Your forensic analysis of the RIP.IE data has the establishment rattled. So your data source had to be shut off. The truth will out tho, in no small part due to your determination and skill. Maith Thú..
Superb analysis as always Patrick. When I saw who had bought it I immediately came to the same conclusion as you did and then when they announced the €100 fee that was the confirmation of what I thought. Unfortunately for them the last 4 years data is there and great people like yourself and the other excess death analysts have the smoking gun. They can do all in their power to shut the truth down but that will prevail in the end despite them and because of you. Be proud of your work because a lot of people including myself are and it’s an honour to know you.
The people that ran the website must have got an offer they should have refused, but didn't. Maybe those so called racist traveller comments were put there deliberately to cause problems and make the buy out more attractive? If not, shame on them for their greed and loss of a unique free to bereaved family service to the Irish people.
Time to dig out who owned it , still cant get over the (rebel) shinners knowing and complicit in the mass murder of their own people , makes you wonder were they puppets all along , i for one am scared of the day that this is actually confirmed , the population is living in a fools paradise the Tavistock Institute have cracked how to mentally break us/them .
From the 'Old Lady of D’Olier Street’ to ‘Woke Ladyboy of Tara Street’. Spot on Patrick! And to think I used be proud to write for 'em (back in the last century). I'd say your forensic work rattled the cage there, hence buying a no brainer from their POV ....methinks it's too late now though, hope so. And on behalf of many, thank you for all you've been doing x
The unawakened people of Ireland will really only open their eyes when at least one in every family is injured or dead from these injections .. it's only the fools that don't hear the amount of ambulances and funerals around them or those burying their heads in the sand! As Ed Dowd said you can't hide the bodies ! I was in hairdressers and it's a gauge of the normies..unreal what they are concerned about..oasis tickets, marathon running, boyfriends, dieting, oh yeah and reincarnation and dont have any faith in God ! These women are in their late 30s sad 😔 they probably never even heard of RIP ! I think we need to now look for a whistleblower embalmer in Ireland..thanks for your great work Patrick GOD bless you 🙏
Collette thank you for kind comment and prayers. I feel for these people while at times am angry. Many have been duped, injured an humiliated and are struggling while others are happy with the “bread and circus” life.
I often feel so angry especially with my parents who are literally in bits from these injections..long story..I feel I can't even or want to go out to society anymore knowing what I now know and how long it's taking for people to wake up. I see a large proportion of humans as selfish, egotistical and literally dopey like dumbed down, probably the fluoride in water. I pray the Rosary everyday for humanity 🙏
“ I used to be so angry about how people could not see what was staring them in the face, but I have given up on some level, in trying to bring the horses to water. Now I live my own life, quietly doing what I think is best for me. I do not succumb to fear, no matter how it is wrapped up... People like me can be seen as a threat as I cannot be controlled or manipulated. However I do try to see the divine light in everyone and the part they are playing in this game of life and I aim to live from my heart” ..Collette, this is a magnificent quote from a Substack reader I received after publishing this article. It might resonate with you. 🙏
They are still pushing it on people my auntie is in recovery after major heart surgery from the first 3 shots this time last year. I could not believe that the doctor in the hospital recommended the 4th shot just before Christmas and yes she took it and ended back in hospital with fluid around the heart.
I posted about embalmer John mcghee he came forward years ago i think he contacted the department of health with regards to the colts as soon as he started to see the evidence emerge with no success. he did a few interviews shortly afterwards to try an get the message out.
James thanks for posting that link re John McGhee I will make it available as part of my next article for all subscribers. It’s important to hear an Irish voice speak on these matters.
It will be interesting to see whether the numbers of notices on RIP do decline. In terms of cost for funeral it’s not a huge additional cost?
But I’m sure it will affect the numbers and will make it difficult to track accurately what’s unfolding. Clearly the establishment want to muddy the waters and distract from the real evidence. It’s incredible how they have ignored it all🤮
But your work has been superb and undoubtedly they want to make it impossible for you to continue.
