Great work.

The planting of Brits in key state institutions is significant & indicative of their strategy.

Harris - policing

Bakhurst - state broadcaster

Godfrey - media regulator

Lucy - Drug admin

To me this clearly has two purposes:

1. Demoralise, control & cull the native Irish population

2. In preparation for the reintegration of the 26 counties into the U.K. (Their key agents in this - Sinn Fein [notice their charm offensive with the British] - will call this a ‘United Ireland’. There will be nothing ‘United’ about it.

Of course it will all come to nothing eventually, but we have a hard road to travel until that day.

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💯 I agree Willie, only such a ‘United Ireland’ wouldn’t be run by the Irish. They are all compromised and involved in treason.

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100% bang on, you've summed it up in a nutshell Willie

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"Ensure your school administrators and child, if old enough, know where you stand on this matter, lest the deed is done without you knowing what’s happening."

I would advise going a step further and pulling your child out of school entirely. Your entire genetic lineage is at stake.

Teachers have shown they will happily forcefully inject children and courts complicit with these mass murderers by greenlighting their abuse.

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School boards and training colleges have been infiltrated and most teachers are indoctrinated into the woke ‘science’ worshipping cult. Jana Lunden’s work on exposing the sexualisation of children by teachers and schools shows them for the conscious or unconscious groomers that they are.

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Once again a tour de force Patrick✅👊

God has chosen your gifts for incisive analysis to inform the public of the genocidal plans for humanity.

Our leaders of Church, State, media, medical, education etc have all bought into the lies of the global criminals through their NGO’s- UN, WHO, EU etc etc

The plans of the UN are really scary now as per this superb interview;


The chaos and confusion are ramping up but so are great people giving us warnings just as you are Patrick. Eddie Hobbs has a great interview with David Webb on the whole financial sleight of hand.

Massive dangers but a much sharper sense of awakening by so many.

This is a race to the finish the ultimate war between good and evil👊✅

Good wins if we choose the good🙏

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Tanx Paddy. Yes I heard David Webb speak before. Frightening

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Again they are going for the low hanging fruit in the Old Folks Homes.

This is a reprise of the Euthnasia program they began back in late 2020/early2021 to cull the Elderly and give the false impression of a Pandemic.

They used Mizadomal, Morphine and withdrawal of medicine ,food and water that time, PLUS ISOLATION TO HIDE THEIR CRIMES.

This time they know the Toxic Coxic Covid 19 Injection will do the job.

The Irish Regime and their Lapdogs are a Murder Machine ,on par with the NAZIS.

Protect your children from this Genocide by Jab.

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Nail on head Daniel. 💪

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God help the poor old folks who don't understand what's going on and trust the system. I hope to God I never lose my mind and they put me in one of those aweful places where they're treated like babies with the TV blaring all day. Whether they're old or not, they don't deserve to be slaughtered

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I have a template for a form of Specific Revocable Power of Authority/Attorney for those in care facilities, those who are in contact with hospital services or with dependents or loves ones who are at risk. In fact anyone can use it, and ask for it to be filed in their clinical record with the HSE or GP. Happy to pass it on. It doesn't require input from a lawyer, just a person willing to act in your interests, and two independent witnesses. It works.

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Can you post that up somewhere Anne, where people can print it off for when they have a loved one in one of those awful places

Have a lovely day tomorrow, I won't be there as I'm in Spain. Some of my pals are going. I always think of the happy days I spent in Rann na Feirste Irish College when I hear your accent

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10 hrs ago·edited 4 hrs agoLiked by Patrick E Walsh

Rage rage against the slick banality of evil. ‘Savage indignation’ as written on the tomb of Jonathan Swift (saevo indignatio), who wrote parodies on how to cook and consume nursed infants of a year old. His writing was outrageous, because he was witnessing the English kill-off of the Irish peasantry, it was all so slick, so ‘civilised’ that he resorted to outrageous thinking schema in order to deal with it.

This is psychologically programmed holocaust. It is so slick and so outrageous, done in the guise of ‘civilised’ policies.

What of the minds of our GPs who have both injected and witnessed intimately the eugenics results? Are they are tripped-out on some cult-like adherence to the notion of over-population, that subliminally conditions them to believe they are doing the right thing, even if it appears bad? Do they believe they are the chosen ones? Is there some sort of religious belief in the notion that to exist is to be a carbon sinner? The ultimate sacrifice is required in order to cleanse mankind of his sins for overburdening the Earth? Or are they merely deranged idiots? I have no idea of what is happening in medical minds right now, I am throwing out a few suggestions, but medical minds are insane now. This is true regarding C-19 eugenics scheme. There seems to be an invisible switch coded into medical minds, one that gets triggered to ignore reality, unnecessary iatrogenic awful suffering and pain, it is evil.

