Thank you Patrick. I can only imagine how distressing it is to do this analysis.

If your data won’t awaken them, perhaps photos of the clots embalmers are finding will help:


That is my latest post, but there are many other photos and even a video in the archives.

God bless us all in the new year. 🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you Laura. I read the latest report. Keep up God’s work.

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Has an Irish embalmer, funeral director, coroner, or pathologist spoken up? As far as I know it's only been Americans (Richard Hirschman, Anna Foster, Niky Rupright King, and pathologist Dr. Ryan Cole), John O'Looney in the UK, Brenton Faithfull in New Zealand, and Laura Jeffery in Canada, and German Dr. Arne Burkhardt. (Who am I missing?)

Readers here who are not familiar with Laura Kasner's work, check it out, it's very important. Photos not for the squeamish, however.

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None from Ireland. 😢

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Maybe someone from Ireland who could speak out on this issue is reading this. If so, I hope that you will consider speaking out.

If embalmers and others are seeing fibrinaloid clots in the UK, Canada, the US, New Zealand, and Germany, it stands to reason they are appearing in Ireland as well.

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John McGee imbalmer spoke out from the beginning no government official would listen even after he provided the physical evidence. The workload was substantial on John and his staff

A few more have come forward see James Conway YouTube he was given a sample of the physical evidence to show his audience it may have been removed by now.

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Excellent detailed analysis patrick as always on the true death statistics the real pandemic is happening now and for last few years caused by the so called vaccines (clotshots) but so many don't want to know they would sooner listen to them lying tramps in Rte and print media I will share this as always with a few mates who are awake also thank you again patrick for doing great work

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Tommy, thank you for your support and kind comments.

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James - do you have links for John or James?

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Thank you so much for this. I just finished listening to the whole thing. I'll do my best to get an excerpt transcribed as soon as possible.

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In reply to James Byrne: Thank you again for this link. I have now posted 2 excerpts, and of course with a link to that source video:


Embalmer John McGhee Talks About the White Clots to Off-Grid Ireland Podcast (Excerpts)

"The clots that are forming now are made of, not composed of blood. That's the thing. That's what's not common. And the consistency and the size. It's just like something that's never been experienced before."

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Laura, please see my reply to James Byrne, below. More next week on the Transcriber B Substack.

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Thanks so much for this, really appreciate it.

Do you know more or less when John Conway showed the vial on his YT channel? I wasn't able to find it.

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Thank you Transcriber. I will look up Laura Kasner and also Brenton Faithful - new names to me. I have not heard of any Irish reports of the colts.

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Brenton Faithfull interviewed at length by Liz Gunn:

"Whistleblowing Kiwi Funeral Director Brenton Faithfull"

FreeNZ, October 6, 2022


Transcript of excerpt: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/141396.html


Laura Kasner's blog is:


I transcribed 2 videos with her in them:

This is the most important one, a good intro:

"Interview - Thomas Haviland and Laura Kasner"

josesansone, posted September 4, 2023


Transcript part 1:


Transcript part 2:



In addition:

"Shocking! Ohio Attorney General Claims 'No Authority to Investigate' C19 Deaths and Injuries from C19 'vaccine' (AKA Bioweapon)"

joesansone, posted September 3, 2023


Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/97884.html

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Laura you absolutely correct regarding the showing of photos / images of these mainly synthetic clots that are growing in so many people's bodies.

I experienced a vidid example of this approach in a Pan European Anti Nuclear meeting in Strasbourg in the mid 1990's. About 10 of National representatives were selected to present a report to the Commissioner (Madam de Plasseau) around a table. She sat at head listening to each in turn, till the lady representing the Netherland's presented her with a folder with 20 plus A4 size photos of children born with terrible deformities

caused by radiation poisoning (some from 'depleted' uranium). She was unable to look a more than a handful of the images, turned white and silent and closed the portfolio. It made a profound impact on her, more than any words could, as it did for all of us who saw the record of the severely mutated children.

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A photo is worth a thousand words. 😢

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Happy New Year to you Patrick. Thanks for highlighting this and pardon my French… but fuck that’s a depressing read. You think the dam will break but blissful ignorance reigns. I’m convinced that the jabs are not only killing people but have quite literally melted their brains.

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A new report indicates that the immune system is attacking itself forcing the heart to absorb sugar never seen before the ct scans indicated a black heart unbelievable what's happening.

See my post regarding the spinal cord issues I have left a link to the full article.

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Those figures are crazy...something just isn't right. Remembering Sean South and Fergal O'Hanlon at this time of year (comrades of my late father). You saw great injustice being done to your fellow countrymen and women, Jim, and you had the bravery to do something about it. I miss you. RIP.

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Thank you so much Patrick for all you do in analyzing the data on RIP.ie.

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Thank you for doing this difficult and very necessary work. Will share.

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Well done Patrick, for sticking with this for so long. I commend you for your tenacity and for the excellent reporting you continue to provide. The numbers are shocking. A terrible wrong has been visited upon people, many of whom still trust their government. Thank you again for all you do.