We’re living in a total clown world now and anything can happen including financial collapse, food shortages etc and the majority don’t want to wake up!
But I see many younger people now know it’s all wrong and they will wake up faster than middle aged and older who seem frightened.
“It’s all a spiritual war for our souls!” I see that now Paddy, I didn’t when this started. The blatant evil in the world forced me to recognise the Good/God that confronts it. 🙏
Hosting a website + domain ought not to cost more than €100 a year. €100 per notice for 3-4,000 deaths is easily 300,000-400,000 a year. Not only would it be easy to outcompete the Irish Times ripoff nonsense on price, but I strongly suspect one could provide a better overall service.
Have we reached the end of the road? will it be impossible to keep an accurate instant track of the death statistics now Patrick. They had to shoot the messenger!
Hi Finn. We will see how things go. Use will drop but if deaths are still up that would be significant in itself if not comparable to previous years. Anyone who wants can see the truth.
This is the line in the sand now. It’s possible that the NWO-regime is planning an amnesty of sorts for the C-19 quota-genocide. Everything and everyone ever mentioned in MSM is a strategically positioned cog in the wheel of the super-slick propaganda and war machine.
They are always 3 steps ahead of us. We feed them all the data they need to map our unconscious landscape and design or position policies/events/personas to capture and steer our deepest urges, desires and hopes.
There is a huge shift in consciousness openly expressing itself, almost gently, on the ground now, independently of anyone or anything of the earnestly informed or captured fightback. This is a thing of beauty, and I’ve seen it breathed gracefully into ordinary conversations.
Having read through the comments on the article about the state launching its own death notice website i dont have much hope of a great awakening .people were largely delighted that it would happen and mocked so called anti vax from reading the death notices and realising the numbers were soaring.the faith in the state is still largely there it seems
“Under the provisions of the Bill, deaths will be electronically notified to the General Register Office within 5 working days from the date of death…”
This will ensure timely registration of death occurrences within the state. GRO should have even more accurate data than currently available via public death notices.
Problem now is how we can see the signal when they start killing again, there will only be the official lies. And they will kill again, anything from the continued fall out of the injected slow acting poison in the convid-19 jabs to all out culling as per the Deagle forecasts. That’ll really get the sheeple shitting bricks and into line for the miracle vaccines that they’ll create in 100 days. The sheeple pretty much all queued up for their suicide shots when nobody was actually dying from convid, imagine the panic as people are literally dropping like flies (as will be the case according to Deagle and Kill Bill’s prediction that the next pandemic will really get people’s attention, said with a dupers delight smirk). There were indeed many medical murders in Convid’s fake peak, with midazolam, remdisivir and needless ventilation. Remember the trucks “full of bodies” in Italy (but funnily enough the same didn’t happen anywhere else 🤔). Their scamming was epic.
Ask AI about Deagle depopulation predictions (plans) for 2025, all NATO aligned countries to see up to 70% of their people disappear. Maybe a psyop but maybe not given the crimes and “cunning” coverups we’ve witnessed. Their cunning fools nobody, but we are in an echo chamber here and our warnings are falling on deaf ears of those who don’t want to know.
You’ve recorded it all for posterity Patrick, but these psychopaths will likely wipe history as part of the satanic “great reset” 6uild 6ack 6etter NWO Malthusian plan. And the danger is real and I believe immediate - their crimes are exposed and they are desperate to cover their tracks.
Your forensic analysis of the RIP.IE data has the establishment rattled. So your data source had to be shut off. The truth will out tho, in no small part due to your determination and skill. Maith Thú..
Thank you Anne. As you say, the truth will out.
Superb analysis as always Patrick. When I saw who had bought it I immediately came to the same conclusion as you did and then when they announced the €100 fee that was the confirmation of what I thought. Unfortunately for them the last 4 years data is there and great people like yourself and the other excess death analysts have the smoking gun. They can do all in their power to shut the truth down but that will prevail in the end despite them and because of you. Be proud of your work because a lot of people including myself are and it’s an honour to know you.
