Of course, there will be zero Irish deaths on Irish roads by 2050 if they achieve what they're really planning, which is zero Irish and zero cars.

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At this stage I’ve net zero tolerance for these fools. This article is exactly what I’m thinking every single time this ad comes on radio and was looking to see if there is a complaints department/regulator to call them out on their blatant misinformation. Zero deaths from “accidents” are just impossible because they’re accidents. A couple of other things I noticed Patrick which you didn’t mention was how many of these are suicides because a lot of these are single occupant cars going in a straight line. It begs the question. Also, I’ve been on the M50 more than I normally am during the last few weeks and noticed that congestion is being caused by these lunatics reducing the speed limits for no reason, telling people there’s congestion and when they drop the speed guess what there’s the congestion. So you’re right these acts are all deliberate for the reasons you mention by conditioning the masses for their plan in plain sight and no one can see it. Finally, look at the ads on TV now where kids are talking about death as if it’s normal and cancer ads by the truck load. More conditioning of the people to accept the harms caused by the jabs and normalise it. Though at these stage maybe they’re right in getting rid of the useless eaters and that’s not confined to the elderly. Great article as always.

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Also EVs are harder to control on turns.

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Didn't know that but my own 2022 petrol mild hybrid car has that lane control feature on it, and i have found at times that it can be very dangerous as it seems to pull the car across tge road. Also news reports never give the make of car involved in fatal accidents..

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If they don’t spontaneously combust first.

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Thank you Declan. You are correct about suicides etc as part of road fatalities. I came across a situation locally of wide stretch of straight road and a forty year old crashed into a gate pillar and killed. No other vehicle around. Suicide or heart attack are the most likely explanation. I believe you are correct about the conditioning for speed limits etc as the masks showed the sheep will lie down for any easy life.

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Thanks Patrick. It’s shocking that the media in this country is so compliant that these simple questions are not asked. Journalism by government narrative seems to be the order of the day and these NGOs can get away with anything they say without scrutiny. How many people in those statistics are suicides, someone walking out into traffic, someone falling of a bike into traffic. Basic stuff but like the Covid hoax everything lumped in together. As for the sheep they’re prime candidates for the Problem Reaction Solution method where they just love to be told what to think and do. If only we had more people like yourself and other great people who aren’t afraid to speak up we’d be living in a different environment. Sadly we don’t.

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How about, 'Zero tolerance for mass murderer's' ?


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Link is to a superb summary of the vax rollout by Mike Yeadon.

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Excellent article Patrick , funny and dead serious at the same time . Maybe we should appoint prof staines head of uncontrolled mass migration some of his tactics might work there.

well the plan is to ban us all off the road eventually but it also might be that they plan to eliminate all of us altogether and that would save the planet lol.

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Great article, Patrick. I completely agree with Declan. The constant misinformation and plain lies broadcast daily on RTE and in the papers gets more absurd as time goes on. It is pathetic really. I do my best to avoid all msm but sometimes I cannot help hearing something on the radio or see a headline in the papers and it makes me want to scream! The media are a bloody disgrace! We just have to believe that the truth will out. The truth will out.

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Thank you. The blatant misinformation serves two purposes (a) the demoralisation of those who still think ‘Official Ireland’ is on their side regardless of the carnage all round them and (b) to fcuk with the heads of those of us who know the truth. Don’t let them harness energy from your anger. Count to ten, ignore the nonsense and ready yourself.

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Brilliant writing patrick telling it like it is in your own no nonsense truthful and humorous kind of way

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Thank you Tommy, that’s very kind of you.

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Another issue that I am currently seeing are the number of deaths per family only weeks or months apart I'm currently aware of five families with two or three deaths within one year a search on rip shows similar results if you dig deep.

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Another great post Patrick, satire is a fantastic tool for breaking down bullshit. Their day is coming. Our common law court findings and rulings cuts through all the bullshit and will hold them accountable. Those in power and their buddies and corporate heads. Judgement day is coming.

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Thanks James. Yes the ‘wokies’ can’t understand humour, sarcasm or satire and that’s why it drives them nuts.

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BREAKING: New Research Implicates UK State in Policy of Mass-Euthanasia With Midazolam Using Covid Deaths as Cover

FEB 14, 2024


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Note > from Sept 2021....

Overwhelming Evidence of Midazolam Murders By Government Policy

Posted on 27th September 2021 by The Bernician


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At some point accountability for these crimes leads to court which can be tricky, complex, costly and drawn out.

One man, Michael O'Bernicia, is doing it in England and it's fair to say he's lay 'expert'.

The 'language' and focus is in this recording....


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Shocking Data: England Has Suffered ONE MILLION Covid Vaccine Deaths in Just Two Years

Alarming new official data from the UK government shows that England has suffered a staggering one million deaths from Covid mRNA vaccines in just two years.


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