The link to the WakeUpeiRe website contains an 8 page letter directed at the medical establishment of Ireland, a pharmatocratic corporate-governed cartel that persists in our culture of post-colonial deference to establishment puissance. Noel Browne tried so hard to break this in the 1950s. He failed, and as stated by Patricia Kennedy in her 2012 published paper, the medical establishment became ideologically locked-in until the early 2000s.

Below is a clip of a speech delivered outside the Rotunda, Sept 6th, there is a 6-min video, a 20-min video and an 8 page letter. As of yet there is one error in the letter, regarding the. Corona virus, it will be adjusted. Resources are extremely limited, nobody donates, one worker doesn’t have a laptop, writing is done on a phone.


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On just one point Deidre,

You mention climate warming as an aside, whilst focussing on more important issues.

However, Climate change is as big a hoax as was the sars-cov-2 vaccine being safe and c effective, and both rumours were started by the same people.

Carbon Dioxide is essential to our survival, as it nourishes all things green and beautiful in this World, who kindly convert it back to Oxygen for us.

We do not have records dating back far enough to know the patterns of Mother Earth, and as a living entity, she too has cycles.

Global warming if accepted by ordinary people will allow them to stop using Coal or Gas to create electricity, as a result the cost of power will increase hugely, and the amount of power from renewables will not be enough for us all to have what we need.

Constant rising costs, the destruction of food sources, on top of the depopulation schedule promise us nothing but heartache.

Think about who you voted for, and ask them for what you want.

Global warming is as much a con as safe and effective - beware.

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Yes. Most informed people are aware of this. I mentioned carbon sin, as the new Original Sin, as a cult ideology, not a fact.

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I'm never going to those doctors again unless I break a bone. They think they're saving lives

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Incredible research patrick as always it's absolutely shocking what these scumbags are doing still pushing the deathjabs after all this time it makes me so angry how long more until the truth comes out in msm surely it has to happen soon

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Tanx Tommy. I am certain now there won’t be an ‘AHA!’ moment in msm. This will be dripfeed over 15-20 years if we let it. All part of the demoralisation process

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Msm facilitated the genocide. Please let’s act congruently and declare that msm has no validity. Our establishment is genocide endorsing and genocide enforcing, case closed. To be hanging on like plebs, waiting for genocidists to give us crumbs of truth is not sane. Of course they will soon enough drip feed the facts, when they have gaged the time is right, when the collective or significant outliers have peaked on tolerance. Then they will swoop in. If after 3 1/2 years people are still focused on msm, they are still looking at criminals, looking for crumbs from their table. 20,000 people have died, in addition to uncounted miscarriages. Is there any ethical rationale in referencing msm that goose-stepped propaganda everywhere?

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Savagely and expertly put Deirdre. 🙏

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7 hrs agoLiked by Patrick E Walsh

Roy Butler was 'coincidentally' one of 60 Million who died as a direct result of the Sars-cov-2 experimental injection globally.

How could a Coroner ignore 60 Million similar deaths in deciding what, other than the jab, killed Roy?

Ordinary people need to be educated about this vaccine, especially that the makers publicly state that it does not prevent transmission like all other vaccines.

Covid was just the beginning of a movement that will remove freedoms from the lives of most but those brave enough to say NO.

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I asked my brother if he and his wife if they were going to get boosters again this autumn despite all that is coming out about them and he said he was. I just wanted it on the record that I asked. My sister didn't bother replying. My youngest bro and wife don't even acknowledge me any more. I'm a lunatic that they are embarrassed about

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Scary report. How brain impaired does one have to be to want more "ConVid/Flu DeathVaxx?

I expect most of us know some medical experimenters/participants whom we've tried to inform with a solid medical/science supporting backup. {Hundred's such links/reports in earlier posts here and @ The Globalist Gazette}.

Several of those posts talk of spike proteins, nano lipid particles, and graphene. All passing across the blood brain barrier. Ouch! This isn't just 'staying in the arm' lie, that people were bombarded with @ 'safe and effective'...

Some posts highlight, sudden surges in demential type afflictions.

More posts talk about and show the formations of nano robot assemblies. Some of these

manifestations both transmit receive communications, EMF, 'wi-fri' - these signals are recorded both from the living and the dead (transmitting from down under!) An app can detect them, people giving of MAC machine letters&numbers....

