The people of Ireland have been kept in a stupor, by the combined efforts of a corrupt ,criminal Regime and their captured collaborators in RTE and print Media.
My own family and friends have suffered from this force fed myopia, despite my warnings at the beginning of the Covid19 Scam.
Turbo cancer, dementia and heart failures have been the cause of their death and I have been forced to keep quiet ,so as not to add to their suffering and in some cases complicity in pressuring their loved ones into taking the Toxic ,experimental Injection.
A little research would have informed them of the dangers, but the Hysteria ,Fear and Terror campaign, of Regime orgnised propaganda, destroyed the ability to reason or think critically.
Survival instincts were blunted as they complied like dumb sheep to the slaughter. with no information available on the Toxic poison Injected several times into their bodies.
My despair has turned to anger and rage at the Regime and RTE who were mere corrrupted stupid puppets in a horror initiated by what is appearing to have been a Military bio weapon exercise on the people of the world.
The perps can be recognised by their control of the multiple biowarfare labs thru out the world to avoid OPCW scrutiny and prohibitions, despite their attempts to lay false trails and blame.
Slowly but steadily the conspiracy of death and destruction is being peeled back like a many layered onion to reveal the agendas hidden behind this satanic attack on the lives and health of the people of the world.
The gullible frogs, already half-boiled to death, have no understanding of the enormity of the crime perpetuated against them and their families and friends. The covaid$ plandemic was and remains an intelligence test and unfortunately the overwhelming majority of "livestock" on this island and planet miserably failed that test and lined up like the obedient sheeple they are for their death squirt. Evolution is a slow process obviously and not all the species evolves uniformly. The dodos among us will never grasp the reality of the psychopathy of our "elite" $atanists because they are not equipped to face the outrageous horror of the situation in which we all find ourselves.
Life does not give a rat's a$$ who lives it nor indeed who chucks it away.
Brilliant comment and so. TRUE so many just can't even contemplate hearing the truth cos the are mostly jabbed multiple times so now they don't even mention de covid whereas back in 20 21 22 it's all the talked About they realise now it was bullshit
That is an incredible headline statistic. Makes complete nonsense of the argument that the excess deaths are due to an aging population. Great work Patrick.
The harms were provably known before the bioweapons were first deployed, before they were made, and arguably before the planedmic was mooted. People like our own Professor Dolores Cahill were trying to enlighten people as to the inevitable results of these failed technologies from spring of 2020. These tragic figures about the effects on our young are the result of ineptitude, and worse, blatant corruption in our academic institutions, media, corporations and government. Thank you for your tireless work in exposing this, Patrick.
Thank you for the important work you are doing Patrick. Bearing witness to Truth. It's a damning analysis. Presumably there may be sudden cardiac deaths also hidden in road traffic external death figures.
And a lot of “drowning” too. The VAXidents have also caused collateral damage and losses. Remember the bus driver in cork who ploughed into a load of pedestrians (was in a recently jabbed age category)
I live beside a large recovery yard its filling up very quickly could be related to vaxidents i can see some of the vehicle's are involved in single crashes like randomly driving off the road.
Thanks Patrick I was talking to a couple from Monasterevin on the canal last week and they tell me that the amount of young people in the town with cancer is shocking .
So many of those who took the poison already know, but alas will neither say it nor hear it! It's so sad that denial is their reflex ...what refuge can denial bring? Thanks Patrick for this brilliant (as always) analysis. And thanks to others on here for their excellent comments, a lot of wise people here. We can only hope that the country will wake up to this and accept the truth, it certainly won't be coming from MSM . I Thank God for people like you.
The uptake/participant's number is astronomically high. It beggars belief. 80% plus?
It's challenging to come to terms with being conned in such massive way by those we are conditioned to trust.
In real time, right now, we have a Nation State of Emergency and a huge National Security breech.
There appears to be no-one in the wheel house of the ship of State. No guiding light of integrity and decency in Government, or media. We are sinking fast. Ship of Fools?
