Thanks Patrick, we’re very quickly being outmanned and outgunned. Between emigration, immigration housing and factoring in the culling, miscarriages and sterilisation from the ‘you know what’ I fear we’re in an extremely dark place… and all in the space of 25 years… I am unfortunate enough to live about 5 minutes from Mr. Simple and the mood on the ground is mixed. I’ve literally walked out of the pub as I’ve heard people sing his praises… lest I puke over the customers (this would be Simple’s local and please for the love of God can someone explain what exactly he’s done for you bar continuing to make you a stranger in your own land?)… My suspicion is this is still a very middle/upper class area and the demographics reflect this… it ain’t Adamstown. I’ve since decamped to a more hospitable establishment in Kilpedder for my reprieves. Anyway without doxxing myself any further I still think there is definitely an undercurrent of discontent here at least from passing remarks from people in passing. Time will tell and unfortunately I don’t think this is a luxury we have in abundance.
The “vaccines” and the lipid nanoparticles accumulated in the ovaries. This was known from preclinical studies. No doubt this was intentionally planned as a depopulation strategy. The WHO have prior form in using vaccines to surreptitiously sterilise. The Irish took these injections en masse. They bought the media and governments lies hook line and sinker. Whereas the imported folks from the third world and Eastern Europe were far less likely to take the depop jabs.
"Many of these will start their families abroad and are very unlikely to return as the housing situation worsens every day with our open borders immigration policy for unvetted males and other economic migrants."
Housing is really the limiting factor for births. Women just won't have a lot of children without somewhere reasonable to house them.
We have the same problem in the US, but there is hope that Trump really will deport the ~15 million criminal aliens who snuck in during the Biden administration. No person is illegal! They are _criminal_ aliens, since it is a crime to break into a country.
Ireland needs its own Trump. Now if only our Trump would finally admit that the mRNA is poisonous and itself damages fertility.
You are doing great work patrick that guy criticizing you hasn't a clue he's obviously trolling only for your in depth analysis on all the excess deaths we wouldn't be informed certainly not by the scumbags in msm who just stay quiet but there day will come
Interesting article Patrick I will check these figures thanks.
When you say vote nationalist, please be more specific who you represent. I can only presume it is not Sinn Fein who are the biggest traitors to the Irish people of any party.
Fought for hundreds of years for freedom from Britain and then shackled and compromised themselves to EU policy of open borders. Encourage it in fact.
One is the obvious attack on the Irish people, by their evil Overlords, who have successfully ended the practice of Political Representation in Ireland.
While maintaining the fiction, that they are representing the people of Ireland, by enacting their wishes, the evil inhabitants of the corridors of power, are clearly working against the people of Ireland.
They are, in effect, an Army of Occupation, who would appear to be intent, on wiping out the Irish nation.
In my view, you can defeat this ...
but you may not have long.
All Irishmen must combine their vote for effect.
If you do not have an Irish Nigel Farage ...
then you need to find one.
The second problem is less obvious, and a bit theological.
7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered - 1 Peter 3
The woman is the weaker vessel.
God says so.
Woman says no.
Who wins that argument ?
Women have been successfully programmed by their enemy, for a long, long time.
Marriage is bad.
Children are bad.
Work is good.
Not only are Irishmen being replaced by foreigners in Ireland ...
Irishmen have been replaced by women, in Ireland, for a lot longer.
One predated the other.
Our enemy whispered in the ear of the woman, like the serpent in the garden ...
You don't want to be a slave to a man, and wash nappies all day ...
You want to be a ...
train driver
and on it goes.
Our enemy is programming (grooming) girls, at a very young age, through TV, magazines, and music, but now especially by the SMART PHONE.
Would you give an unmarried middle aged man, with a bad reputation, your teenage daughter's phone number ...
and your permission to contact her anytime ...
even in the middle of the night ?
No ?
Why not ?
If you have given her a SMART PHONE, that is exactly what you have done.