What about people being told or accessing the contents of intentionally designed to harm 'safe & effective' experimental mRNA bioweapon/injections they were 'considering'.

What about the people spending the people's money to buy the unsafe and unnecessary

ConVid, gene editing, nano toxic brew the experimental military 'countermeasure, counter-fit

"Vaccine" all backed with wall to wall 24/7/365 propaganda, lies, shock&awe - locking up the healthy and destroying lives even without sliding in a harmful dose experimental nano technologies.

Did the parents of those 'participating' not their young one's to be wary of 'experimental' drugs!

Why do people want to get their body infected with transhumanistic content! (possibly not listed on the info insert?).

Closed minded, and all abord for the hive mind lockstep, march to human.2 / 'homo-cyborgus ignoranus' @ Schwab/Harari/Gates etal including in Dublin.

One could safely say that 'Operation Warp Speed' brought so much Shock&Awe, harm and death that it could 'blow' ones mind. They bounced us hard and jabbed 5 Billion worldwide with military grade 'countermeasure-bioweapons'.

If a conservative estimated 70% of the country took 'Jabs@ 2+booster). Perhaps a proportion of those people are interconnected via their body area network // into the digital Internet of bodies.

TV, radio, web, cell device, laptop...can be used to broadcast subliminal, and mind altering, voice2skull ect covert weaponised broadcasts. EMF towers are also military hardware, potential weapons of mass destruction.... when one balances that against the amount of lies and failures visited upon us amounting to a 'mountain' of 20,000 corps's, this is serious business for an attack upon us.

Why is this mad badness not closed down already?

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10 hrs agoLiked by Patrick E Walsh

Powerful article yet again Patrick. Just saw yesterday that in the US the FDA granted approval for parent's to vaccinate their children from the flu at home. They are relentless. The flu is your body detoxing. In any event the more flu shots, the more likely you are to get the flu, as your body becomes more toxic. Save the children.

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Lisa. The doing it at home is so they can say ‘no one forced you’ and the resultant parental guilt further demoralises.

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9 hrs agoLiked by Patrick E Walsh

they all think they've gotten away with it. they believe that even if they have resigned from their positions or their political party that it will save their skins. but some innocuous day, maybe in a year, maybe in twenty or thirty years, they might be just popping into the shop for a loaf of bread or bringing the dog for a walk on a grey tuesday afternoon and they might just come face to face with their reckoning. i wouldn't switch places with any of them for all the tea in china.

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There will be a reckoning both here and in the next. Some might get away with it here but I’m hoping there will be a special circle in hell reserved for the perpetrators of this crime. I specifically hope there’s an Irish section that we could visit remotely.

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Nothing will change until the churches fill up again and people say the family Rosary. It’s a war against the devil and his Jews.

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8 hrs agoLiked by Patrick E Walsh

💯 agree

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Your not doing it right you have to say Nazi ,Goose Step,Holocaust,dont say that word.

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7 hrs agoLiked by Patrick E Walsh

Re healthcare workers: "44 percent did not believe the jab offers protection against coronavirus"... why only 44% and not 100%???

Nothing can do justice regarding the Roy Butler situation... how anybody can not be overcome by tears of sorrow and rage is beyond me and whitewashing the affair is pure evil. How has the Ireland of saints and scholars sunk so low...

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5 hrs agoLiked by Patrick E Walsh

It isn't just Ireland Eleanor, the same thing is happening all over the World.

The World has changed since Lockdown, and those of us who recognise that have a responsibility to help others to realise that.

Awareness is the enemy of sudden attack.

Help the rest of Ireland become aware, change comes in stages, when a proposed change feels wrong, it is wrong, and time to say NO

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Dr Robert Malone did an article that showed in the US GP practices also got a 'bonus' payment - for 25% of patients vaccinated, 50% vaccinated etc. That likely happened here too. That was on top of the payment per Jab.

I notice that Pfizer is rarely mentioned in the media in relation to suspected side effects - From very early on doubts were only aired about AstraZeneca, Janssen.

This is also a bailout for 'too big to fail Pfizer. So our government is going to buy vaccines.

On the flip side of this growth outlook, Pfizer needs to overcome $17 billion in patent expirations later this decade, Bourla acknowledged. From 2024 to 2027, Pfizer expects to lose U.S. exclusivity for popular blood thinner Eliquis, immunology med Xeljanz, rare disease med Vynadaqel, plus cancer drugs Ibrance, Inlyta and Xtandi.


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