Excellent reporting as always and shocking confirmation of what we have long maintained. There are diabolic interests behind the covaid$ bioweapon and yet the gullible and innocent "livestock" that slurp from the trough of the corpofascist media cannot grasp the enormity of this global democide and yet refuse to inform themselves of the reality of this ongoing cull. It is only a question of time before the next attack is unleashed and the totalitarian vax pass and permanent lock down begins. E.U.S.S.R. Hairstylist In Chief, the diminuitive sociopath Uschi van der Lyin' is already yelping about a digital Euro Peon ID and EUSSR army to prepare to fight Mother Russia no less. Those that imagine Zionist agent Trump is about to turn the tide and wage the final battle for our "freedoms" (sic) have the memory of goldfish and have forgotten how Trump called himself "the father of the vaccine" and initiated the infamous Pentagon "Operation Warpspeed". Now watch him continue the genocide in ZionaZi occupied Palestine and try to imagine that he is here to save "us".
Kary Mullis, chemistry Nobel Explosives "prize winner" and inventor of the much abused PCR process, explained it all before his death in August 2020, another opportune "coincidence" for the $atanic demons behind Event 201 and the mad Fauci bioweapon attack.
Indeed it's a sad state of affairs..... Grasping the reality that Satanic, Zio, Nazi's are dancing on our graves takes some awareness. 'They' lied our hapless 'leaders' to assist in our slaughter and they are not standing down till we end their tyranny.
Life is abundant and we are cutting ourselves off from our life support system's.
We are entering the age of Homo 'cyborgus', human.2 GMO ex humans.
It's extreme and challenging.
Harari, warned/gloated about 'hackable humans.2's' Think and research about that for a while, and get back to those who coerced you to participate in their deadly experimental.....
More superb analysis uncovering a brutal democide✅
As Daniel says family didn’t want to know! I’m the eldest of 7 but the rest couldn’t hear!
But in the wider picture we have been lead into this disaster for a very long time! And at the root of it is sin! Nobody wants to talk about the ultimate reality of life that this earthly existence is a trial but the hope is eternal. When you look at RIP and see the number that are being cremated from the funeral home it’s truly shocking.
One cohort that nobody targeted for their egregious failure of leadership is the Bishops! The collusion between the Church and the globalists could be seen in “Pope” Francis dramatic photo opportunity at the very start. No moral leadership but dictatorship to drum up support for all the breaches of our inalienable rights granted to us by God🤮
But in our lifetime we also have fallen for the lies of contraception leading to industrial abortion and the whole LGBT++ scam.
This is a massive spiritual war for our eternal souls and the only hope & solution is deep faith and confession of our sins. We all must aim to become holy and focused on God🙏
It’s time to up our game and demand that our leaders of Church, State, media, medical act as our servants. But that won’t happen unless we get our lives in order🙏
One bishop who worked to expose the centralized evil in the Covid operation was Archbishop Vigano. He issued prescient warnings about the Covid responses from the beginning. Pope Francis excommunicated him this year.
"Pope" Frankie Bergoglio is an just another compromised meat puppet and evil agent of the globo mobsters running the affairs of this unfortunate planet. To imagine that organized "religion" of any ilk and the well-fed fat basturds, in funny hats and cross dressing outfits, are there to protect and guide us is even more absurd today than it was in the time of the British Pirate Rock food removal genocide from ireland that most gullible and misinformed Irish still believe was caused by a "potato blight induced famine". God help us all but nearly 2 centuries after that slaughter most of them still haven't figured that out the so-called "Gorta Mor".
The truth can only set you free if you want to be free and are open to accepting some harsh facts.
Jorge Bergoglio and his role in Argentina's "Dirty War"
Irish Holocaust. The term Holocaust first appeared in the Europeon press (Cork Echo) in the time of the so-called Irish Famine. i.e. British food removal, an organized genocide of the Irish that was orchestrated and used to feed their own "Satanic mill slaves" as the Industrial revolution on Pirate Rock got underway and surplus indentured servants and peasants were herded into cities and factories.
Excellent research as always patrick it's 1 coverup after another they will do anything to prevent truth getting out about the clotshot deaths but it's not working thanks to decent skins like yourself patrick who do the proper research
Excellent work Patrick. Let's make this an election issue. Let's see what lame excuse they come up with for this one. We won't let them get away with killing our young. There was zero need for them to enter a dangerous medical trial in the first place. Shocking state of affairs.