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Thank you once again Patrick.

COVID-19 'Vaccination' Linked to a 141% Increased Risk of Transverse Myelitis Within 42 Days of Injection

New study identifies concerning safety signal for spinal cord inflammation across all COVID-19 vaccine platforms.


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“Send it to one person you know that went along with the Scamdemic but just might be copping on, and risk ‘the ridicule’ of their reaction.

This can be your contribution to the cause…,”

This is the power that we have, this is how we win. They want us in echo chambers, listening to pundits with various different aims: to propagate NWO-divide and rule that pump up superiority in the informed sector of society, or disdain for our compliant people; looking upwards continuously to pundits for opinions on our own people and our own society, or to experts for insights on that which we lived at witnessed ourselves. They want us self-satisfied and isolated in chummy groups of informed who love to look upwards to new-establishment wannabes and avoid dealing with the brutal brainwashing and carnage everywhere on the ground. This is the super-slick psychological warfare. And all we have to do is send this to one other person. This is how we love the world.

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Thank you, Patrick again for this valuable testament of the democide. Have you any thoughts on the takeover of RIP.ie by the Irish Slimes? I think I heard someone say that they might introduce a subscription service and that this would inevitably skew the data accrued. However is 20,000+ dead not enough evidence to make our case? Apart from the dead we have probably tenfold or more injured. I recently read a piece by A Midwestern Doctor who was in conversation with Dr Pierre Kory about non mainstream approaches to cancer and he included a graph that showed increase in use of chemotherapy drugs by 100% since 2021 and a rise of similar magnitude in immunosuppressive therapies. Both associated disease areas; cancer and auto immune disease have skyrocketed since jabs rolled out. The other big area not represented by similar increase in drug expenditure is cardiac and vascular disease except that is for anti clotting drugs that have sky rocketed in use since '21. In this area you have more sudden deaths but also more technological interventions like stents, bypasses and pacemakers. Carnage on a mind numbing scale that most people are unwilling to face.

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Thanks Pat. I hope to give my thoughts on the Irish Times takeover of rip.ie over the next week.

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Another scamdemic is brewing now, H5N1 or the new Chinese BS virus written about in the bought and paid for media. Whatever it is it will be lab created and intentionally released, just like Covid. Another miracle vaccine will follow in mere months this time. Medicalised murder by ventilators and Midazolam will heighten the fear, and then the sheeple will again queue up for their solution to their invented crisis (more mRNA “vaccines”). Lambs to the slaughter.

Another excellent article, a lot of these road deaths are likely to be caused by the vaccines, the sudden deaths behind the wheel also endanger pedestrians- this is likely to be viewed as a bonus by the sick bastards who enacted these crimes.

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The so-called United States is a rotten cesspool that has bred and continues to spawn some of the most evil filth ever to go by the name of homo sapiens. The only way to stop the sickening virUS is to apparently crush the United Snakes militarily, round up these disgustingly wealthy globo demon "philantropists" and send them poste-haste back to the hell they obviously escaped from. It is no wonder that Natostan's toxic ZionaZi rump Ukraine thugs, in cahoots obviously with Al CIAduh, organized the murder of Russian bioweapon expert, General Kirillov, who had been tirelessly informing the world of these monsters and their chain of bioweapons laboratories around the world before his death. Humanity can no longer afford to tolerate the evil that percoaltes in the Washing town sewer and the exorbitant privilege of the moneyed monsters that have been given free reign over the rest of us simply because they are globally organized criminal thugs that have bribed and blackmailed every second rate idiot politician in the "rules based" Western mental asylum. We can only pray that with the destruction of the fascist regime in rump Ukraine that a defeated and bankrrupt Natostan itself will cause the collapse of the evil EUSSR and render the mob in Washing town powerless to pursue their debauched angloZionaZi jihad against humanity.

The minions of the beast are all around us, yet few see them for what they are.

Political Ponerology: A Science of Evil Applied for Political Purposes



The Psychology and Neurobiology of Violence

by Lloyd deMause


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Anyone with a shred of critical thinking would realize and ask themselves 1 simple questions, how are the excess deaths since 2020 higher now ? Should it not be the complete opposite.

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Meanwhile Kill Bill gates of hell, the evil, insane Microshit goblin is at it again. As he has often stated, "This time they will take it seriously."

$atan in a suit... Kill Bill gates of hell, a demonic entity possessed

Mosquitoes inject human test subjects with parasite in study at Bill Gates-linked center

Joseph MacKinnon

December 30, 2024


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Now I just call it the Death Needle.

The legacy media lies down for money.

They are ...


5 A man that flattereth his neighbour spreadeth a net for his feet.

Proverbs 29

God Bless

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The jabbed just don’t want to know about the truth of the vaccine genocide. They must all know subconsciously already by now. Where all this goes or how it ends is going to be revealed eventually. The shaping of the totalitarian system may not allow a do not comply response, unfortunately it’s all too easy to see them push a comply or die or comply or get locked up approach next time. Many in the UK are in jail for social media posts. We have Enoch here and the wider public are far from outraged.

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