Thank you Declan. Hope you are keeping well. I’m sure we will meet up again. 🙏
Thanks Patrick. All good here and hope you and the family are as well. I’m sure we will and as you know you always welcome with WakeUpEire.
The people that ran the website must have got an offer they should have refused, but didn't. Maybe those so called racist traveller comments were put there deliberately to cause problems and make the buy out more attractive? If not, shame on them for their greed and loss of a unique free to bereaved family service to the Irish people.
Time to dig out who owned it , still cant get over the (rebel) shinners knowing and complicit in the mass murder of their own people , makes you wonder were they puppets all along , i for one am scared of the day that this is actually confirmed , the population is living in a fools paradise the Tavistock Institute have cracked how to mentally break us/them .
Sharia Fein are 100% compromised and have been for a loonng time. Conservative guess is since mid-1970s
This is unbelievable. They really are a shower of shitehawks
From the 'Old Lady of D’Olier Street’ to ‘Woke Ladyboy of Tara Street’. Spot on Patrick! And to think I used be proud to write for 'em (back in the last century). I'd say your forensic work rattled the cage there, hence buying a no brainer from their POV ....methinks it's too late now though, hope so. And on behalf of many, thank you for all you've been doing x
Thank you Jeananne Really enjoyed our chats at Tuatha. We will plough on as best we can with the truth. 🙏
If they had their way they would have it gone completely as they dont want people looking at the deaths that are happening 🙏
Thank you sir for all you do.
Elizabeth, thank you for your kind comment. Best wishes.
The unawakened people of Ireland will really only open their eyes when at least one in every family is injured or dead from these injections .. it's only the fools that don't hear the amount of ambulances and funerals around them or those burying their heads in the sand! As Ed Dowd said you can't hide the bodies ! I was in hairdressers and it's a gauge of the normies..unreal what they are concerned about..oasis tickets, marathon running, boyfriends, dieting, oh yeah and reincarnation and dont have any faith in God ! These women are in their late 30s sad 😔 they probably never even heard of RIP ! I think we need to now look for a whistleblower embalmer in Ireland..thanks for your great work Patrick GOD bless you 🙏
Collette thank you for kind comment and prayers. I feel for these people while at times am angry. Many have been duped, injured an humiliated and are struggling while others are happy with the “bread and circus” life.
I often feel so angry especially with my parents who are literally in bits from these injections..long story..I feel I can't even or want to go out to society anymore knowing what I now know and how long it's taking for people to wake up. I see a large proportion of humans as selfish, egotistical and literally dopey like dumbed down, probably the fluoride in water. I pray the Rosary everyday for humanity 🙏
“ I used to be so angry about how people could not see what was staring them in the face, but I have given up on some level, in trying to bring the horses to water. Now I live my own life, quietly doing what I think is best for me. I do not succumb to fear, no matter how it is wrapped up... People like me can be seen as a threat as I cannot be controlled or manipulated. However I do try to see the divine light in everyone and the part they are playing in this game of life and I aim to live from my heart” ..Collette, this is a magnificent quote from a Substack reader I received after publishing this article. It might resonate with you. 🙏
They are still pushing it on people my auntie is in recovery after major heart surgery from the first 3 shots this time last year. I could not believe that the doctor in the hospital recommended the 4th shot just before Christmas and yes she took it and ended back in hospital with fluid around the heart.
I posted about embalmer John mcghee he came forward years ago i think he contacted the department of health with regards to the colts as soon as he started to see the evidence emerge with no success. he did a few interviews shortly afterwards to try an get the message out.
James thanks for posting that link re John McGhee I will make it available as part of my next article for all subscribers. It’s important to hear an Irish voice speak on these matters.
