Jan 5Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Hi Patrick, I rang Tipp FM today to thank them for having that discussion, which you would never hear on FaRTÉ or Newstalk. Professor Staines should retire if he actually believes what he said. I couldn't get into my family home for ov

2 years 8 months because of people like him and others in the medical profession and media who pushed through with a fear based agenda to coerce people into taking an unnecessary vaccine that was neither safe nor effective by increasing the amplifications of a PCR test way above the recommended cycle threshold. (WHO recommended 40 cycles, some hospitals were running it at 50 cycle) . To convince healthy people that they were sick was one of the greatest con jobs in history. I feel vindicated, thank you 😁🙏

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Thank you for your kind comment Kevin. This mental torture they put people through is just one more reason to hunt the perpetrators from public life.

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Jan 5Liked by Patrick E Walsh

I would like to see Nurmberg style trials for those involved, keep in mind that 23 doctors were brought to Nurmberg and 7 were hung,7 acquitted and the rest were sent to jail for between 10 and 15 years. No wonder Mike Ryan from the WHO when he was here last week dismissed the idea of inquiries that found people personally accountable for their decisions

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They want to organise their own review and feed tidbits to msm to try keep people quiet.

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And they did it with the knowledge that the experimental never worked to begin with as proven by the e mails between CDC and officials.

They treated people like lepers in society excluded them unless they showed a " covid pass" knowing that they never even tested experimental shot for transmission.....all of course to coerce and manipulate people to take it.

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Wasn't a vaccine, it was a gene altering bio-weapon, which if it doesn't kill you will be activated by the 5 and 6G by 2028 (is what I've been hearing recently) Bio-digital Convergence 2028

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Jan 5Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Exactly....its only getting started...they cannot hide these figures forever. It made me sick to hear Stephen Donnelly's smugness and not even being challenged by the interviewer...their time is up as more and more people wake up

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5

I was watching a video last night when a video editor downloaded that netflix movie Leave the world behind and analysed the audio track...first of all it had 4 audio tracks where normal movies only have 1 and one of these audio tracks had an infersonic sound wave in it which is what they use for those sound wave weapons like the type they used in havana...the video editor concluded that anybody who has taken the vax should not watch that movie..here's the link https://www.bitchute.com/video/FDBzyTA605Db/

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Jan 5Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Well done Patrick! You did a great job. Fair play to Tipp FM. The interviewer was very good too and it sounds like they got lots of feedback from the public. We live in hope!

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Thank you. Yes she was good and she also put Staines on the back foot in the original interview

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Jan 5Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Excellent interview .. we need to hear this on bigger platforms

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Thank you Aaron. Tipp Fm just might have started a boulder rolling that cant be stopped.

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Yes hopefully

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Jan 5Liked by Patrick E Walsh

A brilliant interview to hear on Tipp Fm (particularly happy as Tipp is the home of my forefathers). Well done Patrick. It was so good to hear you allowed to speak and not shot down at the mention of the word vaccine. You answered so well treading a delicate balance while speaking truth. Such good news to hear at the beginning of the year. Hopefully other media outlets might grow a pair....or at least locate their conscience.

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Thanks Celine. Unfortunately in many cases their conscience is deposited very near where the pair they should be growing is hanging.

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Jan 5Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Thats for sure, you presented the facts so well, facts that are irrefutable. I'm sure they must be getting lots of feedback. To be fair she listened where so many would try and shut you down. Although she started by referring to "covid deaths" I think she was left in no doubt by the end of the interview that they are not "covid deaths". RTE next Patrick. You'd wipe the floor with the lot of them...

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Celine, I think she knows the truth to a large extent but had to play ‘Devils Advocate’. She stood up to Staines previously. The truth is you can’t hide dead people because for the most part they are in their loved ones minds everyday. What the government is doing is contemptible in its treatment of ordinary people who are so demoralised it’s frightening. Thanks again.

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Great interview as usual Patrick, I just listened to it there now. Seems like a good station, the lady did a good job of it too. You know I miss very much when I get up in the morning putting on the radio news and stories while getting brekki. Now I have to hunt around here and there looking for scraps of info that might've happened. These scoundrels might get away with it, because of the slant they're putting on it

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Thanks Fionnuala. We will get our country back and that includes early morning radio without the propaganda.