Your enemies are sick, evil, rich, powerful, perverts ...
like Jeffrey Epstein ...
and Bill Clinton ...
and Bill Gates ...
(both 'friends' of Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Clinton flew 26 times on Mr Epstein's jet. Sounds like their pretty close, don't you think ?)
Your enemies use government, media, music, fashion ...
everything ...
to propagandize the young.
This is why the birth rate is dying.
The SMART PHONE, above all, has programmed young girls, into not wanting children.
That is the problem.
What is the solution ?
The solution is to go to the heart of the matter.
Re-institute Daily Family Worship in Ireland.
5 minutes in the morning.
5 minutes in the evening.
Read the Bible and pray with your family.
Sounds too easy a fix, for such a complex problem ?
Try it for a year, and see the change in your family.
9 Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars:
2 She hath killed her beasts; she hath mingled her wine; she hath also furnished her table.
3 She hath sent forth her maidens: she crieth upon the highest places of the city,
4 Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither: as for him that wanteth understanding, she saith to him,
5 Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the wine which I have mingled.
6 Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.
7 He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot.
8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.
9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding - Proverbs 9
Why on Earth is there No Word whatsoever, in your article, on the Excess Deaths, of which proven all over, 75% is a result of the mRNA jabs. It are not vaccins, but genetherapy! In itself the jabs also cause miscarriages, still births and infertility, among a lot of other more deadly side effects. . Ireland is among the highest of Excess Death in Europe, ever since the rollout of the Jabs! Makes me really doubt why you do this.. You're not telling the Irish the Truths. You're hiding behind the 25%. Please educate yourself much much better and read Naomi Kleins book on The Pfizer Files, everybody (Govt's, Doctors etc) knew about it, before the jabs were even Rolled Out!! A Research in the UK showed, a few days ago, 70% of the Medical Staff were NEVER JABBED! Now what knowledge would have caused that?!! Dr. Peter McCullough! Robert Kennedy to name 2 other HotShots on vaccins and the killing of people.. It's just another Genocide!! Who cares? You obviously don't!!
You obviously have no idea of what I have been writing about consistently for the last two years. A lone voice a lot of the time. All my articles are at my Substack site. Knock yourself out.
You need to educate yourself izzy! Patrick has been on the vacvine excess deaths in thorough detail for ages!
You should apologise immediately for such a comment, you clearly haven't read anything of Patrick's substack till now, what a ridiculous knee jerk reaction...learn to read more you ejit!
@ Izzy Zon - whilst there is valid points in your comment above. Your views about Patricks lack of coverage of 'excess deaths' is to me unnecessarily harsh and unwarranted. Patrick has if you have followed this Stack; is leading champion of the Excess Deaths issue.
That's a given and it's also acknowledged in his post which is primarily about dilution of the Irish genome in new borns.
You finishing comment "It's just another Genocide!! Who cares? You obviously don't!!"
This a disgraceful slander on an honourable, brave and righteous Irishman standing strong in the battle against the genocide.
I am a big fan of Patrick, so I am bit surprised at your suggestion that Patrick doesn't care about people.
I wouldn't know about these things, if it wasn't for Patrick, posting them on Substack.
I try to give people a chance, though.
Some of the things you have said are very interesting.
The manner in which you have said them, though, may cause some to doubt your sincerity.
May I suggest that you start a Substack of your own, and tell everybody what you have learnt, on this topic.
I would recommend providing links to your sources, where possible, as this would definitely aid credibility.
Our enemy's primary (or one of his primary) tactics is DIVIDE AND RULE.
If we are on the same side, may I suggest, that we all ...
We are the majority.
We only lose if we divide.
Some time around 1917, Lenin was asked how he intended to deal with the opposition, to his socialist agenda.
Quite simply, he replied ...
I will lead it.
That is ...
Lenin successfully created FAKE OPPOSITION PARTIES, which divided and ruled, those who genuinely wanted freedom.
Any time a party, like REFORM UK, springs up out of grass roots outrage, the Tyrant Party sends THEIR PEOPLE to join it, and pick it to pieces.
