Mar 8Liked by Patrick E Walsh

First of all condolences to that woman’s family.

Secondly Patrick I wouldn’t say it’s a case of the Mirror going rogue more a case of it being used as a slow release pressure valve for all the people coming to the same conclusion most of the people reading this Substack came to three years ago.

Ditto for the compensation scheme. A tacit agreement by government that ‘yes we fed you poison but not to worry here’s a few quid… now please shut up’.

Meanwhile deaths stack up and birth rates plummet but they’ll doctor the figures and distract us with war (see Europe’s sabre rattling with a Russian ground invasion…).

As for that poor woman I reckon she received AZ or Pfizer… I don’t think Moderna was widely available in the EU at that time. As mentioned in previous replies my aunt in California died of a heart attack hours after her second dose of Moderna. From what I understand more adverse reactions from Moderna have been reported as it has a higher concentration of some ingredients as the others (the name of those ingredients escapes me right now although it could be the concentration of MRNA? I am open to correction on that point).

Thanks again Patrick you’re a shining light in this darkness.

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AJ, thank you again for your kind comments. I have found out since the brand of vax was not mentioned at inquest but someone I know is going to try to find out. Yes I don’t doubt your point about venting. The MSM are just tools in this whole operation. Let’s hope today will bring news of a NO/NO vote and the boost to morale that would give.

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Mar 12Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Agree...they are as you aptly stated releasing a valve to see if the public are going to notice or remain in their silent slumber.

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Mar 8·edited Mar 8Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Hello, Patrick, thanks for reporting. If you haven't already seen it, I think you might find this of interest:


Jim Ferguson

( at) JimFergusonUK, Jan 19, 2024





TRANSCRIBER'S NOTE: My focus is on making transcripts of censored and shadow-banned videos from 2021-2023, however, I make some exceptions, as in this case, for Dr. Chris Shoemaker. Dr. Chris Shoemaker blogs at https://cshoemakermd.substack.com/


JIM FERGUSON: There appears to be some information coming to light about hearts working harder after having had two vaccinations. Is that correct?


DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: That's absolutely correct. From a September 2023 study published September, that is, just four months ago, and its lead scientist was Dr. Nakahara from Tokyo, Japan.[1] There were also lead scientists out of, one of South America, one from Houston, Texas and the fourth [inaudible]. So four major study centers participated in this in terms of finding whether asymptomatic people actually, and without myocarditis, was there any evidence that their heart was straining any harder in the vaccinated than the nonvaccinated. And it was found by Dr. Nakakahara, Dr. Nakahara, my apologies, Dr. Nakahara and others, that there was a, not just a 5%, 10%, maybe 12% elevation in heart effort, it's a 47%, virtually 50% increased effort going on in the cardiac cells of vaccinated people compared to unvaccinated. And they found that this elevation persisted for a full 6 months.

The reason we can count on this study as having validity is that they took 5,000 patients worldwide and they meticulously deleted and made sure that if there was any chance of something being driven that was in any way incorrect— Anyway, they brought it down to a 1,000 patients, 700 who were doubly-vaxxed and 300 who were nonvaxxed, and they were meticulous in the study, meticulous in finding whether there was a legitimate elevation or or not.

And it was proven with a P-value, and the scientists out there will know, a P-value[2] of .001 or less. This was meticulous in showing a P-value of certainty that this elevation of 47% cardiac effort was confirmed in the vaxxed. And the unvaxxed had no elevation in cardiac effort for the next 6 months.

We now know the reason that people, whether it be 6 months or 7 months or 12 months after the shot, are dying suddenly. There's a scientific reason now proven by Dr. Nakahara and others and I invite our very careful observers to go to the study which I know you will put on your website.


JIM FERGUSON: Yeah, absolutely, I will. And I think it's very, very important that people who are listening to this can actually see that that scientific data is, it's factual, it's real, it's not conjecture. We're not making it up as we go along, as it were—


JIM FERGUSON: — this is scientific, peer-reviewed with proper data, and that is shocking to think that people's hearts are working 50%, almost 50% harder in the vaccinated as opposed to those who didn't take any of the mRNA covid vaccinations. And, you know, I still, I still, I still hesitate when I call them vaccinations, doctor, because they're not really proper vaccinations, are they? They're gene therapies, aren't they?

