Your great persistence and huge analytical skills are truly to be admired✅
Thanks a million for all your great work. Although it’s alarming it merely confirms all the fears I had about the whole scamdemic from the get go! It was all predicated on compliance by huge numbers.
What is tragic is that so many people refused to listen and considered those who refused to comply as nuts- even family members!
Now we wait with bated breath to see the fall out😭
Patrick I just completed a 3 day first aid course. I was acutely aware during the course that the liklihood that I will have to use these new skills is greatly increased since 2021. To the point where I inquired could I tag along with the medics sometime to see them in action.
Unfortunately I believe communities need to get together and have a majority of their able bodied teens and adults learn first aid.
The Red Cross course was only 200 euros and was very comprehensive. I hope I never have to use what I learned, but based upon what the Irish government coerced a large percentage of the population to do to themselves, the liklihood has increased.
Thanks as always Patrick for highlighting the ugly truth.
The vast majority of echo-chamber readers know precisely why and they suffer psychologically because of this knowledge.
The injection was termed a ‘vaccine’, which automatically conjures up concepts of immunity in people’s minds. . This holocaust has killed more people than the massive and violent historic holocaust that carved out the deepest groove for evil in our collective thinkosphere. . The difference in this holocaust is the styling, it’s all sugar coated and the steps towards self-destruction are presented in perniciously coded words and symbols — wolf in sheep’s clothing style.
Our fightback language style has also been captured, but this is difficult to discern, it’s a kinda language-based bonding we slip into without noticing — super-slick psychological
warfare on us fighters.
Stating facts without irony, sarcasm, innuendo, double entendre, or superfluous questions that diminish innate and correct horror/anger at the holocaust is respect for the truth.
This is information war. The way we present information is extremely important.
My daughters primary school had a kids father a doctor from Pakistan come in for "science" week to show they how to do CPR ! This gas NEVER happened before that you teach children how to do CPR ..the poor kids 😢 might have to use it more and more in their future lives ..the number of ambulances whizzing around on naas Rd is insane ! The paramedics should come forward as a group but oh no 🤦♂️ ill bury my head 😢 it's really sickens me to the point I have little faith left in humanity
Brilliant article as always patrick still the lies continue and the coverup and although more and more are waking up there's still so many sheep that are still asleep probably all jabbed multiple times so they prefer to ignore all the 'died suddenly' statistics which are happening at a frightening rate
You dive so skilfully into this spiders web of deliberately obfuscatory data. I’ve tried! Ugh. Have you noticed that the international websites and the media comparison figures for increases in population, or for cancers, cardiac, stroke deaths etc. go back 12-20 years? The only thing to be trusted is RAW data. Thank you for continuing to analyse and explain.
YOU are the disease; their covaid$ death squirt the cure.
Now it is officially admitted that the same war mongering filth in the United Snakes and its Department of "Defense", the Zionist owned Golem that started the dumpster fire in rump Ukraine to "weaken" Mother Russia, is also behind the covaid$ democide. These monsters, together with their spineless NATO reptiles, are also responsible for the plandemic democide. The limp North Amerikan Terror Organ is thankfully being destroyed, like its NAZI predecessor before it and with its collap$€ we can anticipate the end of the poisoned midget Uschi van der Lyin' and her anti democratic E.U.S.S.R politburo in Natostan sewer, Brussels.
A government whistle-blower from Bangladesh of the North spills the beans on the covaid plandemic.
But what I can't understand is, no matter what revelations come out about the pandemic that never was is how it all doesn't stop. Nothing ever comes of it and Governments just go on with the Agenda 30 etc. Can people not accept that Governments and NGOs conspired for years to murder us. I mean they even practiced it in Event 201, They deceived and lied on msm and propagandised. They apartheided us with certificates. They made us have our coffees out in the cold. AND IT STILL CONTINUES, HOW IS IT ALLOWED TO GO ON. All those doctors giving out the needles must have known, but nobody said anything, I can't understand. I couldn't ever go to a doctor again. And also I don't believe there is any safe vaccine. Or even drugs since Rockafella got his dirty murdering paws on it
Check out the so-called Spanish Flu and there you will see the start of this mass poisoning by genocidal cho$enite thugs aka Rogen Felder...the German Khazar.