Our greatest threat, are the people in our midst.
False Friends.
Those who seek to divide us.
Anyone advocating FOR DIVISION at this point ...
is a (witting or unwitting) instrument of our enemy.
A passenger flight was hijacked by four Muslims.
A number of men, tried to rouse, the forty passengers, to unite, against just four men, to take the plane back under lawful control.
They failed.
They were NOT UNITED ...
and they ALL DIED.
The callsign of that aircraft was ...
We are the passengers on that aircraft.
This is our moment.
Will we bicker amongst ourselves ...
squandering our precious resources ...
with a murderous minority at the controls ...
successfully dividing us from within ...
will we ...
A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends - Proverbs 16
A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity - Proverbs 17
4 So I returned, and considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun: and behold the tears of such as were oppressed, and they had no comforter; and on the side of their oppressors there was power; but they had no comforter.
9 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.
10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.
11 Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?
12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken - Ecclesiastes 4
Here's another update on many reports that support the pulling of the CoVid19 injections.
Perhaps use some of these reports or the whole thread to help solicit an opinion from those running for office. "Considering these scientific reports, what is your stance on the continued used use of the designed to harm experimental bioweapon covertly promoted as a 'safe and effective', 'vaccine' aka nano gene therapy weapon of war.
This would be a prudent time for those who need to answer this question just where they stand vis a vis this Operation Warp Speed that has and continues to cause so much harm and death to the recipient's.
Thanks Patrick, we’re very quickly being outmanned and outgunned. Between emigration, immigration housing and factoring in the culling, miscarriages and sterilisation from the ‘you know what’ I fear we’re in an extremely dark place… and all in the space of 25 years… I am unfortunate enough to live about 5 minutes from Mr. Simple and the mood on the ground is mixed. I’ve literally walked out of the pub as I’ve heard people sing his praises… lest I puke over the customers (this would be Simple’s local and please for the love of God can someone explain what exactly he’s done for you bar continuing to make you a stranger in your own land?)… My suspicion is this is still a very middle/upper class area and the demographics reflect this… it ain’t Adamstown. I’ve since decamped to a more hospitable establishment in Kilpedder for my reprieves. Anyway without doxxing myself any further I still think there is definitely an undercurrent of discontent here at least from passing remarks from people in passing. Time will tell and unfortunately I don’t think this is a luxury we have in abundance.
The “vaccines” and the lipid nanoparticles accumulated in the ovaries. This was known from preclinical studies. No doubt this was intentionally planned as a depopulation strategy. The WHO have prior form in using vaccines to surreptitiously sterilise. The Irish took these injections en masse. They bought the media and governments lies hook line and sinker. Whereas the imported folks from the third world and Eastern Europe were far less likely to take the depop jabs.
"Many of these will start their families abroad and are very unlikely to return as the housing situation worsens every day with our open borders immigration policy for unvetted males and other economic migrants."
Housing is really the limiting factor for births. Women just won't have a lot of children without somewhere reasonable to house them.
We have the same problem in the US, but there is hope that Trump really will deport the ~15 million criminal aliens who snuck in during the Biden administration. No person is illegal! They are _criminal_ aliens, since it is a crime to break into a country.
Ireland needs its own Trump. Now if only our Trump would finally admit that the mRNA is poisonous and itself damages fertility.
You are doing great work patrick that guy criticizing you hasn't a clue he's obviously trolling only for your in depth analysis on all the excess deaths we wouldn't be informed certainly not by the scumbags in msm who just stay quiet but there day will come
Great work again Patrick. Also this short video from Jason christoff would also be part of the agenda.
Interesting article Patrick I will check these figures thanks.
When you say vote nationalist, please be more specific who you represent. I can only presume it is not Sinn Fein who are the biggest traitors to the Irish people of any party.
Fought for hundreds of years for freedom from Britain and then shackled and compromised themselves to EU policy of open borders. Encourage it in fact.
Definitely NOT Sinn Fein, they are globalist not nationalist.