DR. CHRIS SHOEMAKER: Gene therapy is the most accurate description. In fact, DARPA[3] and the military, which manufactured this on behalf of Pfizer and Moderna, they specifically in their paperwork do not call it a vaccine. Specifically in their paperwork, call it a military countermeasure, and it's because of that that they didn't have to be as meticulous about how much DNA sludge also got into the jab. And because there's DNA now proven to be in the shots[4]—

And we were advised, the whole world was advised for a whole two years, oh, there can't possibly be DNA, this is an RNA vaccine everybody! Please relax, there can't possibly be anything of a DNA functionality.

Sorry folks. 33% by weight, 33% of by weight of the genetic material which was put into our shoulders is DNA. It's not, shall we say, continuous DNA, it's what's called a plasmid contained elements of DNA. But these plasmid contained elements of DNA mean that the DNA form of it can last for basically a lifetime inside you. For virtually a lifetime, the body can keep responding to the fact that these DNA plasmids have gone to our brain, or gone to our heart or gone to other organs, and that's why the possibility of shedding for a long, long time exists.



#   #   #


[1] Assessment of Myocardial 18F-FDG Uptake at PET/CT in Asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2–vaccinated and Nonvaccinated Patients

Takehiro Nakahara, Yu Iwabuchi, Raita Miyazawa, Kai Tonda, Tohru Shiga, H. William Strauss, Charalambos Antoniades, Jagat Narula, Masahiro Jinzaki

Published Online:Sep 19 2023https://doi.org/10.1148/radiol.230743


[2] For a basic introduction to P-values and significance tests, see:


[3] DARPA is the US government's Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency


[4] See Dr. Philip Buckhaults testimony

SC Senate Hearing - USC Professor Dr. Phillip Buckhaults

SC 4 FREEDOM, posted September 13, 2023


Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/105739.html

See also:

Dr. Janci Lindsay testimony

SC Senate Hearing - Dr. Janci Lindsay

SC 4 FREEDOM, posted September 16, 2023


Transcript: https://transcriberb.dreamwidth.org/106401.html

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I watched the Ferguson / Shoemaker video previously and it’s one the best I have seen in recent years.

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Mar 8Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Great work Patrick as usual. Did Gemma get in trouble for doing something similar? They're persecuting her, a journalist, for reporting or questioning something that was public information anyway. There seems to be a release of information and all the controlled op like Dr Nurse John Campbell and Andrew Bridgen are letting out bits

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Mar 8Liked by Patrick E Walsh

As an aside, though related; here's another recent case of an even younger Irish woman, dying suddenly. I don't know what her age was exactly, because the mainstream media outlets are not publishing that.

Ella O'Neill - died March 1st 2024 - a young, athletic woman:



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A young healthy woman. One of many over the last few years and all the MSM do is quote from Facebook pages etc instead of asking WHY? MSM are frontline enemy troops who will find out soon enough they are expendable in this war for truth. Trust in them is broken so they are of no further use.

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That's true.

Mainstream media are little more than the propaganda arm of every government.


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Mar 12Liked by Patrick E Walsh

So if " serotonin syndrome " was as they stated highly unlikely perhaps they should have looked at the glaringly obvious fact that this poor girl had taken the experimental 3 days prior.

It's as if they want to blame everything but the experimental.

God have mercy on her and her misfortunate family🙏🙏

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Mar 9Liked by Patrick E Walsh

Thanks for highlighting this story Patrick. You make excellent points. The contrast between your well thought out and researched piece and what passes for journalism in the newspapers is pretty stark. The whitewash continue.

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Thanks David. I have found out since from a former courts reporter that they are strictly limited to reporting what happened without commenting on what didn’t and what should have. In light of that what’s surprising about the ‘Irish Mirror’ article is that it is in print at all and that reference to the Vax damage link was left in. It seems the truth is being drip fed.

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Hmmm interesting

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