Great research! Covid-1984 was 9-11 with a dry cough. No amount of inquiries/suits will be enough to bring accountability and justice. I pray we can gut the entire health care system and replace top positions with the heroic people who refused the tyrannical jab rollout. Bioweapon, did I say Jab? All doctors/nurses/pharma/govt/military personnel who aided in the rollout must be fired for breach of ethics (blank safety inserts says it all) and locked up with weekly (warp-speed) injections from the CDC schedule.
The deaths of young people in particular take a heavy toll on tightly knit rural communities. There is a grief threshold for many of these communities beyond which they will not recover as a community. Their spirit will have been broken. They will have been hollowed out through sheer loss and suffering. The attacks on these communities through the bioweapon distribution and mass migration policies has been unrelenting. There is also the 5th generation warfare being fought alongside these other two battlefronts inside their minds and hearts where a reality is painted for them by the media of the world around them which bears no relation to the reality described in this excellent and truth filled article. I have no idea what the solution is going to be in the long run but I am certain that articles like this will be a part of it. Thanks Patrick.
I found this from last year The Irish government is launching a program to provide €80,000 (approx. INR 71 lakh) to individuals willing to relocate to Ireland's offshore islands. The scheme is part of the 'Our Living Islands' initiative aimed at boosting the population of Ireland's island communities.
Registrations for the Ireland 71 Lakh Relocation Scheme will open on July 1, 2023 at Eligible candidates can apply online before the deadline of August 30, 2023.
The key objectives of the scheme are:
Reverse depopulation trends on Ireland's offshore islands
Foster sustainable communities
Support local businesses and services
Promote the Irish language and culture
The €80,000 incentive is designed to overcome the higher costs of living and doing business on the islands. It could be used for a range of start-up expenses like housing, transportation, broadband access, business set-up costs etc.
Applicants willing to relocate to any of Ireland's offshore islands and set up a home or establish an enterprise there can benefit from this generous relocation package.
"I have no idea what the solution is going to be in the long run"
The solution is for everyone to do a weekend's worth of research into contagion theory and virology. They will quickly discover over 200 contagion experiments conducted over the last century have failed to make healthy people sick by exposing them to sick people and their snot. These include government sponsored studies. They tried to demonstrate contagion during the Spanish Flu and failed. Contagion was disproved a century ago. It's not how people get sick.
Likewise, virology is not a proper science. When you perform the proper controls and run all the standard virology experiments but WITHOUT adding a sample from a sick patient you still end up with 'proof' of a virus. The Virology Control Studies Project (on substack) has created the cytopathic effect in cell cultures AND imaged HIV, measles and SARS COV2 viruses under electron microscope from cell culture that were completely sterile. They used independent labs (same ones Big Pharma uses) and the results show that virology protocols (starving and passaging cell cultures) will produce viruses regardless of whether they contain a snot sample or not. This proves that 'viruses' are just inert cellular debris which are not the cause of anything (which is why contagion experiments always fail).
All the 'controversy' and endless arguing is a distraction from the only thing they don't want people to look at ..... the science.
Once people understand that colds and flus are no more contagious than scurvy, and that viruses are no more the cause of disease than brick dust is the cause of building collapses, they will have no more patience for any of these distractions (RFK, Trump's MAHA nonsense, bird flu hysteria etc etc).
The science makes all of it absolutely irrelevant and meaningless. All we need to do is follow the science. Once people realise there is zero science behind contagion, viruses or 'pandemics' - and that this has been established for a century and a half - they will not find it so hard to question the true motive for vaccines. Obviously, they cannot be for health because contagion is not a thing and viruses don't exist (as defined).
The propaganda and gaslighting has been stunning (much improved from 2009's fake swine flu 'pandemic' which was a total flop), but it all falls apart when you look at the actual science. The science is so clear cut it leaves no doubt. There is no need for people to get caught up in speculation about the risk/ benefit analysis for lockdowns, social distancing or vaccines. The science is a fraud from top to bottom, and so all the measures were 100% a scam.
Like I said, anyone can figure this out for themselves with a weekend's worth of armchair research. Once it is widely known that contagion and virology are science fraud, then all we need to do is write a list of every politician, media outlet, official expert, philanthropist and doctor who promoted 'pandemics'/ 'viruses'/ lockdowns/ social distancing/ vaccines and never listen to a word they say from now on.