Some positive news,
Thankyou Patrick.
It seems so me that there are two problems here.
One is the obvious attack on the Irish people, by their evil Overlords, who have successfully ended the practice of Political Representation in Ireland.
While maintaining the fiction, that they are representing the people of Ireland, by enacting their wishes, the evil inhabitants of the corridors of power, are clearly working against the people of Ireland.
They are, in effect, an Army of Occupation, who would appear to be intent, on wiping out the Irish nation.
In my view, you can defeat this ...
but you may not have long.
All Irishmen must combine their vote for effect.
If you do not have an Irish Nigel Farage ...
then you need to find one.
The second problem is less obvious, and a bit theological.
7 Likewise, ye husbands, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker vessel, and as being heirs together of the grace of life; that your prayers be not hindered - 1 Peter 3
The woman is the weaker vessel.
God says so.
Woman says no.
Who wins that argument ?
Women have been successfully programmed by their enemy, for a long, long time.
Marriage is bad.
Children are bad.
Work is good.
Not only are Irishmen being replaced by foreigners in Ireland ...
Irishmen have been replaced by women, in Ireland, for a lot longer.
One predated the other.
Our enemy whispered in the ear of the woman, like the serpent in the garden ...
You don't want to be a slave to a man, and wash nappies all day ...
You want to be a ...
train driver
and on it goes.
Our enemy is programming (grooming) girls, at a very young age, through TV, magazines, and music, but now especially by the SMART PHONE.
Would you give an unmarried middle aged man, with a bad reputation, your teenage daughter's phone number ...
and your permission to contact her anytime ...
even in the middle of the night ?
No ?
Why not ?
If you have given her a SMART PHONE, that is exactly what you have done.
Your enemies are sick, evil, rich, powerful, perverts ...
like Jeffrey Epstein ...
and Bill Clinton ...
and Bill Gates ...
(both 'friends' of Jeffrey Epstein. Bill Clinton flew 26 times on Mr Epstein's jet. Sounds like their pretty close, don't you think ?)
Your enemies use government, media, music, fashion ...
everything ...
to propagandize the young.
This is why the birth rate is dying.
The SMART PHONE, above all, has programmed young girls, into not wanting children.
That is the problem.
What is the solution ?
The solution is to go to the heart of the matter.
Re-institute Daily Family Worship in Ireland.
5 minutes in the morning.
5 minutes in the evening.
Read the Bible and pray with your family.
Sounds too easy a fix, for such a complex problem ?
Try it for a year, and see the change in your family.
9 Wisdom hath builded her house, she hath hewn out her seven pillars:
2 She hath killed her beasts; she hath mingled her wine; she hath also furnished her table.
3 She hath sent forth her maidens: she crieth upon the highest places of the city,
4 Whoso is simple, let him turn in hither: as for him that wanteth understanding, she saith to him,
5 Come, eat of my bread, and drink of the wine which I have mingled.
6 Forsake the foolish, and live; and go in the way of understanding.
7 He that reproveth a scorner getteth to himself shame: and he that rebuketh a wicked man getteth himself a blot.
8 Reprove not a scorner, lest he hate thee: rebuke a wise man, and he will love thee.
9 Give instruction to a wise man, and he will be yet wiser: teach a just man, and he will increase in learning.
10 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding - Proverbs 9
God Bless
Why on Earth is there No Word whatsoever, in your article, on the Excess Deaths, of which proven all over, 75% is a result of the mRNA jabs. It are not vaccins, but genetherapy! In itself the jabs also cause miscarriages, still births and infertility, among a lot of other more deadly side effects. . Ireland is among the highest of Excess Death in Europe, ever since the rollout of the Jabs! Makes me really doubt why you do this.. You're not telling the Irish the Truths. You're hiding behind the 25%. Please educate yourself much much better and read Naomi Kleins book on The Pfizer Files, everybody (Govt's, Doctors etc) knew about it, before the jabs were even Rolled Out!! A Research in the UK showed, a few days ago, 70% of the Medical Staff were NEVER JABBED! Now what knowledge would have caused that?!! Dr. Peter McCullough! Robert Kennedy to name 2 other HotShots on vaccins and the killing of people.. It's just another Genocide!! Who cares? You obviously don't!!