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fond memories of hearing gaybo's radio jingle starting as my mum was rushing us out the door for school in the 70s and 80s...i haven't turned on a radio in the last 3 years in my home or car...would prefer to drive in silence than be brainwashed

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Cheers Patrick.. I was looking for the Anthony stains one came across this one.. that scum was pushing the jabs. 🤬🤬

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I was the same Thomas,

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Jan 7Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Just listened to that interview this morning. Many thanks to you Patrick for your effort! My life was really damaged by what the psychos have done to us. I am only now catching up financially (after the imposed consequences of not wearing a mask) and some personal relationships have been badly damaged. Has it been worth it? I think so. But, God bless you for your work as it is really helping me to put my life back together!

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Alex, thank you for your kind words. The damage you and others suffered is so important to detail and record because it can be easily be forgotten when talking about deaths. The world has been permanently scarred and divided but we are the strong survivors who will ensure a foundation for the safe future of our children. We are winning and will win although we mightn’t all be there to witness it. A few people have offered views like yourself and I think I will put an offer out to publish anyone who wants to put their personal experiences of the death and destruction of lives out there. What would you think both personally and in general?

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Jan 7Liked by Patrick E Walsh

At the beginning of the covid scam for about 10 days I didn't know what was going on. But, that was it! Just about 10 days. And I can proudly and confidently say that I knew, certainly by mid-April 2020, that it was a technocratic shakedown (not just mismanagement). I can give further details about how I knew this another time - and it was nothing supernatural, either! For many, many months I was on my own in terms of my family and friends, until just ONE of the lads began to see the truth. I would be very happy to contribute to the project you are suggesting by sharing my experience.

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It took me nearly a year to cop on and none of my family have yet. So I would love to hear how you knew. Maybe it'd help us reach people?

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It was quite simple. Peter Hitchens (although a jab-recipient) was a very early 'opponent' to government measures and all the general excitement around the thing. It was he who put me onto the likes of Dr Sucharit Bhakdi and others who I simply trusted as they gave their opinion on the thing. That was the basic start of it.....but lots more also. (I should also say that I have never trusted RTE, BBC, and the US Empire. And that is down to my upbringing and my father's Republican activities. RIP Jim, I love you!).

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Hitchens was part of my awakening too :-)

But sounds like you were already primed to notice the signs and 'hear' the kind of messages coming from people like him. So I'm wondering how do we help prime others...? If we had generations to work on it we could take our time, build slowly. But time seems to be running out in face of the WHO amendments / pandemic treaty.

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I have given up being stressed about it. There are people very close to me and they are simply GONE. In my own way I try to drop truth bombs, as they are referred to. So, standing in a queue, or when ordering a pint etc. I use cash pretty much everywhere I go, and I talk to my children about what is going on. My poor ol' wife is a lost cause. I pray for her every night.

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Omggg thank you so much Patrick I spent the day so depressed after hearing that bastard Staines and then the old man on after him yesterday! I was literally screaming at the playback I heard ! Thank you for fighting on behalf of the good Irish people! You're a hero to me ! God bless you ! Did you watch Denis Rancourt yet? Brilliant analysis to look up !

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5Author

Thank you Colette. Yes Denis Rancourt is superb as is Ed Dowd and others that have kept us sane and up for the fight. Yep the Staines interview aggravated me too and that’s why I contacted Tipp Fm. See comment below by ‘Witzbold’ about talking to Staines. Staggering.

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Jan 5Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Well done to Tipp FM for carrying the story and giving you the platform to debunk these figures. As usual you have the defenders of the people who lied and are clearly unable to get around the fact they were lied to. Also, well done to you Patrick for holding your own and explaining clearly what everyone, other than the brainwashed, knows. Governments across the globe committed democide and will do everything to cover that fact up. Spineless Donnelly out front and centre promoting this garbage proves that.

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most of those defenders are paid to obfuscate and mislead people away from the truth while upholding the government narrative...they are hanging around every platform ready to jump on anyone who is trying to get the truth out...sometimes they're easy to spot as the same userid will be seen to post comments 24 hours a day

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Probably right Sarah but I just don’t get why anyone would defend the indefensible at this stage. Do these people not care about anyone or are they just too stupid to get it. My daughters boyfriends work colleague dropped dead yesterday in his job, fit and healthy and only 27. Why would anyone deny that this is happening. Our young are the lifeblood of the country and these people don’t care that this is happening. It’s sickening listening to these people and am grateful that the likes of Patrick is now getting the platform he deserves.

