Sep 16Liked by Patrick E Walsh

When numbers consistently remain above the mean … there should be an investigation into why… at the very least… policy change to enact a mandatory report on cause of deaths to include a full autopsy report and any history of mRNA vaccination… after all they kept vaccination status on a database somewhere.

This became criminal the moment the government started to fudge data… and the time for reckoning is long overdue.

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💯 These consistent figures demand questions be asked and answered. The silence of msm and Official Ireland confirm the truth of these reports and the guilt and complicity of those ignoring them.

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Sep 16Liked by Patrick E Walsh

The criminality is key issue and in law somewhat complex.

With doubt the long planned mass murder is a criminal enterprise.

The visible buck stops with US -DoD- DARPA - Pentagon & NIH.

There were in effect 2 bioweapons

#1 The 'mild' and hyped weaponised SarsCoVid 19.

#2 The the designed with intent to harm and kill, 'counter-measure' / bioweapon, injection.

These were aided by a global drive of wall to wall, lies, disinformation, misinformation, censorship, propaganda and coercion. Details of much of this can be found on pervious comments on Desolation Row and also The Globalist Gazette.

People who analysed the vials {Your batch etc} have found 80% of harms came from

5% and also that it appears that the 'killer' batches in the USA were concentrated in targeted areas. Also there the migrants were seeded primarily in 'red' states.

It appears that not only were the weaponised jabs distributed in a predetermined focused manner. With that in mind it does appear that we have likely also been targeted for priority 'extermination'.

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Sep 17Liked by Patrick E Walsh

“They” have a whole team working on criminal enterprise and use Main stream media to succeed… it’s a win win for them.. and a lose lose for mankind.

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Those who's lives ended in Hospital's and "care" homes; sometime's the circumstances were suspicious. USA focused >

Breaking the Oath: Unauthorized (5/22)


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Sep 17Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Dr. Ryan Cole:

"I think the biggest problem we're gonna be fighting for a long time is chronic autoimmune disease. These (COVID) injections were contaminated with DNA. They were made with a synthetic RNA and they weren't just making spike proteins, they were making Frankenstein proteins as well. And when the immune system is exposed to proteins that it's not supposed to see then it starts to go haywire. So certainly we've seen some excess sudden death and we've seen death from all causes increased around the world after the rollout of these genetic injections that were never a vaccine. They were experimental genetic injections and so a lot of autoimmune disease for a long time and decreased fertility rates we're already seeing in many countries around the world and what I noted early on was we were seeing a lot of runaway turbo cancers and I think we're going to continue to see that sadly.

These weren't what they were advertised to be, they were never vaccine. And the lesson here is that we should never as a population ever use synthetic RNA genetic injections ever again."

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Sep 17Liked by Patrick E Walsh

The government are covering up for their mass murders.

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What would that make 'them' ?

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Sep 16Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Fantastic work Patrick✅🇨🇮

You are so attuned to it all now and yet all leaders in Church, State, media who all effectively colluded to push this poison want to ignore all the evidence and thus deny these genocided people recognition🤮

On top of the he excess deaths the huge increase in illnesses is unrecognised!

It’s a dreadful horror show unfolding in real time😭

Keep up your excellent work because through your efforts the tide will turn✅👊

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Thank you for keeping your sharp eye on this, and for reporting.

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As always brilliant research patrick the bastards are killing of paddy for sure how long more will our corrupt media ignore this surely there day of reckoning is fast approaching

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Sep 16·edited Sep 16Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Indeed - topping the dying charts yet again is NO laughing matter. Perhaps as you suggest this is a 'Reptilian' agenda to take over / cannibalise our beautiful Emerald Isle.

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Sep 16Liked by Patrick E Walsh


God Bless you for helping us keep our moral courage. Please proclaim loud and clear that you are not sucidial. Think of the attempts against Trump. These demons are capable of anything and everything.

I look around and speak to neighbours friends and aquaintances and they are asleep. They are mesmerized by celebs. and their latestest house renovations and new partners and destroyed marriges and lame excuses how this will not affect the children. Meanwhile they are surrounded by sickness and death and act as if this is normal. It is hard not to feel that they deserve what they get and yet we do not want to wish harm on any human. These same gobshites will vote in the same gobshites at the next election. God help us.

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Sep 16Liked by Patrick E Walsh

It's becoming clearer there is a mental divergence underway.

One group are becoming increasingly 'hive minded'.

The other group are independent thinkers.

It appears to be becoming increasingly difficult to connect in a 'normal' (or what used to be normal) way, with a hive minded person/people.

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'Jab's, media propaganda, subliminal manipulation via 'piggy backed' messages

on radio and TV broadcasts, and EMF radiations, wi-fi and even LED bulbs may be contributing factors.


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If you don't feel like checking out the information on the above link you

probably won't be interested in Sabina's experience. High tech and human

manipulation is 'through the roof'. Protecting ourselves will take work and community. Buckle up - things are strange and getting stranger.

Oh No She Doesn't Wear A Shirt And Her Hair Is A Mess


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'Trust the science' - it's 'deadly'....