Rockefeller gave the world the Fort Riley "Flu" (blame the Spanish) and Gates gave the world the Fort Detrick "flu" (blame the Chinese). However, the doubt remains as to whether all this terror will be enough to save the fiat filth IOU Saudi Mercan petro dollah and the worthless €urodollah.
• The reason modern technology has not been able to pinpoint the killer influenza strain from this pandemic is because influenza was not the killer.
• More soldiers died during WWI from disease than from bullets.
• The pandemic was not flu. An estimated 95% (or higher) of the deaths were caused by bacterial pneumonia, not influenza/a virus.
• The pandemic was not Spanish. The first cases of bacterial pneumonia in 1918 trace back to a military base in Fort Riley, Kansas.
• From January 21 – June 4, 1918, an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine cultured in horses by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York was injected into soldiers at Fort Riley.
• During the remainder of 1918 as those soldiers – often living and traveling under poor sanitary conditions – were sent to Europe to fight, they spread bacteria at every stop between Kansas and the frontline trenches in France.
• One study describes soldiers “with active infections (who) were aerosolizing the bacteria that colonized their noses and throats, while others—often, in the same “breathing spaces”—were profoundly susceptible to invasion of and rapid spread through their lungs by their own or others’ colonizing bacteria.” (1)
• The “Spanish Flu” attacked healthy people in their prime. Bacterial pneumonia attacks people in their prime. Flu attacks the young, old and immunocompromised.
• When WW1 ended on November 11, 1918, soldiers returned to their home countries and colonial outposts, spreading the killer bacterial pneumonia worldwide.
• During WW1, the Rockefeller Institute also sent the antimeningococcic serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries, helping spread the epidemic worldwide.
Read what the Kansas press says about the Fort Riley Kansas virus...aka the Spanish Flu. You couldn't make this shit up....but they did and now they are doing it again.....round and round the goldfish bowl.....
In 1918, the US Army forced the vaccination of 3,285,376 natives in the Philippines when no epidemic was brewing, only the sporadic cases of the usual mild nature. Of the vaccinated persons, 47,369 came down with small-pox, and of these 16,477 died. In 1919 the experiment was doubled. 7,670,252 natives were vaccinated. Of these 65,180 victims came down with small-pox, and 44,408 died. In the first experiment, one-third died, and in the second, two-thirds of the infected ones died. —– from Dr. William Koch’s book, The Survival Factor in Neoplastic and Viral Diseases.
Vaxx filth has been known to cause "autism" for years, yet the herd insists on poisoning their children by allowing hacks and witch doctors to shoot up their children with pharma poison like junkies because some gubermint demon says it is necessary. Most of the human livestock are not equipped to deal with reality let alone the truth. Like sheeple they cower and obey the psychopaths we call politicians. It's built in to the hive instinct and nothing we can do about it will ever change that stark reality. Save those that want to be saved and allow the rest to blissfully go the way of the dodo. In the end it is simple evolution.
That the UK.Gov & NHS + Irish gov and medics still promote / offer the nano gene therapy, countermeasure, bioweapon, designed with intent to harm to those naive/gullible/foolish enough to play with taking highly dangerous experimental injects for minimum risk disease.
It is 'mind blowing' that in the UK over 8,000,000 people / human.2(?)
This was termed the information age, however those promoting and administering the bioweapon marketed as the Cov19 'vaccine', have NO excuse not to know that vials contain bioweapon concoctions.
These 'death jabs' cannot be promoted by anyone who has the slightest regard for the recipients health and wellbeing.
8 million people in England are still prepared to risk their lives by having another Covid injection
Your great persistence and huge analytical skills are truly to be admired✅
Thanks a million for all your great work. Although it’s alarming it merely confirms all the fears I had about the whole scamdemic from the get go! It was all predicated on compliance by huge numbers.
What is tragic is that so many people refused to listen and considered those who refused to comply as nuts- even family members!