That is the solution. The solution is to define our own reality, and not have it defined for us :)
The lying bastards miscategorised these deaths: they deserve new and distinct categories: covid vaccine poisioning and covid vaccine induced cancer. The CSO have been hiding the democide. And purposely so, they are on record for denial of data under FOIA which would have revealed the harm and death toll, yet they obfuscated and denied giving this. Fuck them, they need to serve justice in this world or the next, complicit in these crimes along with stupid order following jabbers, lying media and treasonous globalist shill politicians. They all need to pay their pound of flesh for what they’ve done. Or they’ll do the same again.
It's a war on 'us'. Censorship destroying evidence, and the continued use of ConVid jab
is a blatant continuation of the murderous crimes - @ 'same again'.
Not only that but they also promote the unchecked spread of microwave radiation and wi-fi in schools.
What do they have to say about interactions between microwaves/cell-towers/ cell phones and nano tech in the jabbed bodies and brains?
Both the microwave and mRNA-genetic bioweapons are Military grade weapons openly in service against our wellbeing.
They can target who they want when they want in multiple remote ways to even lethal outcomes.
It would appear or 'leaders' are wilfully ignorant about the harms they facilitate or complicit with the WEF/UN/WHO etal global depopulation agenda's. Either way it's an absolutely unacceptable level of 'public service', and these bad actor's need to closed down and removed for harm doers they most clearly are.... 20,000 + excess deaths and kept shooting up bioweapons into our peoples arms, mountain's of evidence, not just of lethal design and intent of the bioweapon jabs but also huge increases in Turbo cancer's, synthetic blood clots, heart issues, depression, brain dementia, infertilitity and on and on and yet with all this and more daily exposed they continue to stand behind the continuation of the slaughter of
there fellow country men, women and Children.
They would appear to have become heartless and soulless, 'automoron's' colluding with the NWO satanic agenda's.
These pathetic excuses for leader's need to closed down, removed, sued and held accountable for the harms they aided and abetted in these past 5 years.
We have a National Emergency, we are under Military attack from parties known and some yet unexposed - we have critical National Security issues.
The political class have shown themselves to be not morally void, but inept and positively dangerous. They have exposed themselves. More of the same or similar is not going to fix the wrongs of these crinimals who won't even accept or move to stop the carnage.
Cut off their pay checks today. Hold them accountable for the harms they have caused and continue to cause. They are acting as enemies of the State and people - they are actively Anti-Irish and colluding with enemies who want us dumb and dead.
It's all in the open now - everyone has access to the reports and science which they refuse to acknowledge or act upon.
The people of Ireland have been kept in a stupor, by the combined efforts of a corrupt ,criminal Regime and their captured collaborators in RTE and print Media.
My own family and friends have suffered from this force fed myopia, despite my warnings at the beginning of the Covid19 Scam.
Turbo cancer, dementia and heart failures have been the cause of their death and I have been forced to keep quiet ,so as not to add to their suffering and in some cases complicity in pressuring their loved ones into taking the Toxic ,experimental Injection.
A little research would have informed them of the dangers, but the Hysteria ,Fear and Terror campaign, of Regime orgnised propaganda, destroyed the ability to reason or think critically.
Survival instincts were blunted as they complied like dumb sheep to the slaughter. with no information available on the Toxic poison Injected several times into their bodies.
My despair has turned to anger and rage at the Regime and RTE who were mere corrrupted stupid puppets in a horror initiated by what is appearing to have been a Military bio weapon exercise on the people of the world.
The perps can be recognised by their control of the multiple biowarfare labs thru out the world to avoid OPCW scrutiny and prohibitions, despite their attempts to lay false trails and blame.
Slowly but steadily the conspiracy of death and destruction is being peeled back like a many layered onion to reveal the agendas hidden behind this satanic attack on the lives and health of the people of the world.