You obviously have no idea of what I have been writing about consistently for the last two years. A lone voice a lot of the time. All my articles are at my Substack site. Knock yourself out.
You need to educate yourself izzy! Patrick has been on the vacvine excess deaths in thorough detail for ages!
You should apologise immediately for such a comment, you clearly haven't read anything of Patrick's substack till now, what a ridiculous knee jerk reaction...learn to read more you ejit!
@ Izzy Zon - whilst there is valid points in your comment above. Your views about Patricks lack of coverage of 'excess deaths' is to me unnecessarily harsh and unwarranted. Patrick has if you have followed this Stack; is leading champion of the Excess Deaths issue.
That's a given and it's also acknowledged in his post which is primarily about dilution of the Irish genome in new borns.
You finishing comment "It's just another Genocide!! Who cares? You obviously don't!!"
This a disgraceful slander on an honourable, brave and righteous Irishman standing strong in the battle against the genocide.
Dear Izzy
I am a big fan of Patrick, so I am bit surprised at your suggestion that Patrick doesn't care about people.
I wouldn't know about these things, if it wasn't for Patrick, posting them on Substack.
I try to give people a chance, though.
Some of the things you have said are very interesting.
The manner in which you have said them, though, may cause some to doubt your sincerity.
May I suggest that you start a Substack of your own, and tell everybody what you have learnt, on this topic.
I would recommend providing links to your sources, where possible, as this would definitely aid credibility.
Our enemy's primary (or one of his primary) tactics is DIVIDE AND RULE.
If we are on the same side, may I suggest, that we all ...
We are the majority.
We only lose if we divide.
Some time around 1917, Lenin was asked how he intended to deal with the opposition, to his socialist agenda.
Quite simply, he replied ...
I will lead it.
That is ...
Lenin successfully created FAKE OPPOSITION PARTIES, which divided and ruled, those who genuinely wanted freedom.
Any time a party, like REFORM UK, springs up out of grass roots outrage, the Tyrant Party sends THEIR PEOPLE to join it, and pick it to pieces.
Our greatest threat, are the people in our midst.
False Friends.
Those who seek to divide us.
Anyone advocating FOR DIVISION at this point ...
is a (witting or unwitting) instrument of our enemy.
A passenger flight was hijacked by four Muslims.
A number of men, tried to rouse, the forty passengers, to unite, against just four men, to take the plane back under lawful control.
They failed.
They were NOT UNITED ...
and they ALL DIED.
The callsign of that aircraft was ...
We are the passengers on that aircraft.
This is our moment.
Will we bicker amongst ourselves ...
squandering our precious resources ...
with a murderous minority at the controls ...
successfully dividing us from within ...
will we ...
A froward man soweth strife: and a whisperer separateth chief friends - Proverbs 16
A friend loveth at all times, and a brother is born for adversity - Proverbs 17
4 So I returned, and considered all the oppressions that are done under the sun: and behold the tears of such as were oppressed, and they had no comforter; and on the side of their oppressors there was power; but they had no comforter.
9 Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour.
10 For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth; for he hath not another to help him up.
11 Again, if two lie together, then they have heat: but how can one be warm alone?
12 And if one prevail against him, two shall withstand him; and a threefold cord is not quickly broken - Ecclesiastes 4
God Bless
Here's another update on many reports that support the pulling of the CoVid19 injections.
Perhaps use some of these reports or the whole thread to help solicit an opinion from those running for office. "Considering these scientific reports, what is your stance on the continued used use of the designed to harm experimental bioweapon covertly promoted as a 'safe and effective', 'vaccine' aka nano gene therapy weapon of war.
This would be a prudent time for those who need to answer this question just where they stand vis a vis this Operation Warp Speed that has and continues to cause so much harm and death to the recipient's.