Now we wait with bated breath to see the fall out😭
Patrick I just completed a 3 day first aid course. I was acutely aware during the course that the liklihood that I will have to use these new skills is greatly increased since 2021. To the point where I inquired could I tag along with the medics sometime to see them in action.
Unfortunately I believe communities need to get together and have a majority of their able bodied teens and adults learn first aid.
The Red Cross course was only 200 euros and was very comprehensive. I hope I never have to use what I learned, but based upon what the Irish government coerced a large percentage of the population to do to themselves, the liklihood has increased.
Thanks as always Patrick for highlighting the ugly truth.
Why ask ‘Why?’.
The vast majority of echo-chamber readers know precisely why and they suffer psychologically because of this knowledge.
The injection was termed a ‘vaccine’, which automatically conjures up concepts of immunity in people’s minds. . This holocaust has killed more people than the massive and violent historic holocaust that carved out the deepest groove for evil in our collective thinkosphere. . The difference in this holocaust is the styling, it’s all sugar coated and the steps towards self-destruction are presented in perniciously coded words and symbols — wolf in sheep’s clothing style.
Our fightback language style has also been captured, but this is difficult to discern, it’s a kinda language-based bonding we slip into without noticing — super-slick psychological
warfare on us fighters.
Stating facts without irony, sarcasm, innuendo, double entendre, or superfluous questions that diminish innate and correct horror/anger at the holocaust is respect for the truth.
This is information war. The way we present information is extremely important.
My daughters primary school had a kids father a doctor from Pakistan come in for "science" week to show they how to do CPR ! This gas NEVER happened before that you teach children how to do CPR ..the poor kids 😢 might have to use it more and more in their future lives ..the number of ambulances whizzing around on naas Rd is insane ! The paramedics should come forward as a group but oh no 🤦♂️ ill bury my head 😢 it's really sickens me to the point I have little faith left in humanity
Brilliant article as always patrick still the lies continue and the coverup and although more and more are waking up there's still so many sheep that are still asleep probably all jabbed multiple times so they prefer to ignore all the 'died suddenly' statistics which are happening at a frightening rate
Young girl mother of young child died during the week
Died suddenly in the presence of her husband.
Im trying to picture how this played out.
Great work Patrick.
And are we in the least surprised? ....NO!
Thanks for reporting.
You dive so skilfully into this spiders web of deliberately obfuscatory data. I’ve tried! Ugh. Have you noticed that the international websites and the media comparison figures for increases in population, or for cancers, cardiac, stroke deaths etc. go back 12-20 years? The only thing to be trusted is RAW data. Thank you for continuing to analyse and explain.
Sorry for typos in text above 😅
Simple question to ask them:
Where did the 3 times increase in elderly people come from?
We're not having a migrant influx of the old, so how comes there's more old people than young?
YOU are the disease; their covaid$ death squirt the cure.
Now it is officially admitted that the same war mongering filth in the United Snakes and its Department of "Defense", the Zionist owned Golem that started the dumpster fire in rump Ukraine to "weaken" Mother Russia, is also behind the covaid$ democide. These monsters, together with their spineless NATO reptiles, are also responsible for the plandemic democide. The limp North Amerikan Terror Organ is thankfully being destroyed, like its NAZI predecessor before it and with its collap$€ we can anticipate the end of the poisoned midget Uschi van der Lyin' and her anti democratic E.U.S.S.R politburo in Natostan sewer, Brussels.
A government whistle-blower from Bangladesh of the North spills the beans on the covaid plandemic.
But what I can't understand is, no matter what revelations come out about the pandemic that never was is how it all doesn't stop. Nothing ever comes of it and Governments just go on with the Agenda 30 etc. Can people not accept that Governments and NGOs conspired for years to murder us. I mean they even practiced it in Event 201, They deceived and lied on msm and propagandised. They apartheided us with certificates. They made us have our coffees out in the cold. AND IT STILL CONTINUES, HOW IS IT ALLOWED TO GO ON. All those doctors giving out the needles must have known, but nobody said anything, I can't understand. I couldn't ever go to a doctor again. And also I don't believe there is any safe vaccine. Or even drugs since Rockafella got his dirty murdering paws on it
Check out the so-called Spanish Flu and there you will see the start of this mass poisoning by genocidal cho$enite thugs aka Rogen Felder...the German Khazar.