The gullible frogs, already half-boiled to death, have no understanding of the enormity of the crime perpetuated against them and their families and friends. The covaid$ plandemic was and remains an intelligence test and unfortunately the overwhelming majority of "livestock" on this island and planet miserably failed that test and lined up like the obedient sheeple they are for their death squirt. Evolution is a slow process obviously and not all the species evolves uniformly. The dodos among us will never grasp the reality of the psychopathy of our "elite" $atanists because they are not equipped to face the outrageous horror of the situation in which we all find ourselves.
Life does not give a rat's a$$ who lives it nor indeed who chucks it away.
Brilliant comment and so. TRUE so many just can't even contemplate hearing the truth cos the are mostly jabbed multiple times so now they don't even mention de covid whereas back in 20 21 22 it's all the talked About they realise now it was bullshit
Thankyou Daniel.
It seems to me, that part of the power of propaganda, is repetition.
I think we need to learn from this.
We need to say the truth.
And keep on saying the truth.
Twice as many times, as the liars tell their lies.
No Reasonable Man will ever object to hearing your account, again and again and again.
Please keep on giving it.
and over
and over
and over.
And then some more.
We are, by nature, not violent people.
It never enters our minds, to do harm to our neighbours.
We need to think a little bit more, like Mel Gibson in Braveheart.
But rather than taking a man's head of his shoulders, with a sword ...
we need to do it with our words.
We need to keep on hitting people in the face with our words ...
until the truth becomes undeniable ...
until the truth is everywhere ...
until the truth, like the hounds of hell, will not give one minute's peace ...
and our enemies are too exhausted for further ridiculous denials ...
and then, after due process, in the mouth of two or three witnesses ...
our words ...
will see a man go to the end of a rope, and into a box, and all good men will shout ...
If we love our children ...
If we want our children to live out their lives in peace ...
Then it is time to get angry.
It is time to say ...
I don't care what this costs me ...
I don't care if I die in this fight ...
But I will not rest until ...
after judicial process ...
I see ...
6 Whoso sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood be shed: for in the image of God made he man - Genesis 9
11 A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in pictures of silver.
12 As an earring of gold, and an ornament of fine gold, so is a wise reprover upon an obedient ear.
15 By long forbearing is a prince persuaded, and a soft tongue breaketh the bone - Proverbs 25
God Bless
And it is being peeled back. I think Trump will help.
Susie Wiles: Who is Trump's new chief of staff? She lobbied on behalf of Pfizer and big corporations let's see how this plays out.
Same as it ever waZ. Trump or the Kamel hoe...Pepsi or Coke...Burger Pig or McDonalds...either way the "choice" is poison.
That is an incredible headline statistic. Makes complete nonsense of the argument that the excess deaths are due to an aging population. Great work Patrick.
So it's taking Ireland years to process cause of death? But in March 2020 we had dashboards that gave us LIVE COVID death stats for the entire world?
The harms were provably known before the bioweapons were first deployed, before they were made, and arguably before the planedmic was mooted. People like our own Professor Dolores Cahill were trying to enlighten people as to the inevitable results of these failed technologies from spring of 2020. These tragic figures about the effects on our young are the result of ineptitude, and worse, blatant corruption in our academic institutions, media, corporations and government. Thank you for your tireless work in exposing this, Patrick.
Thank you for the important work you are doing Patrick. Bearing witness to Truth. It's a damning analysis. Presumably there may be sudden cardiac deaths also hidden in road traffic external death figures.
And a lot of “drowning” too. The VAXidents have also caused collateral damage and losses. Remember the bus driver in cork who ploughed into a load of pedestrians (was in a recently jabbed age category)
I live beside a large recovery yard its filling up very quickly could be related to vaxidents i can see some of the vehicle's are involved in single crashes like randomly driving off the road.,pm%20on%20August%203%2C%202021.
I’d wager the miracle life saving vaccine was behind this incident and many more.
I wouldn't bet against the 'safe and effective' being behind the tragedy.
Cull baby cull :-(
Thanks Patrick I was talking to a couple from Monasterevin on the canal last week and they tell me that the amount of young people in the town with cancer is shocking .
So many of those who took the poison already know, but alas will neither say it nor hear it! It's so sad that denial is their reflex ...what refuge can denial bring? Thanks Patrick for this brilliant (as always) analysis. And thanks to others on here for their excellent comments, a lot of wise people here. We can only hope that the country will wake up to this and accept the truth, it certainly won't be coming from MSM . I Thank God for people like you.
