it local and people then extrapolating out for Ireland.
You are correct. We are on the same side and must stick together and fight using the best means at our disposal.
If ‘brain dead morons like your sister’ aren’t convinced by the astonishing UK ONS statistics quoted at the start of my reply then I am sorry to say they are a lost cause.
At least Uk is publishing these figures in real time unlike Irish CSO figures which are diluted, disowned and 6 months out of date.
Keep up the good fight Bob and please keep contributing your opinion.
I don’t have all the answers but if I am to keep asking the awkward questions then I must be prepared to take them as well.
Thank you
Cheers. I meant no criticism at all, by the way and keep up the good work and on getting the info out.
I am over in the NL, where a similar thing is happening to Ireland (taking scale, population into account) where people in my small "semi-rural" town are literally just dropping... which first started with heart failures, but now seems to concentrate on "Turbo" cancers... fast, aggressive and pretty much unknown cancers (before the jab).
You and we must continue to not only ask the questions; so keep up the good work please and thank you again. Cheers.
PS Spooky timing, came in last night (going through my emails).... https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/deaths-registered-in-northern-ireland-week-ending-9-june-2023?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications-topic&utm_source=dc101781-5082-49c1-9ae6-462ed0db664e&utm_content=daily
Also, maybe of interest = https://www.gov.uk/government/news/uk-statement-on-ministerial-decision-on-the-trips-agreement?utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=govuk-notifications-topic&utm_source=f3c26ad5-571a-4278-ab85-2c9b25a09b0d&utm_content=daily
Thanks for this Patrick. Did you take part in the development of this new site? It will be wonderful to have all the counties showing the same trend. As far as I can see there's no place for sudden and unexpected deaths (or maybe I missed it)
The thing that stands out for me about all the counties is there were no excess deaths in 2020 the year of the AWEFUL PANDEMIC (that wasn't). It was just the same as all the previous years
There was no pandemic, the WHO said there was one and the Tyrants and medics and media rolled it out. Democide as you said Patrick. Genocide by your own Government
Hi Fionnuala, no my only contribution was the original idea and some research I had done to back up the rationale. A few great patriots have devoted a lot of time and energy to this. As we now know there was no ‘pandemic’ of deaths in 2020. All that happened is that a spike in deaths occurred in April/May in nursing homes of people who ‘statistically’ probably would have died over the rest of the year. These people died alone and medicated to the nth degree giving the lie that they died from Covid. Those involved in that orgainsed ‘kill off’ will pay even those that have since converted their nursing homes into fakeugee housing.
They brought forward the deaths that would've happened later in the year. That was why the spike went down so sharply in April May 2020. I followed the story in the beginning through the eyes of John Waters and Dave Cullen. I've been researching since then. It's an amazing time to be living through. Terriffic work from the patriots