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we're slap bang in the middle of the most viscous war ever inflicted on mankind...i'm not at all surprised at people not waking up or choosing not to, because the reality of what is happening right now is truly horrific. it's taken me a long time to come to grips with it myself and i still ask myself some days "is this really happening?"...well yes, unfortunately it is...and not all of us are gonna make it.

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The people that believe in good over evil will all make it. So I wouldn’t worry about any of us because we are the people that honestly put ourselves out there, believed in the truth, rejected the evil perpetrated on us and will prevail because of that.

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And we didn't give in to fear or peer pressure either.

Well said.

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Only got the chance to listen now Patrick, I’m way behind, you were fantastic. Well done. I listened to Billy Ralph also only now and I actually cried listening to the story at the end. What they did to our beautiful elderly is unforgivable. They are fucking animals.

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Thanks a lot Stephen. It brings it all back and that’s a good thing. Never forget what they done and what they want to do for the ‘common good’.

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I’m so preoccupied with the plantation now that I’ve moved on from Covid a little bit but it’s important that we still keep it in the zeitgeist because that is waking up loads of people to what’s going on, which opens them up to rest of the agenda. It was hard listening to Billy at the end of his interview, you could tell him getting upset. We can never ever forget what these bastards did. Never!

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Jan 7Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Patrick , great job on the interview. You presented yourself and the facts with integrity and honesty. What a refreshing experience it was listening to you and respect to the host Ally for interviewing you . It is hard to describe how it felt to listen to a fair unbiased interview in a world of lies and propaganda, it almost gave me hope that things were about to change. Nonetheless keep up what you are doing and keep that level headedness going please 🙏🏼

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John, thank you for your kind comment. I agree Ally was superb even though she had to play devils advocate. I am hoping it will lead to other local stations breaking ranks and representing their communities. I have no hope for national media. They are actively complicit in the democide. The fact that I was allowed speak freely was as important as what I actually said.

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Well, done getting on the radio, Patrick!

It's a shame you didn't mention what the authors of the OECD working paper actually highlighted themselves (as opposed to the Department of Health's claims) - from the OECD Health Working Paper NO. 163: "3.4. Mortality in 2022 remained higher than pre-pandemic rates"

"55. Most countries that were heavily impacted by the pandemic saw a notable rise in mortality rates in 2020 and/or 2021 and therefore may have expected sharp falls in 2022 to return to pre-pandemic levels. Instead, in 4 out of 5 OECD countries, mortality rates in 2022 remained higher than the average of the five years prior to the onset of the pandemic."

i.e. the OECD report confirms the concerning trend of increased mortality rates post-pandemic!

I've also written a substack post on this debacle:


BTW: what RIP.ie figures were you quoting in your interview on Tipp FM - your own? those from CSO.ie? Those from IrelandExcessDeaths.com?

P.S. I heard the same Anthony Staines interview live and spoke with him later that day - he fully agreed the Department of Health's claims are incorrect.

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Thank you. Yes there were other points that could have been highlighted ie the case of countries like Australia and Ireland having a steep decline in their ASMRs been converted from excess deaths to negative excess deaths using this method. ( Ireland’s decline was steeper than the example the report gave of Australia ). We got sidetracked by listener comments etc. rip.ie figures are on Irelandexcessdeaths.com. He explains he made small adjustments at year end. I was aware you wrote an article on this but didn’t read it as I needed to follow my own train but I look forward to reading it in time. CSO told me they have no idea why this report was linked as source and to check with authors. I have contacted the authors through the oecd email given, to see were they sent the CSO data or did they download it themselves. I really don’t know how to comment on Staines.

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Jan 5·edited Jan 5Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Re the RIP data:

Yes, the CSO has confirmed analysis of death notices provides high quality mortality estimates between 12 and 24 months earlier than official data.

But CSO's analysis is based on their "cleaned" totals (in datasets RIP04 and RIP05) and are significantly lower than IrelandExcessDeaths.com's totals.

However, CSO also states "officially registered deaths are in the region of 3 to 5% above the number of death notices" - here they mean registered deaths by date of occurrence and cleaned number of death notices.