The uptake/participant's number is astronomically high. It beggars belief. 80% plus?
It's challenging to come to terms with being conned in such massive way by those we are conditioned to trust.
In real time, right now, we have a Nation State of Emergency and a huge National Security breech.
There appears to be no-one in the wheel house of the ship of State. No guiding light of integrity and decency in Government, or media. We are sinking fast. Ship of Fools?
Excellent reporting as always and shocking confirmation of what we have long maintained. There are diabolic interests behind the covaid$ bioweapon and yet the gullible and innocent "livestock" that slurp from the trough of the corpofascist media cannot grasp the enormity of this global democide and yet refuse to inform themselves of the reality of this ongoing cull. It is only a question of time before the next attack is unleashed and the totalitarian vax pass and permanent lock down begins. E.U.S.S.R. Hairstylist In Chief, the diminuitive sociopath Uschi van der Lyin' is already yelping about a digital Euro Peon ID and EUSSR army to prepare to fight Mother Russia no less. Those that imagine Zionist agent Trump is about to turn the tide and wage the final battle for our "freedoms" (sic) have the memory of goldfish and have forgotten how Trump called himself "the father of the vaccine" and initiated the infamous Pentagon "Operation Warpspeed". Now watch him continue the genocide in ZionaZi occupied Palestine and try to imagine that he is here to save "us".
Kary Mullis, chemistry Nobel Explosives "prize winner" and inventor of the much abused PCR process, explained it all before his death in August 2020, another opportune "coincidence" for the $atanic demons behind Event 201 and the mad Fauci bioweapon attack.
YOU are the disease and their covaid$ death squirt the cure.
Indeed it's a sad state of affairs..... Grasping the reality that Satanic, Zio, Nazi's are dancing on our graves takes some awareness. 'They' lied our hapless 'leaders' to assist in our slaughter and they are not standing down till we end their tyranny.
Life is abundant and we are cutting ourselves off from our life support system's.
We are entering the age of Homo 'cyborgus', human.2 GMO ex humans.
It's extreme and challenging.
Harari, warned/gloated about 'hackable humans.2's' Think and research about that for a while, and get back to those who coerced you to participate in their deadly experimental.....
Correction concerning the death of the wonderful Kary Mullis; he died in August of 2019 and not 2020.
More superb analysis uncovering a brutal democide✅
As Daniel says family didn’t want to know! I’m the eldest of 7 but the rest couldn’t hear!
But in the wider picture we have been lead into this disaster for a very long time! And at the root of it is sin! Nobody wants to talk about the ultimate reality of life that this earthly existence is a trial but the hope is eternal. When you look at RIP and see the number that are being cremated from the funeral home it’s truly shocking.
One cohort that nobody targeted for their egregious failure of leadership is the Bishops! The collusion between the Church and the globalists could be seen in “Pope” Francis dramatic photo opportunity at the very start. No moral leadership but dictatorship to drum up support for all the breaches of our inalienable rights granted to us by God🤮
But in our lifetime we also have fallen for the lies of contraception leading to industrial abortion and the whole LGBT++ scam.
This is a massive spiritual war for our eternal souls and the only hope & solution is deep faith and confession of our sins. We all must aim to become holy and focused on God🙏
My booklet is free on
It’s time to up our game and demand that our leaders of Church, State, media, medical act as our servants. But that won’t happen unless we get our lives in order🙏
One bishop who worked to expose the centralized evil in the Covid operation was Archbishop Vigano. He issued prescient warnings about the Covid responses from the beginning. Pope Francis excommunicated him this year.
True, a rare light in the benighted Roman Church. And as you say, excommunicated.
He spoke logically and clearly from the get go warning Catholics and all who would listen to avoid what he termed, 'Satan's injection's...
Did the Irish Catholic Church leaders or priests follow or bother to check his reasoning?
"Pope" Frankie Bergoglio is an just another compromised meat puppet and evil agent of the globo mobsters running the affairs of this unfortunate planet. To imagine that organized "religion" of any ilk and the well-fed fat basturds, in funny hats and cross dressing outfits, are there to protect and guide us is even more absurd today than it was in the time of the British Pirate Rock food removal genocide from ireland that most gullible and misinformed Irish still believe was caused by a "potato blight induced famine". God help us all but nearly 2 centuries after that slaughter most of them still haven't figured that out the so-called "Gorta Mor".
