Sep 8Liked by Patrick E Walsh

The very same as a job application I looked at recently for Bank of Ireland. As you say not so long ago such question would have resulted in a court case!

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Sep 8Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Superb article!

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Thank you

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Sep 8Liked by Patrick E Walsh

The UK government had their nonsense census a few years ago, and in it they asked for sexuality and gender with open fields for all the related categories. To troll the evil bastards, I specified I identified my pronouns as 'King' and my sexuality as 'Rotherham'.

Any time someone sees these free-text fields, they should take the opportunity to submit (maybe not with real personal details) an application with something that violates their 'rules' and 'honour'. For example, I'm wondering if they will have to start censoring certain terms. Can I introduce myself as having the gender of 'mRNAShotsKill'? It's basically my normal, physical, biological gender but it comes with free advertising.

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Good idea to troll them. I did it with the 2022 Census in Ireland.

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Sep 10Liked by Patrick E Walsh

There's also an interesting legal issue. So these people demand people refer to you by your "pronouns", but there's a law against impersonating a doctor when you're not medically qualified.

Something I wanted to do for the census (but forgot to do at the time) was put my pronouns as Doctor/Dr. Besides being, obviously, a doctor-doctor joke, it now begs the question who is in the wrong; can you force people to call you a Doctor? Would the government ban it as a pronoun and commit a hate speech crime?

I'm pretty sure there are other titles you're prohibited from impersonating or using that haven't been touched upon yet. Police officer is another. Maybe more ballsy people will put extremely offensive words in their pronoun field - could Black people compel people to use offensive terminology? What happens if you refuse to say it? What about 'soundalikes' or phonetic spellings? The concept of having pronouns as some sort of modifiable, protected right is a complete absurdity. A very exploitable, very entertaining absurdity.

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Sep 8Liked by Patrick E Walsh

we really are going backwards...years ago potential employers would never ever ask marital status, religious beliefs or sexual orientation. some day the pendulum is going to swing back hard.

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This is all about normalising discussion of sexuality for children. Its grooming pure and simple.

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Sep 8Liked by Patrick E Walsh

That's unbelievable madness. Maybe you'd have a better chance at getting the job if you pretend your gay and that you have tourettes syndrome. You could have good fun if you got an interview.

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Sep 9Liked by Patrick E Walsh

“To disagree with three-fourths of the public is one of the first requisites of sanity.”

― Oscar Wilde

The transgender mutant retard mania, like any illness will pass. The human family has an inbuilt mechanism for curing disease and the insanity that has been pushed and engendered by our $atanic overlords is merely a blip on the screen as our fake democracy and economy inevitably collapse in flames. The treacherous globo owned stooges in the Irish "government", beholden to the Hairdresser In Chief, the criminal Uschi van der Lyin', will indeed get their comeuppance. The collapse of the evil EUSSR, as Natostan burns itself out in the ashes of the rump Ukraine dumpster fire, is guaranteed and even the covaid$ squirted masses are beginning to understand that their WEFer masters see them as mere tax cattle and livestock to be used for the benefit of the ruling serpent class that is behind every war and major crime on this planet. The tatted pig ugly obese class of purple hair misfits and gender challenged clowns have been shouting above their pay class for far too long but in the end they will return to their padded cells and their perverted nonsense will be permanently fire-walled from the vast overwhelming majority of sane God fearing family respecting persons that in the main constitutes the human family.

If Fyodor Dostoevsky didn’t say, "Tolerance will reach such a level that intelligent people will be banned from thinking so as not to offend the imbeciles." …... he should have!

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Sep 8Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Fantastic work, Patrick! And great effort.

Yes, ol' Paddy catches on slowly.

Great sign that things seen to be changing in the US......Paddy will surely follow at some stage.

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Tanx Alex. Paddy has kicked back the barstool and is starting to lash out at last.

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Sep 8Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Patrick, it is so good to know we have Real Irish Men. We have lost our unique history and culture. But just to be a pain in the arse, any idea where I can go for my White Privelage? All suggestions will be entertained.

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If you are ever down around Kilkenny, get in touch and you will be welcomed with a cup of tea and brown bread and a tour of my beautiful home town which they are trying to destroy. ‘White Privilige’ is having pride in our own culture and home. These ingrate immigrants resent us for this as we hold a mirror up to their empty lives and souls.

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8Liked by Patrick E Walsh

DEI is basically Affirmative Action in its operation for minorities claiming victimhood and discrimination.

Initially used in the USA to increase access to College Education for Negros .beginning in the '60's.

Standards were lowered for the minorities for College entry.