Thanks so much I'll look that up 🥰
It will be interesting to see whether the numbers of notices on RIP do decline. In terms of cost for funeral it’s not a huge additional cost?
But I’m sure it will affect the numbers and will make it difficult to track accurately what’s unfolding. Clearly the establishment want to muddy the waters and distract from the real evidence. It’s incredible how they have ignored it all🤮
But your work has been superb and undoubtedly they want to make it impossible for you to continue.
We’re living in a total clown world now and anything can happen including financial collapse, food shortages etc and the majority don’t want to wake up!
But I see many younger people now know it’s all wrong and they will wake up faster than middle aged and older who seem frightened.
It’s all a spiritual war for our souls!
“It’s all a spiritual war for our souls!” I see that now Paddy, I didn’t when this started. The blatant evil in the world forced me to recognise the Good/God that confronts it. 🙏
Hosting a website + domain ought not to cost more than €100 a year. €100 per notice for 3-4,000 deaths is easily 300,000-400,000 a year. Not only would it be easy to outcompete the Irish Times ripoff nonsense on price, but I strongly suspect one could provide a better overall service.
Have we reached the end of the road? will it be impossible to keep an accurate instant track of the death statistics now Patrick. They had to shoot the messenger!
Hi Finn. We will see how things go. Use will drop but if deaths are still up that would be significant in itself if not comparable to previous years. Anyone who wants can see the truth.
This is the line in the sand now. It’s possible that the NWO-regime is planning an amnesty of sorts for the C-19 quota-genocide. Everything and everyone ever mentioned in MSM is a strategically positioned cog in the wheel of the super-slick propaganda and war machine.
They are always 3 steps ahead of us. We feed them all the data they need to map our unconscious landscape and design or position policies/events/personas to capture and steer our deepest urges, desires and hopes.
There is a huge shift in consciousness openly expressing itself, almost gently, on the ground now, independently of anyone or anything of the earnestly informed or captured fightback. This is a thing of beauty, and I’ve seen it breathed gracefully into ordinary conversations.
Well done on the work, Patrick. It will not be in vain.
Having read through the comments on the article about the state launching its own death notice website i dont have much hope of a great awakening .people were largely delighted that it would happen and mocked so called anti vax from reading the death notices and realising the numbers were soaring.the faith in the state is still largely there it seems
New Civil Registration Bill 2024
“Under the provisions of the Bill, deaths will be electronically notified to the General Register Office within 5 working days from the date of death…”
This will ensure timely registration of death occurrences within the state. GRO should have even more accurate data than currently available via public death notices.
Problem now is how we can see the signal when they start killing again, there will only be the official lies. And they will kill again, anything from the continued fall out of the injected slow acting poison in the convid-19 jabs to all out culling as per the Deagle forecasts. That’ll really get the sheeple shitting bricks and into line for the miracle vaccines that they’ll create in 100 days. The sheeple pretty much all queued up for their suicide shots when nobody was actually dying from convid, imagine the panic as people are literally dropping like flies (as will be the case according to Deagle and Kill Bill’s prediction that the next pandemic will really get people’s attention, said with a dupers delight smirk). There were indeed many medical murders in Convid’s fake peak, with midazolam, remdisivir and needless ventilation. Remember the trucks “full of bodies” in Italy (but funnily enough the same didn’t happen anywhere else 🤔). Their scamming was epic.
Ask AI about Deagle depopulation predictions (plans) for 2025, all NATO aligned countries to see up to 70% of their people disappear. Maybe a psyop but maybe not given the crimes and “cunning” coverups we’ve witnessed. Their cunning fools nobody, but we are in an echo chamber here and our warnings are falling on deaf ears of those who don’t want to know.
You’ve recorded it all for posterity Patrick, but these psychopaths will likely wipe history as part of the satanic “great reset” 6uild 6ack 6etter NWO Malthusian plan. And the danger is real and I believe immediate - their crimes are exposed and they are desperate to cover their tracks.