The truth can only set you free if you want to be free and are open to accepting some harsh facts.
Jorge Bergoglio and his role in Argentina's "Dirty War"
Irish Holocaust. The term Holocaust first appeared in the Europeon press (Cork Echo) in the time of the so-called Irish Famine. i.e. British food removal, an organized genocide of the Irish that was orchestrated and used to feed their own "Satanic mill slaves" as the Industrial revolution on Pirate Rock got underway and surplus indentured servants and peasants were herded into cities and factories.
Excellent research as always patrick it's 1 coverup after another they will do anything to prevent truth getting out about the clotshot deaths but it's not working thanks to decent skins like yourself patrick who do the proper research
Excellent work Patrick. Let's make this an election issue. Let's see what lame excuse they come up with for this one. We won't let them get away with killing our young. There was zero need for them to enter a dangerous medical trial in the first place. Shocking state of affairs.
Great research! Covid-1984 was 9-11 with a dry cough. No amount of inquiries/suits will be enough to bring accountability and justice. I pray we can gut the entire health care system and replace top positions with the heroic people who refused the tyrannical jab rollout. Bioweapon, did I say Jab? All doctors/nurses/pharma/govt/military personnel who aided in the rollout must be fired for breach of ethics (blank safety inserts says it all) and locked up with weekly (warp-speed) injections from the CDC schedule.
#fightpfraud #fightpfake #stayhuman
Boost baby Booooost. Give them a taste of their own 'medicine' till they become incapable of causing further harm. Karma.
Thank you for your work. Saved to my archives.
I understand what it is like doing this sort of thing. It is not easy. Thanks again.
The deaths of young people in particular take a heavy toll on tightly knit rural communities. There is a grief threshold for many of these communities beyond which they will not recover as a community. Their spirit will have been broken. They will have been hollowed out through sheer loss and suffering. The attacks on these communities through the bioweapon distribution and mass migration policies has been unrelenting. There is also the 5th generation warfare being fought alongside these other two battlefronts inside their minds and hearts where a reality is painted for them by the media of the world around them which bears no relation to the reality described in this excellent and truth filled article. I have no idea what the solution is going to be in the long run but I am certain that articles like this will be a part of it. Thanks Patrick.
I found this from last year The Irish government is launching a program to provide €80,000 (approx. INR 71 lakh) to individuals willing to relocate to Ireland's offshore islands. The scheme is part of the 'Our Living Islands' initiative aimed at boosting the population of Ireland's island communities.
Registrations for the Ireland 71 Lakh Relocation Scheme will open on July 1, 2023 at Eligible candidates can apply online before the deadline of August 30, 2023.
The key objectives of the scheme are:
Reverse depopulation trends on Ireland's offshore islands
Foster sustainable communities
Support local businesses and services
Promote the Irish language and culture
The €80,000 incentive is designed to overcome the higher costs of living and doing business on the islands. It could be used for a range of start-up expenses like housing, transportation, broadband access, business set-up costs etc.
Applicants willing to relocate to any of Ireland's offshore islands and set up a home or establish an enterprise there can benefit from this generous relocation package.
"I have no idea what the solution is going to be in the long run"
The solution is for everyone to do a weekend's worth of research into contagion theory and virology. They will quickly discover over 200 contagion experiments conducted over the last century have failed to make healthy people sick by exposing them to sick people and their snot. These include government sponsored studies. They tried to demonstrate contagion during the Spanish Flu and failed. Contagion was disproved a century ago. It's not how people get sick.
Likewise, virology is not a proper science. When you perform the proper controls and run all the standard virology experiments but WITHOUT adding a sample from a sick patient you still end up with 'proof' of a virus. The Virology Control Studies Project (on substack) has created the cytopathic effect in cell cultures AND imaged HIV, measles and SARS COV2 viruses under electron microscope from cell culture that were completely sterile. They used independent labs (same ones Big Pharma uses) and the results show that virology protocols (starving and passaging cell cultures) will produce viruses regardless of whether they contain a snot sample or not. This proves that 'viruses' are just inert cellular debris which are not the cause of anything (which is why contagion experiments always fail).