This in effect became discrimination of meritorious white students.

This was recentlly challenged in the US Supreme Court and put aside.

It has raised its ugly head in RTE with the appointment of 2 Nigerians as Newsreaders, when far more Irish applicants had merit.

It also raised its head in University places when Norma Foley massaged the Leaving Cert results to favor low quality migrants to jump the queue, because of Covid disruption.

This may backfire on the Regime ,because this is the sheltered comfortable class constituency of FG, who have also had their childrens accomodations filched by IPAS fakeugees.

You might say the Regime has peed on their own doorstep.

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Sep 9Liked by Patrick E Walsh

And then we have Wilson’s Hospital “school” jailing one of their own teachers for not agreeing to the DEI crap🤮😈

In the process they have down the seeds of their own destruction👊

But Enoch is the hero of the game exposing the school, Courts, Gardai, Government, media all colluding to destroy our precious children- the ones that survive the abortion genocide👊

The vast majority of Irish people are so dumbed down as demonstrated since the watershed moment in March 2020 that they don’t know if they’re standing on the arses or their elbows😭

It’s all designed to destroy our conscience, our connection to Almighty God👊

But each of us has to co-operate in our enslavement!

Excellent article✅👊

I wonder what the job application would be for County Council road workers? Or Librarians?

And how would prospective TD’s fit the bill? Maybe they should have to complete these BS applications?

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Tanx Paddy

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Sep 9Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Really excellent work Patrick fair play to you.

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Tanx Richard. Catch up with you soon 🙏

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Sep 15Liked by Patrick E Walsh

NGO’s are a dumping ground for university graduates with worthless degrees afraid to face reality. Instead they get to become instant experts along with being unaccountable and corrupt.

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💯 Indoctrination has replaced education.

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Just catching up on a few articles after a brief respite for the ould brain. Great stuff, let’s hope this positive discrimination falls flat on its face here in Ireland.

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Thanks Stephen. It will die here. It’s against natural law and people are waking up. We have to keep calling it out for what it is. Promoting Demoralisation and division to facilitate Grooming. They are coming for our children…..

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Bastards they are. Had to give my head a bit of peace for a while it all gets too much at times but I do feel hopeful ultimately, but it will not be without incredible pain. Are you going this day fortnight?

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Yep, looking forward to it. Looking forward to meeting yourself and a few others I haven’t met up with before. I agree about regular ‘peace’ breaks. It all got to me a while back and I stopped for good but with a break the urge to fight on returns.

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Indeed it does, yes looking forward to meeting up with a good few people in person should be a great weekend

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Sep 9·edited Sep 9Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Very encouraging piece of work from an Irish perspective. Shows that the awareness of the insanity and immorality behind the woke agenda is slowly revealing itself and seeping into the public sphere. The end is nigh!

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Tanx Dave. The light is starting to illuminate the DEI BS.

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That's gas! So glad I'm not looking for a job

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Fionnuala with all your online comments against this nonsense you are probably unemployable. Wear it as a badge of honour💪

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

Finally an article calling out this specific NGO Irish Centre for Diversity which is nothing more than a parasite infested into many private companies and government agencies for years but many only since 2022 when healthy hard working Irish people either died, got disabled and no longer fit to work at all or were no longer fit to do their original job and is now being done by someone that Didn't Earn It (DEI).

If you look through all of the clients on the Irish Centre on their website there is 1 missing that is only buried somewhere else or now removed relating to either one off awards or judges or sponsorship which is Accenture which appear to have an almost if not fully identical logo with that purple triangle if you examine the thickness and colour. A few months back when the WHO Pandemic Treaty was taking place in Killarney their promotional video has "Brought to you" or "supported by" Accenture which is a technology company that actually were on the news some time last year for having to let staff go in Ireland.

There are certain government organisations and or companies that require a company to have "Investors in diversity" and even move up to silver in order get business which I think might in fact be illegal under competition law and is something overlooked.

If by digging into all the clients on their website there is a government agency called Motor Insurers Bureau of Ireland which shares the same address as another agency with related but different function called Insurance Ireland that does not appear to have any affiliation to DEI. So could it be simply the woke people getting into certain positions of organisations actually be all what is keeping this in control.

If Irish Centre for Diversity is fully funded by Tax Payer then why wasn't it defunded in 2020 when there was supposed be some major financial crisis and governments had to falsify a pandemic as a cover and kill elderly so they wouldn't have to bailout pension funds which were lost apparently in 2019.

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I didn’t say Irish Centre for Diversity was an NGO as I don’t know that but I appreciate your comment and analysis. Thank You

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