SO when the CSO totals (from datsets RIP04, RIP05) are multiplied by 1.05 they DO correlate with IED's.

I think it's an important distinction (or confirmation), especially when communicating with public media, because CSO's totals are an official source and your own analysis (or IED's) remains unofficial.

By mentioning that CSO found actual totals end up being 3~5% higher than CSO's cleaned RIP.ie totals you can still cite figures of 36,000 and 37,000 for 2021 and 2022 but now you are basing it on official estimates!

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How about he is well named?

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Jan 9Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Brilliant Patrick. Well done on getting the real data out there.

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Thanks a lot, David. I think we are finally breaking through. Dr Billy Ralph is on Tipp Fm tomorrow morning at 10 am. They have broken ranks and hopefully other local radio will follow suit bypassing the national msm lies.

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Jan 9Liked by Patrick E Walsh

That's great news Patrick. I emailed Tipp FM to congratulate them on finally covering it and asking them to have you on again. You got the main points across really well and were perfectly measured and composed. I thought the panel discussion was disappointing afterwards. There was a mixture of denial and misdirection. Most of the things they talked about in relation to the upcoming 'review' should be downstream of the blatant question that has to be answered first - how is it that there was no excess deaths in 2020 and a massive jump subsequently? It really annoyed me when that councillor tried to dismiss the clear cut numbers you laid out as confusing. His ' Shure hindsight is a great thing' and Shure ye can pick and choose numbers to tell whatever story ye want' schtick was infuriating.

He knows well what the score is.

I have long since distributed the flyers you left me. Is it possible to get more please?

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I think have a few in van. I sent you an email about a meet up and walk in Wicklow hills. I can give them to you then if you are around for it.

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Nice one Patrick. I've extracted your segment https://oisin.page/2024/01/06/tipp-today-patrick-e-walsh-debunks-that-oecd-report-and-the-forthcoming-official-ireland-covid-review/

I've also included the panel reaction - which suggests a lot of work is still ahead of us. But, nonetheless, great to hear 'our' views getting air time!

I'd already emailed tipptoday@tippfm.com thanking them for allowing critical audience feedback after Staines piece. So I emailed again today thanking for your interview... and mentioned the National Citizen's Inquiry in Canada. And am mentioning it here too. Because maybe the idea might catch on / grow legs... imagine the ripples if there was a National Citizen's Inquiry happening here at the same time as the 'official' one?!


"And... another thank you for Friday's talk with Patrick E. Walsh. Go Tipp Today!

Mention was made of the impending 'COVID review'. Like others I suspect it will do little more than conclude "it was tough, we were all scared, mistakes were made, let's do the same again but more efficiently next time" ... and most of the public will buy it. Because censorship and propaganda means they are still unaware of so much.

So instead of an official review, how about a National Citizen's Inquiry like what was conducted in Canada? Amazing piece of work. 3-days of testimonies from each of 8 cities they held hearings in. Politicians and public health officials were invited to testify under oath but, strangely, none did. But hundreds of lay, scientific, media and other people testified. Creating a stunning archive of what happened in Canada.

If something similar happened here...? Well, in our small country the ripple effect would be enormous!


Best wishes,


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Thanks Oisin. That citizens inquiry is a great idea but the chances of ‘Official Ireland’ allowing it are nil. There are too many people actively and passively complicit in democide. But you never know, we have come a long way in a year if they are trying to hide behind the blatant lies and nonsense of the OECD ‘report’.

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Sadly, you're probably right. But maybe if we just talk about our own inquiry it'll do something to help? Or even just highlight the Canadian one - or parts of it? Might get people thinking about what it is they are supporting by going along with / supporting the official response.

Like the brutal, callous decision to passively kill Sheila Annette Lewis by refusing her life-saving surgery because she wouldn't agree to being transfected.


Don't know how anyone could go along with that. But seems some do. But maybe if stories like that got around, they might cause at least some to reconsider once they realise what they're supporting?

Clutching at straws perhaps. But willing to keep trying!

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Jan 7Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Very well explained interview Patrick....we all know that these figures were put out ther to create a smokescreen and an attempt to further brainwash the public.

But as you so perfectly explained......they cant hide the actual data.

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Jan 7Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Thank you sir for all you do and may God protect and guide you 🙏

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Thank you Elizabeth.

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