Rockefeller gave the world the Fort Riley "Flu" (blame the Spanish) and Gates gave the world the Fort Detrick "flu" (blame the Chinese). However, the doubt remains as to whether all this terror will be enough to save the fiat filth IOU Saudi Mercan petro dollah and the worthless €urodollah.
• The reason modern technology has not been able to pinpoint the killer influenza strain from this pandemic is because influenza was not the killer.
• More soldiers died during WWI from disease than from bullets.
• The pandemic was not flu. An estimated 95% (or higher) of the deaths were caused by bacterial pneumonia, not influenza/a virus.
• The pandemic was not Spanish. The first cases of bacterial pneumonia in 1918 trace back to a military base in Fort Riley, Kansas.
• From January 21 – June 4, 1918, an experimental bacterial meningitis vaccine cultured in horses by the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York was injected into soldiers at Fort Riley.
• During the remainder of 1918 as those soldiers – often living and traveling under poor sanitary conditions – were sent to Europe to fight, they spread bacteria at every stop between Kansas and the frontline trenches in France.
• One study describes soldiers “with active infections (who) were aerosolizing the bacteria that colonized their noses and throats, while others—often, in the same “breathing spaces”—were profoundly susceptible to invasion of and rapid spread through their lungs by their own or others’ colonizing bacteria.” (1)
• The “Spanish Flu” attacked healthy people in their prime. Bacterial pneumonia attacks people in their prime. Flu attacks the young, old and immunocompromised.
• When WW1 ended on November 11, 1918, soldiers returned to their home countries and colonial outposts, spreading the killer bacterial pneumonia worldwide.
• During WW1, the Rockefeller Institute also sent the antimeningococcic serum to England, France, Belgium, Italy and other countries, helping spread the epidemic worldwide.
Read what the Kansas press says about the Fort Riley Kansas virus...aka the Spanish Flu. You couldn't make this shit up....but they did and now they are doing it again.....round and round the goldfish bowl.....
In 1918, the US Army forced the vaccination of 3,285,376 natives in the Philippines when no epidemic was brewing, only the sporadic cases of the usual mild nature. Of the vaccinated persons, 47,369 came down with small-pox, and of these 16,477 died. In 1919 the experiment was doubled. 7,670,252 natives were vaccinated. Of these 65,180 victims came down with small-pox, and 44,408 died. In the first experiment, one-third died, and in the second, two-thirds of the infected ones died. —– from Dr. William Koch’s book, The Survival Factor in Neoplastic and Viral Diseases.
Vaxx filth has been known to cause "autism" for years, yet the herd insists on poisoning their children by allowing hacks and witch doctors to shoot up their children with pharma poison like junkies because some gubermint demon says it is necessary. Most of the human livestock are not equipped to deal with reality let alone the truth. Like sheeple they cower and obey the psychopaths we call politicians. It's built in to the hive instinct and nothing we can do about it will ever change that stark reality. Save those that want to be saved and allow the rest to blissfully go the way of the dodo. In the end it is simple evolution.
Re: "death squirt." Good one. Yes.
"Beggar's belief"......
That the UK.Gov & NHS + Irish gov and medics still promote / offer the nano gene therapy, countermeasure, bioweapon, designed with intent to harm to those naive/gullible/foolish enough to play with taking highly dangerous experimental injects for minimum risk disease.
It is 'mind blowing' that in the UK over 8,000,000 people / human.2(?)
This was termed the information age, however those promoting and administering the bioweapon marketed as the Cov19 'vaccine', have NO excuse not to know that vials contain bioweapon concoctions.
These 'death jabs' cannot be promoted by anyone who has the slightest regard for the recipients health and wellbeing.
8 million people in England are still prepared to risk their lives by having another Covid injection
By Rhoda Wilson of The Exposé
Frances Leader------Nov 23, 2024
Thank you for your important work, Patrick. The mind can hardly encompass what’s going on. And the deafening silence.