Check if they are pulsing the cell towers at night cooking people whilst they sleep. OK nuf already.

Dr. Buttar RIP Warning Marburg Payload in Covid Vaccines 5G Activation

The Same Warning from Karen Kingston, Todd Callender, and Dr. Ana Mihalcea.


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Sep 16Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Fucking fed up of it now. No-one in leadership gives a shit.

Cardiac Screening in my local GAA recently, for all players male and female over 14 years of age. Defibrillators at nearly every pitch now too.

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All sporting orgs. are bought and paid for with the woke agenda etc now mandatory for receiving the grants they need to service their debts. They do the same in private life. Both parents need to work to get mortgage that forces them to accept the shitfest all around us…..and the state will ‘care for’ and ‘educate’ your children while ye both work. Be aware.

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In fairness, it was organised by a parent whose 18 year old collapsed on the field of play during a game. Only the opposing team physio worked on the player until the ambulance arrived they might not have survived.

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Sep 16Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Look at the sociopaths heads on those two losers

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I know. The photo is enough to make me eject my breakfast. Nauseating. Literally Demonic.

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Sep 18Liked by Patrick E Walsh

i'd love to know how much the figures for disability payments have increased over the past 3 years. if only there was a whistle blower from the dept of social welfare (or whatever it is called these days). anecdotally i seem to notice more people on crutches, walking sticks, wheelchairs than before and people walking with strange gaits in general. there's a lot of injuries out there too.

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Yes I’ve noticed that too actually but the big impact has been all the young people with heart attacks and strokes and of course the newly discovered ‘turbo’ cancer. God forgive these Luciferians.

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Their own spirit will judge their actions in due course.

Luciferian's worship a different god. Repenting is not part of their agenda.

They hate the Biblical God with vengeance.

Forgiveness is not an automatic 'get out of jail card' - God is unlikely to be giving them

any dispensations imo.

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Sep 17Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Many thanks for the update, Patrick. Meanwhile the cardboard cutout naZi reptile geriatric from Hollyweird central casting, the demonic WEFer Klaws Slob threatens us with this latest psychotic outburst. According to this clown "the world is on the cusp of a profound systematic transformation". The warmongering $atanic cabal of vermin imagine that they are going to feast off the bones of what's left of naZi rump Ukraine, obviously ignorant to the reality that Mother Russia will decide what if any future that burnt out dumpster fire (and indeed the evil EUSSR itself) will have when she is finished cleaning up the filth unleashed by Mr Slob and the rest of his nest of vipers and globo goblins. Meanwhile enjoy your life and believe nothing the pedovore hoes, presstitutes and gubermint scum say. We are agents of our own destiny and having survived the most evil extermination attempt unleashed on humanity by ruling psychopaths we will surely survive the next scamdemic and mind fuckery that these gimps can come up with.


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Sep 17·edited Sep 17Liked by Patrick E Walsh

LOL - that's a Blast - needed that - GC is epic.

One needs a break from relentless excreetment from the ConVid/Jab pushers and the results of their sick agenda's. Humour incl black humour can have better beneficial effects than a ton of big 'Harma time bomb.....tablets.

These days doctors don't so much 'practice' medicine as follow Guidelines from the 'system'.

They meds distribution quotas to meet and if they fall short they don't just get told off they can get penalised. Conversely if they meet their prescription writing guidelines they can receive cash bonuses and perks. Medicine these days is often a corporate for profit enterprise, like many police forces. Signs of the times when rather than healing they actually poison perhaps even 'off' the 20,000 souls. Of course there many excellent and well intentioned doctors and nurses. Alas many followed to death cults agenda and coercion.

Laughter is great tonic :-)

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Worth a read.

I don't concur that those who avoided the jabs are 'privileged', rather they used critical thinking and common sense and had the gumption not to be bullied.


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Sep 17Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Thanks Patrick , it is crazy that more and more people are not seeing what is happening . Myself and Sabrina are heading over to the Tuatha so I hope to bump into you and shake your hand for all the work you have done , fair play to ye.

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Lookin fwd to Meetin up with ye again Richard. Safe driving …

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@John4Truth "When numbers consistently remain above the mean … there should be an investigation into why…"

Of course, the 2016-2019 average is NOT a realistic level of expected mortality for Ireland's aging and growing population structure, so the numbers SHOULD consistently remain high. The pertinent question is to what extent?

Eurostat's estimates of excess mortality for Ireland are clearly unrealistic (reference its own projections of rising numbers of annual deaths for Ireland versus the static 2016-2019 average), the critical question is to what extent recorded deaths have been exceeding reasonably EXPECTED levels of mortality.

Unfortunately, Eurostat's figures (based on an ill-suited methodology for Ireland's rapidly growing and aging population) cannot answer that critical question.

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We're still way short of Georgia Guide stones, Deagal and Gates et al target figures for 'depopulation. Perhaps someone might crank up or 'hack' even, the EMF radiations coming from military weapon microwave cell towers. Or perhaps our gubberment will gift the unjabbed with

hot new pagers?

A new worldwide study finds there were no excess deaths due to covid and there were 16.9 million vaccine-associated deaths up to the end of 2022


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