All the 'controversy' and endless arguing is a distraction from the only thing they don't want people to look at ..... the science.
Once people understand that colds and flus are no more contagious than scurvy, and that viruses are no more the cause of disease than brick dust is the cause of building collapses, they will have no more patience for any of these distractions (RFK, Trump's MAHA nonsense, bird flu hysteria etc etc).
The science makes all of it absolutely irrelevant and meaningless. All we need to do is follow the science. Once people realise there is zero science behind contagion, viruses or 'pandemics' - and that this has been established for a century and a half - they will not find it so hard to question the true motive for vaccines. Obviously, they cannot be for health because contagion is not a thing and viruses don't exist (as defined).
The propaganda and gaslighting has been stunning (much improved from 2009's fake swine flu 'pandemic' which was a total flop), but it all falls apart when you look at the actual science. The science is so clear cut it leaves no doubt. There is no need for people to get caught up in speculation about the risk/ benefit analysis for lockdowns, social distancing or vaccines. The science is a fraud from top to bottom, and so all the measures were 100% a scam.
Like I said, anyone can figure this out for themselves with a weekend's worth of armchair research. Once it is widely known that contagion and virology are science fraud, then all we need to do is write a list of every politician, media outlet, official expert, philanthropist and doctor who promoted 'pandemics'/ 'viruses'/ lockdowns/ social distancing/ vaccines and never listen to a word they say from now on.
That is the solution. The solution is to define our own reality, and not have it defined for us :)
Thanks Patrick, well worded and easy to follow. Our media continue to remain silent.
All who remain silent are part of the problem/attack.
The lying bastards miscategorised these deaths: they deserve new and distinct categories: covid vaccine poisioning and covid vaccine induced cancer. The CSO have been hiding the democide. And purposely so, they are on record for denial of data under FOIA which would have revealed the harm and death toll, yet they obfuscated and denied giving this. Fuck them, they need to serve justice in this world or the next, complicit in these crimes along with stupid order following jabbers, lying media and treasonous globalist shill politicians. They all need to pay their pound of flesh for what they’ve done. Or they’ll do the same again.
It's a war on 'us'. Censorship destroying evidence, and the continued use of ConVid jab
is a blatant continuation of the murderous crimes - @ 'same again'.
Not only that but they also promote the unchecked spread of microwave radiation and wi-fi in schools.
What do they have to say about interactions between microwaves/cell-towers/ cell phones and nano tech in the jabbed bodies and brains?
Both the microwave and mRNA-genetic bioweapons are Military grade weapons openly in service against our wellbeing.
They can target who they want when they want in multiple remote ways to even lethal outcomes.
It would appear or 'leaders' are wilfully ignorant about the harms they facilitate or complicit with the WEF/UN/WHO etal global depopulation agenda's. Either way it's an absolutely unacceptable level of 'public service', and these bad actor's need to closed down and removed for harm doers they most clearly are.... 20,000 + excess deaths and kept shooting up bioweapons into our peoples arms, mountain's of evidence, not just of lethal design and intent of the bioweapon jabs but also huge increases in Turbo cancer's, synthetic blood clots, heart issues, depression, brain dementia, infertilitity and on and on and yet with all this and more daily exposed they continue to stand behind the continuation of the slaughter of
there fellow country men, women and Children.
They would appear to have become heartless and soulless, 'automoron's' colluding with the NWO satanic agenda's.
These pathetic excuses for leader's need to closed down, removed, sued and held accountable for the harms they aided and abetted in these past 5 years.
We have a National Emergency, we are under Military attack from parties known and some yet unexposed - we have critical National Security issues.
The political class have shown themselves to be not morally void, but inept and positively dangerous. They have exposed themselves. More of the same or similar is not going to fix the wrongs of these crinimals who won't even accept or move to stop the carnage.
Cut off their pay checks today. Hold them accountable for the harms they have caused and continue to cause. They are acting as enemies of the State and people - they are actively Anti-Irish and colluding with enemies who want us dumb and dead.
It's all in the open now - everyone has access to the reports and science which they refuse to acknowledge or act upon.