Patrick— Thank you for your efforts. It's a gruesome business this, but it always gives me heart to read your posts.

I'm in the US. In my neck of the woods and my personal circles (heavily, very heavily psy-opped and jabbed) I'm finding that what most helps for the deluded is to keep pounding on the simple act their news sources are heavily censored and that what they see on their social media for the most part is determined by algos. Most truly have not comprehended this and what it means for them. A lot of them couldn't even tell you what an algo is. And it does seem, in some instances, that heavy citizen clamor (telephone calls above all, but also email, and memes on "X") aimed at one's own elected representives also helps.

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Our dipshits are deaf in one ear and can't hear in the other.

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It's terrifying! But thank you for the information. Rapidly developing cancers leading to fatalities are rampant where I live.

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Yes. I personally know 2 young people in 20s diagnosed with auto immune diseases. Frightening.

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Great information. Thank you

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Keep pounding out the truth even if those complicit in this democide try to bury their heads👊✅

Truth only wi prevail✅🙏

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Brilliant research as always patrick will share that with me mates as usual it's disgusting that rotten scummy mainstream media are not showing this on there channels they are bought and paid for have been from the start of scamdemic

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I was in Ireland for all of January. I spoke to many people who all seem to be coming out of their plandemic slumber. Not one knew of the great work being done by Patrick.

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Patrick, sadly there are still those who want to believe the lie. It does not matter how much you tell them the truth, it evades them because they hold onto the lie.

It is also apparent, that part of the deception has transpired because they hypnotized the masses. Television and it's mass media has been the biggest influencer in this phenomena we know the flickering of the TV and it's counterparts of film, social media etc.. puts the mind in a trance and these messages subconsciously influence us, hence the naming of the virus Alpha-, Beta-, Gamma-, and Delta- of coronaviruses. The so-called Delta variant coincided with the deepest state of resistance in our society to hearing the truth. The minds' deepest dream state is the Delta wave (0.5-4Hz), quote: "This is the deep sleep wave. It is the slowest of the frequencies and is experienced in deep, dreamless sleep and in very deep transcendental meditation and hypnosis states, where awareness is fully detached." https://m1psychology.com/brain-waves-and-hypnosis/

They don't want us to think they want us to "obey". Just like the movie "They Live" by John Carpenter. They pushed us in doors, in front of the fear porn TV and mindless thought control media to instill their lies, the matrix. These are the same methods used by the CIA in the MK-ultra mind control brainwashing that go still goes on.

https://www.cia.gov › readingroom › docs › CIA-RDP88-01070R000301530003-5.pdf

Brainwashing society was their ultimate goal. They used it in desert storm to get the Taliban to lay down their weapons. They realise that they can now do it globally with the use of the internet and entertainment. "To work most effectively, the process, he proposed, depends above all on the subject’s ignorance of how it is conducted; so, to educate might also be to arm us. If brainwashing could overpower free will, a well-prepared mind and well-equipped society could – maybe – push back against dangers abroad, or here in its midst. On the other hand, the brainwashers were becoming ever more sophisticated, and perhaps a day would come when resistance was futile; but then again, maybe not… " https://wellcomecollection.org/stories/the-history-of-brainwashing

The biggest threat now is that the evil perpetrators are trying to infiltrate the truth movement with their lies, and also simultaneously they are pushing to control us remotely. Their ultimate goal is to disable humanity from knowing exactly who they are, and make them robots.

Through God there is hope for humanity, if and when anyone truthly comes to understand, that we are made in the image and likeness of God and that He from the beginning has loved us, and He sent His son to save us, and that there are spiritual forces opposed to us, who want to destroy us and feed us lies, and that is what, we are fighting, that is the moment that everything changes.

I take heart because with God nothing is impossible and I know in the end God wins. For those of us who resist the lies, we have been like an ocean wearing away the shores of the masses. The shores are resisting but the pull of truth is bigger and stronger than their lies.

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Another shocker from Desolation Row. But we knew it was coming.......

YOU are the disea$€; their covaids death squirt the cure. Anyone that still doesn't get it ( and there are many ) also imagine that the Kiev Jewish cocaine midget, Z, is a democratic hero slaughtering rump Ukrainians to protect Urupp and the evil EUSSR from bad Mr. Bear. The fecal matter is splattering the fan ever more with each passing day and now that the Washing town $lumville Oligarch$ have explained to the Euro Nazis that they can have rump Ukraine and its sputtering dumpster fire (sans Mr Chump's "rare earths"), the writing is on the wall for those than can still read. NATOstan's days are numbered and with it the Pedovore Politburo's reign and its diminutive, mouthy, Hairdresser In Chief in the evil EUSSR, Uschi van der Lyin'. Watch Germanistan's new (pro Israhell gubermint) go crawling back to Mother Russia for access to its former cheap energy source as the vile EUSSR and Natostan fracture and collapse to the delight of the rest of humanity.

Onward to the total co££ap$€ of worthless fiat filth and their even more worthless "final solution" with their digi bleep CBDC garbage.

It's not too late to raid "your" account and go for the metal before the $€wer implodes.

Au, Ag, Pb.

"Praise be to Nero's Neptune, the Titanic sails at dawn

Everybody's shouting, "Which side are you on?!"


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Thank you for your work.

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Patrick you are a gift from God. Thank you.

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Thank you Patrick for your continued work.🙏

There is no let up on the excess deaths. They just dont seem to be stopping. It's very disheartening to see MSM roll out S.media articles such as " cancer rates in Ireland 2nd highest in Europe " and the comments from the public are as always just making any excuse to themselves for the possible for the reason or connection for this other than accepting the common denominator. I'm asking myself daily is it self preservation or denial that despite the carnage we are seeing on a daily rate the majority of the public just want to shut their eyes to the truth.

Anyone else another perspective on this?

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Elizabeth I think people are shell shocked by what they might have done to themselves and their children. I have a few serious instances in my extended family of I’ll health and even I am slow to raise the jab in conversation even though all know where I stand.

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I doubt there is hardly a family in Ireland that hasant been effected by the consequences of the experimental shot. I for one have personal testimony of it within my own extended family and friends.

Its because I tried to warn my extended family & friends of the dangers I have been cut off by them . The cost and consequences of my concern for them means none of them want to speak to me because what I was telling them was just too difficult for them to hear never mind comprehend.

Would I have done it all again knowing I would loose ALL my extended family and friends? The answer is I certainly would because I know I did everything possible to try help them see the dangers.my conscience is clear.

Sad to see as you stated that now they know what they have done to themselves and their children but that gives me only more sadness.

Thank you Patrick for what you do despite all obstacles.

E. 🙏

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Vax system whistle blower

Don't ever forget what they did


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Once Ireland's changing demographics and improving life expectancies are taken into account*, indications are Ireland recorded NO annual excess deaths for 2024 with overall annual death totals back on pre-pandemic trend, although the specifics of the different age groups remain to be seen.

*Using linear trend (2011-2019) age-specific mortality rates as baseline and estimating actual deaths at 103% of RIP.ie death notices (as processed by CSO).

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I wonder will the Covid Evaluation project, just commenced, unearth reasons for our excess deaths?. Prof Anne Scott will have a lot of work to do.

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